Members' Directory

Current Members

No. Name Designation Date of Joining Branch Establishment Expertise Details View
3 Air Cmde (Retd) MLN Rao Air Cmde - bangalore ADE Aeronautics Armament.
4 Mr K Srinivasa Chief Executive - bangalore CEMILAC Airworthiness Certification
5 Mr K Kumar Scientist 'F' - bangalore LRDE Avionics, Electronic Instrumentation test System, Special Purpose Process & ASIC,
7 Mr R Raghunathan Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE System Integration, Technical Documentation, Project Management, Training.
8 Mr V Desikan Scientist 'F' - bangalore DARE Test & Evaluation facilities for EW system , EMI / EMC, Tele - Command, Project Management, Requirement Management, Knowledge Management, Quality ISO.
9 Mr CGS Sharma Scientist 'G' - bangalore DEBEL Radar, Electro - Optics, Avionics, Life Support System, Solid State Local Oscillation for Radar, Laser Designation & Laser Guided Bomb, Ground Station for Aerial Targets & RPVs.
12 Capt Dr Trilok Kumar Vashist Captain (IN) - bangalore CABS CFD Thermal Management System, Heat Transfer Mechanical System, Air borne Equipment System, Specifications and testing, Aero Engines Systems Aerodynamic and thermal analyses, Technical Project Management
13 Mr SK Yaji Scientist 'E' - bangalore CEMILAC Design, development, testing , integration , technical liaison and Airworthiness evaluation activities pertaining to Electrical, Avionics & Cockpit / Flight Instrumentation System pertaining to Helicopter and Aircraft.
14 Mr SR Subba Rao Scientist 'F' - bangalore ADE Development of Embedded Computing System - Software and Simulation, Development of Flight Simulators for Ajit & Kiran A/C, Development of Flight Control System Software for LCA
15 Mr S Kalyanasundaram Scientist 'F' 01/07/2003 bangalore CAIR Switching System Development, Embedded System Software Development, Management of Large Application Software Development IV & V, Software Process Engineering.
16 Mr K Venkatesan Scientist 'F' - bangalore LRDE Hardware Quality Assurance of Electronics and Avionics Sub Systems.
17 Mr SP Annamalai Scientist 'G' - bangalore CEMILAC Military Certification of Aircraft / System / Equipments, Specialized in Certification of Hydraulic System, Landing Gear System, Flight Control Actuators, Flight Clearance of LCA Tech, Design conformance Certification for ADE LAKSHYA PTA.
18 Mr TN Seetharamu Scientist 'E' - bangalore GTRE MMD (Stores) & Admin Section / Division of GTRE.
19 Mr SP Pillai Scientist 'G' - bangalore NPOL Digital Signal Processing, System Design, Sonar System, Array Processing, Sonar APSOH, Panchendrya, HUMSA VASUKI, Projects.
20 Mr VG Rao Scientist 'G' - bangalore LRDE Military Communication Network, Digital Network, Digital Transmission over Radio, Cable, Satellite, Digital/ATM Switching System, ATM/Packet Network for Voice Data, Digital Wireless, Network Security, Software for Communication, Communication & Control Co
21 Mr R Padmanabhan Scientist 'G' - bangalore GTRE Engine Structural & Vibration Analysis, Project Management, HRD Technical Writing / Reporting Resource Management, Design & Development of Aero Engine.
22 Mr MS Viswanathan Scientist 'G' - bangalore LRDE Communication, Networking, Computers, Network Management, Communication Software, Three Electronic Exchange Produced: SWITEL, TIDEX, ULSB, Conceptual Design of AES, Project Proposal ACCCS, NMS, and Integration Switching System based on ISDN.
23 Dr C Madhavan Scientist 'F' - bangalore NPOL Sonar Transducer Development, Radar absorbing Material
26 GP Capt SV Ashok Gp Capt - bangalore DARE Project planning of implementation, Vender development, Financial management has been handling similar tasks in both IAF & DRDO
27 Mr Kodi Ramesh Scientist 'D' - bangalore LRDE Digital Aero log RF Integrated 3G, WLAN & Software modem Development.
28 Dr AK Subramanian Scientist 'G' - bangalore LRDE Radar System, RF Techniques, Antennas, Microwaves, Phased, Arrays, EMI/EMC, Antenna Test Sites, Anechoic Chambers, Aerospace Electronics
29 Surg Cdr Prakash P Bellubbi, VSM Surg Cdr - bangalore DEBEL Marine & Hyperbaric Medicine, Submarine escape & Survival Driving equipments closed eco - system, Driving bells, Recompression Chambers, Hyper bane Oxygen Therapy
30 Air Cmde MV Mohan Rao Air Cmde - bangalore GTRE Aircraft accident investigation, Technical Administration and Trade Testing of Airmen for Promotion, Conversion of Avon Engine test bed for testing ADOUR at Air Force Station Kanpur, Feasibility Study of Conversion of Aero Gas Turbine for Industrial and M
31 Mr V Unnikrishnan Scientist 'F' - bangalore CEMILAC Design Evaluation and Airworthiness Assurance of Propulsion System, Engines and other Mechanical System.
32 Mr TR Satishchandra Scientist 'E' - bangalore ADE Assembling of missile target, PAT, NISHANT & LALSHYA Airframe, Quality Assurance.
33 Mr M Madhuranath Scientist 'F' - bangalore ADE Flight Simulation & Various Electronics & Electrical Project for Industry in UK, Small Engines for Missiles & UAVs
34 Mr LR Nagamoorthy Scientist 'F' - bangalore ADE Digital Fly-By-Wire SW, Independent V & V, SW Test & Evaluation, Micro Processor Based Training, HW/SW Integration Simulator for Ajeet and FCS for LCA
36 Mr PS Subramanian Scientist 'G' - bangalore GTRE Design & Testing of Kaveri Engines Turbines, Steam & Gas Turbines.
38 Mr M Narayanaswamy Scientist 'E' - bangalore LRDE High Power Radar Transmitter, High Voltage Power Supply, Radar Modulation & Control System, Indira Class of Radar Transmitter, Vajra Class of Radar Transmitter.
39 Mr J Prasad Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADA Planning, Organization & Co- ordination with Supporting disciplines of Technology, Subcontractors & International Collaborators in the Areas, Test Evaluation & acceptance of inward Aeronautical materials, Test & Evaluation of Materials (Metallic & Composi
40 Mr PK Jain Scientist 'G' - bangalore LRDE Specification Plan, Certification of Components for Airborne & Other Area, Lead Assessor for NABL (Dept of Sci & Tech) Accreditation of ISO 9001, Accreditation - Consultancy etc, JSS, Report on CODE Programme, COTS etc
49 Lt Gen (Retd) RVN Kadambi CC R&D - bangalore DRDO HQ Structural Engineering using new Mathematical and Aluminium adoption of Military for Civil use, High Attitude equipment & Composite, Developed items for adopting Civil Application
50 Mr Syed Aga Jan Scientist 'G' - bangalore GTRE Design & Development of Combustion Chambers for Aero Engines, Marine application, Heat Transfer, Ignition, Airworthiness etc, Kaveri Engine Combustor Development, Reheat system and Blade Heat Transfer etc.
51 Mr K Ankaiyan Scientist 'G' - bangalore GTRE Design, Development and Project Management of Gas Turbines for Aero, Marine & Industrial application Setting up Commissioning of State - of - Art test Facilities for testing Gas Turbines Engine and Components Experienced in System Engineering Projects.
52 Mr G Sankaranarayanan Scientist 'E' - bangalore CVRDE Design, Development & Testing of Fire Control and Vision equipment for fighting Vehicles, Trials and Evaluation of Weapon System of Fighting Vehicles.
53 Mrs K Padmavathamma Scientist 'E' - bangalore ADE Software Development
54 Mr N Krishnamurthy Scientist 'E' - bangalore ADE HUD development (HW/SM), SQA Lead in LCA on board S/W development.
56 Mr S Ramanujam Scientist 'G' - bangalore CVRDE Production of Combat Vehicle, Accuracy and calibration studies in Arjun and Leading to its acceptance, Modelling of HEAT warhead and code development.
57 Mrs N Leela Scientist 'F' - bangalore GTRE Weight and Life Analysis of Aero Engine Components.
59 Mr IM Rao Scientist 'C' - hyderabad LRDE Technical, Projects and Production Management in Hardware & Software of Electronics
61 Mr HRS Sastry Scientist 'G' - bangalore NPOL Sonar Transducer Technology Under Water Electro - acoustic Measurements, Established Core Competence in the Critical Area of Sonar Transducer Technology.
64 AVM (Retd) Lamba Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADA Flight Testing, Training of Test Pilots, Project Management.
65 Brig (Retd) George Timothy Head of D&D - bangalore CVRDE Innovation Contribution in Vehicle Technology - particularly Armoured Vehicles, Feasibility Report Arjun Main Battle Tank, Design & Development.
66 Mr KN Krishna Moorthy Director - bangalore ADRDE Type & Development Clearance of Combat Aircraft & System, Weapon System Evaluation through Simulation Models, Comparative Performance Evaluation of Weapon System using Simulation Models, Design & Development of Parachutes and Allied Systems, Monitoring an
67 Mr Bhola Mandal Scientist 'F' - bangalore CVRDE Design & Development of drive line Components & Infrastructure & Test facility for testing engine, Transmission, Suspension, Wheels, Mechanical assemblies of Transmission, fans & blowers, air filters, Hydraulic pumps, Motors & Valves, Design of test Rigs
68 Mr AS Ramamoorthy Director - bangalore NPOL Defence Electronics, Development of TOT of Sound Ranging System and other devices in LRDE, Development of Under Water System (SONAR) and Under Water Surveillance.
69 Mr S Sivaraman Scientist 'G' - bangalore IRDE Design & Development of Fire Control Algorithms for Armoured Vehicles and Naval/ Air force, weapon System DRDO, Both Software, Embedded System.
73 Mr PP Padmanabhan Scientist 'D' - bangalore CVRDE Maintenance of Hydraulic & Pneumatic Control System, Hydro Gas Suspension System for MBT Arjun, Manufacture of Assembly of Hydro Gas, Carried out intensive static & Dynamic Testing of assemblies to ensure best quality products.
74 K Mathulla Abraham Scientist 'E' - bangalore CVRDE Design & Development of Mechanical System assemblies of Tracked Vehicles, Development of Armoured Personal Carrier, Development of Self- Propelled 105 mm Artillery Gun Carrier, Development of Bridge Amphibious Assault Mobile, Development of Main Battle Ta
76 Mr P Sudarshan Rao Scientist 'F' - bangalore LRDE Development of Radar Data Processors, Real Time Embedded Software Simulators, Graphics Establishing Software development Life Cycle Process for RDP Subsystems.
77 Mr N Kumar Scientist 'D' - bangalore CVRDE EMI/EMC Problems, Design & Control Measures, Training (Technical, EMI/EMC, Career Counselling Development etc, Documentation activities, Technical Reviews & Group Discussions.
78 Dr SGA Pasha Scientist 'G' - bangalore GTRE Design & Development of Advance Technology Turbo Charge for MBT Arjun, Gas Turbine Engine Technology,
79 Mr AR Seetharam Scientist 'E' - bangalore ADE Airframe Assembly Tooling, Flight Trials Co-ordination, Sheet Metal Fabrication, MIS, Project Management.
81 Mr BT Jothipragasam Scientist 'D' - bangalore CVRDE Design & Development cooling, Air induction and Exhaust system for indigenous air cooled engine, Associated with M/s AVL, Austria in reviewing the engine design & Carried out performance evaluation, Single Cylinder Research Engine created infrastructures
82 Malur R Shivaram Scientist 'D' - bangalore CEMILAC Flight Testing, Engine Airworthiness Certification, O.S.D, AR & DB, D Aero & CEMILAC Chemical Testing of CFM-56, Engine AIAA-1986 USA, Missile Target: Avon, DART Series Flight Testing.
83 Mr RN Dhruvakumar Scientist 'E' - bangalore ADE Design & Development of Electrical Power & Cockpit Electrical System, Development of Procedure Trainer for HF-24 Aircraft, Feasibility study & development of 3 degrees & 6 degrees of freedom motion systems, Hydraulic power pack and motion system for desig
84 Gp Capt (Retd) PS Mathur Scientist 'F' - bangalore CABS Project management, airborne sub system development and integration.
87 Mr TK Sampathkumaran Scientist 'G' - bangalore GTRE Specialised in the Area of Combustion System for Gas Turbine Engine, Design & Development of Gas Turbine Engine, And Project Director for Kaveri Engine.
88 Dr. GC Dubey Scientist 'G' - delhi SSPL Material Science, Semiconductor Devices, Solar cells, Processing Technology for devices &VLSI, MOCVD, GaAs devices
89 Dr. RK Purohit Scientist 'G' - delhi SSPL Ga-As Devices, Optical devices and components
91 Dr BS Batra Scientist 'D' - delhi DRDE Synthetic analysis Characterization and safety
93 Lt Gen Tej Paul CC R&D - delhi DRDO HQ Military vehicles and Engineering Technology and R&D Management
94 Mr GP Sharma Scientist 'F' - delhi SSPL Microwaves Components and Materials, MMICS SAW Devices
96 Dr KP Srivastava Scientist 'F' - delhi LASTEC Laser and Special Glasses
98 Mr RK Madaria Scientist 'F' - delhi SSPL Solid State Material IR Devices
99 Mr CL Arora Scientist 'G' - delhi DEAL Antenna Design, EMI/EMC Tech. Management
100 Dr LD Kandpal Scientist 'G' - delhi DMSRDE Polymer and Related Areas
101 Mr K Ramanuja Rao Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DLRL Design and development of ECM Systems, testing and integration of Sub-systems, Documentation.
103 Dr RL Saha Scientist 'G' (Director) - hyderabad DMRL Project management, Titanium alloys, Vacuum arc melting
105 Mr BS Sankara Rao Scientist 'E' - hyderabad SSPL Design and development of transistorised fuses for gun shells, Laser systems, Silicon integrated sensors, infrared detectors.
106 Mr SR Bhat Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DLRL Design, Development, Integration, Evaluation and Testing of EW Subsystems
108 Dr T Ramasubba Reddy Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Project Management and Management Information Systems.
110 Dr K Jayathirtha Rao Scientist 'G' - hyderabad RCI Environmental testing, Infrastructure, Planning and HRD.
112 Mr V Vasudeva Murthy Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Payload integration, Shipborne telemetry, Comn, Real time data, Voice, Video Recording.
119 Mr AN Murthy Scientist 'E' - hyderabad DLRL Documentation.
121 Mr S Chandrasekaran Scientist 'E' - hyderabad RCI Flight trials and preparation of ATP/QTP.
124 Mr PNAP Rao Scientist 'H' - hyderabad ADA Avionics & Weapon Systems Design, Development & Integration, EW Systems, EMI/EMC, Communication Systems including ECCM, V/UHF Systems, System Engineering, Software Engineering & Project Management.
125 Mr K Ramanathan Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Project management and Co-ord, Vendor development, Documentation.
126 Mr R Bharatha Scientist 'D' - hyderabad DLRL Testing and integration of radars and IFF Subsystems.
127 Mr DC Govil Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Radar Systems, ESM Receivers, DF Systems, Systems integration.
128 Cdr VD Velalkar Cdr - hyderabad NHQ Naval armament inspection, quality assurance and control.
129 Mr K Pralhad Rao Scientist 'E' - hyderabad DLRL Mechanical engg. Development of mechanical components for missiles.
131 Mr BSS Reddy Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DRDL Quality assurance, ISO Certification, Qualified lead assessor for ISO 9000.
135 Mr T Ravi Kumar Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DRDL Design of airframes, production of missile components, documentation and user manuals of onboard systems of missiles.
137 Mr GV Rao Scientist 'G' - hyderabad ASL Advanced composites - Design and Manufacturing, Camouflaging equipment.
138 Dr KK Sharma Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DMRL Magnetic materials and Powder metallurgy. Hot isostatic press applications. Calibration of instruments used in vacuum/air melting equipments.
140 Mr N Divakar Scientist 'H' (Director) - hyderabad DLRL Design and Development of Servo Systems for Radars, Electronic Warfare systems.
142 Dr Trilok Singh Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DMRL Development, Testing and Processing of special materials; Development of components for defence applications.Failure analysis of engineering components. Welding of Aluminium alloy components; Working with low temperature equipment.
145 Mr AK Nayyar Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DRDO HQ Rocket Propulsion, Plant Engineering, Dipropellent Rocket Motors Gas Generators, Reaction Control Systems in Albetive Rocket Motors.
148 Sri MA Sinare MA Scientist D 11/01/2004 pune R&DE (Engrs) Civil Engineering
149 Mr DK Dattagupta Scientist E 22/07/2003 pune ARDE a) Project Management in Armament R & D Projects like Air Defence Gun, BMP II, Dev. of 105mm field gun, b) Testing and evaluation of weapons and armament systems, c) Feasibility study of Armament Projects, d) ToT Documentation of Armament Projects like 30
151 Mr VS Dhavalikar Scientist C 22/07/2003 pune ARDE a) Worked at ARDE on Armament development Projects, b) Design, Development and QA for Armament systems
152 Mr SS Pol Scientist 'E' 22/07/2003 pune ARDE a) Design, development and productionisation of GAINE for Proximity Fuzes and AGS- 17 fuze, b) Design and development of Armament Mechanical fuzes, c) Inspection procedures for Armament fuzes, d) TOT documentation of Armament stores
153 Mr RR Gosavi Scientist 'D' 22/07/2003 pune ARDE a) Design and Development of Gun /RCL/ Mortar ammunition, b) Evaluation of ammunition of foreign origin, c) TOT documentation of ammunition stores, d) CEP Courses in Armament Training
154 Mr R Shankar Narayanan Scientist 'D' 22/07/2003 pune ARDE a) Design and Development of Mechanical fuzes for ammunition, b) Productionisation and inspection of Armament Stores, c) ToT documentation of Armament stores, d) CEP Courses in Armament Training
158 Mr KK De Scientist 'D' 22/07/2003 pune ARDE a) Project management in Air Armament projects like R P Bomb, Ankush (BAP- 00), 250 kg Counter Weight, 125kg fragmentation bomb, b) Project management in small arms projects like silent version of carbine 9mm,Tear gas gun., c) Field trial of armament stor
159 Prof SY Bhave Scientist 'G' 22/07/2003 pune IAT a) Software design for Gun-muzzle, design and analysis of base plate in dynamic conditioning, b) Mechanical vibrations and Dynamics of machinery, c) CEP Courses in the above areas
160 Mr CR Mani Scientist 'D' 22/07/2003 pune ARDE a) Project management in the area of Anti-tank mines (Bar mine and Influence mines), b) TOT documentation of Anti-tank mines
166 Brig (Retd) YL Sharma Brig 25/07/2003 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Project management in Combat Engg. Projects, b) Development of Hydraulic Systems, c) Inspection and Certification of Systems
168 Mr YJD Prasad Scientist 'D' 25/07/2003 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Inspection and certification of systems, b) Design and development of Gauges, Jigs and fixtures for Engineering Equipments, c) Design of Controlled Jig system
169 Mr VS Sugur Scientist 'F' 25/07/2003 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Mechanical Engineering, Machine design, Theory of machines, vibrations., b) Can conduct CEP courses., c) Solar energy and wind energy., d) Project management, Oxidizer Servicing Vehicle for missiles.
170 Dr RA Chansarkar Scientist 'G' 08/04/2003 pune DTRL a) Water resources, b) Land evaluation, Land dynamics, RS & GIS, c) Disaster management and prediction
173 Mr SN Katare Scientist 'E' 06/10/2003 pune ARDE a) Analytical Spectrography and NDT, b) Level II certified NDT Professional in Radiography and Ultrasonic, c) Long experience in Emission Spectrography
174 Col (Retd) SR Dharwadkar Col 05/11/2003 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Terrain Evaluation, b) Avalanche forecasting and Avalanche defence structures, c) Advanced composites, d) Earth sciences
175 Mr SM Wele Scientist 'G' 05/11/2003 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Project management in Combat Engg projects, Bridge Lay Tank, Floating bridges, b) Project management in missile ground support systems, c) Design, development and management of multidisciplinary and multi- organisational projects, d) Independent verifi
176 Mr RB Marathe Scientist 'E' 06/11/2003 pune ARDE a) Books, Monograph, Papers and edit Journal, b) Consultancy and Technical advice, c) Independent verification & validation, d) In-depth analysis & report generation, e) Design/develop Sub-systems
178 Mrs V Ramaswamy Scientist 'F' 25/02/2004 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Design and development of Slew Bearings, b) Finite Element Analysis of critical components (LASTE, c), c) Design analysis of critical components of a separation systems (ASL), d) Analysis and design optimization in the area of structural, thermal, flow
182 Mr PK Venkatachalam Scientist 'G' 12/03/2004 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Design and Development of Military Bridging, b) Implementation of concept of Concurrent Engineering in DRDO Projects
184 Mr BS Prakasa Rao Scientist 'F' - bangalore CVRDE Design & Development, Required Protection, Structural stability, Turret Body, Gun Mount: Design & Development Main Gun 120mm mount for mounting, recoil system and machine gun and auxiliary sight, Wire Bearing: designed for the 1st time in India a wire rac
185 Dr B Subba Reddy Addl GM (Design) - bangalore HAL / ADA Flight Control & Avionics, Flight Critical Software development & Listing, Project Co-ordination, Development of Flight Control Laws for LCA as Part of National team.
187 Mr KS Kashyap Scientist 'E' - bangalore CEMILAC Drew up Test Schedules (Tech) for the Turbo mechanical TM3332B engine leading to Certification, Also drew up Test Schedules for type approval of Designing, Fuel System Components.
188 Mr G Boolchand Scientist 'F' - bangalore CAIR RF Engineering, Mobile Communication,Defence Communication Systems & Networks,EMI/ EMC in Tactical Comm. Systems
189 Mr HS Bhatia Scientist 'F' - bangalore LRDE Signal Processing and Microwave low Power, Radar receiver front ends and Radar Systems, MTI for Radar, Naval Surveillance & Tracking Radar 3DCAR Project.
191 Mr SC Kaushal Director - bangalore GTRE Design & Development of Aero Gas Turbines, Detail Engineering Design etc, Programme Director for Kaveri Engine, Development Project as well as Kaveri Marine Gas Turbine engine development Project.
192 Mr KM Thomas Scientist 'E' - bangalore CVRDE Associated in development activities connected with Armoured Fighting Vehicles, Specialized in Prototype development of Heavy duty diesel engine for test evaluation, Integration and vehicle trials for Armoured Fighting Vehicles, Performance evaluation and
193 Mr V Nandkumar Scientist 'C' - bangalore CABS Field Artillery Radar, Airborne Early Warring System, Digital Hardware, Display System, Assembly R&D, Testing of Digital Hardware Preparation of Technical Reports & Presentations.
195 Air CmdeJ (Retd) JWR Chinniah Air Cmde - bangalore IIO Involved & Associated with the Rig integration of DRAIN System at SAGEM, France, Modification of Jaguar Fighter & Trainer Aircraft at HAL, Navigatation and Weapons - aiming profiles, Writing Airworthiness clearance profiles for Avionics & Mission Computer
196 Wg Cdr (Retd) KV Srinivasan Wg Cdr - bangalore CABS Material Management, Procure HR Management Project Management.
197 Dr VK Aatre DG R&D and SA to RM - bangalore DRDO HQ Signal Processing & Sonar.
198 Mr TP Narasimhaiah Scientist 'F' - bangalore LRDE Design & Development, Integration, Field evaluation of wideband, State of Art, Airworthy, Signal Processors for MMR in LCA.
200 Mr T Narasimhamurthy Scientist 'E' - bangalore GTRE Planning, Design and Execution of Civil and Electrical Works, Substation, Modification of workshops, Layout Planning of Research building, Internal & External Services like Power, Water Drainage, Hard standing & Roads.
201 Mr AN Shivaram Scientist 'F' - bangalore LRDE Design & Development of Radar & Antennae, Development of 3D CAR, BSFR, INDRA.
202 Mr Edison Thomas Scientist 'F' - bangalore LRDE Antennas, Radar Data Processing, Radar System Design, Phased Array Antenna Design, Air borne Radar Design & Development, Software (Application Software & Simulation)
203 Mr C Natarajan Scientist 'E' - bangalore CVRDE Design & Development of various types of system and their components of intricate and complex, Design & Development in tools, Jigs and Fixtures, Design of Pattern and moulds to produce casting of intricate shapes.
204 Mr K Gangadhara Rao Scientist 'D' - bangalore GTRE Project Management & Material Provisioning, Control & traceability.
205 Mr NP Rama Subba Rao Director - bangalore LRDE Digital Signal Processing, Design & Development of Radars Systems, and Tracking Systems.
207 Dr GM George M Cleetus Director - bangalore LRDE Radar system Engineering, Digital Signal Processing, Tracking System, Weapon system integration, Phase Array Radar Systems Development (Active & Passive)
208 Mr S Ramanan Scientist 'E' - bangalore CVRDE Experience in Management activates of multidisciplinary Project MBT Arjun, Preparation of Technical document and Presentation Materials for Project reviews.
209 Mr CH Vinod Sai Kumar Scientist 'D' - bangalore ADE Radio Frequency Technologies & Product Development.
212 Mr TB Vijaya Raghavan Scientist 'D' - bangalore LRDE Quality & Reliability Support like Akash, LCA, Avionics & MMR, TQM.
213 Mr VV Raghava Rao Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE Core / Specialized Areas : Engineering 2.Reliability & Quality- Analysis, Engineering and Management of both Hardware & Software, 3. Technical Documentation 4.Air worthiness certification activitiesand . Airworthiness Certification Reliability Analysis & Engineering Quality Management & Engineering, Software Quality Assurance.
214 Rear Adml G Kuvuvilla, VSM Scientist 'G' - bangalore DRDL Development of Mechanical System for Ship, Submarine & airborne systems, Packaging of Electronics and Thermal balancing for Defence application, Ship borne towing system and associated Electro Mechanical Fibre optic to cable, Management of Industries and
215 Mr TV Seshadri PScO - bangalore LRDE / DTD&P (Air) Quality Assurance Development, Training, Development of Aeronautical stores through Technical Committee, Quality Assurance of Aviation equipments.
216 Dr SD Gupta Scientist 'G' - delhi DRDO HQ Night vision, Electro optical Devices, optical Devices and components, Instrumentation
217 Mr Krishan Pal Scientist 'D' - delhi SSPL Ferrite Materials/Silver and gold plating
218 Dr VK Kapoor Scientist 'G' - delhi DRDO HQ System Analysis/ Armament Mathematical Analysis
219 Mr SQ Zama Scientist 'F' - delhi HAL EMI/EMC Radiation Hazards
220 Mr KNS Rajwansi Scientist 'E' - delhi SSPL Technical Management
221 Dr M Premasudaran Scientist 'G' - delhi LASTEC Lasers
223 Mr HC Pant Scientist 'E' - delhi DRDE Bio deterioration Defence Material Stores
224 Dr LK Chaturvedi Scientist 'F' - delhi TBRL Explosive Technology and Electro explosive Devices
225 Mr R Chand Scientist 'F' - delhi TBRL Explosive Machining & Devices
229 Dr PS Venkataramani Scientist 'G' - bangalore IDST-D Organic Synthesis / Process Development / Lubricants, And development of Chemistry Organ metallic monomers & in organic polymers
230 Dr CD Dwivedi Scientist 'F' - delhi DMSRDE Nano Technology Preservation Packaging Surface Science
232 Mr NK Swarankar Scientist 'F' - delhi SSPL Instrumentation and V.T. Fuse
233 Mr B Chaudhary Director - delhi DGAQA Prithvi, Agni Trishule Missile Radar/Microwave Commn. & ISO9001-2000 certification
234 Mr Ram Kumar Scientist 'G' Chairman - delhi PEACE R&D Management, Mathematics
235 Dr AK Datta Scientist 'G' CCR&D - delhi DRDO HQ R & D Management, Chemistry
236 Mr MN Sen Scientist 'G' - delhi SSPL Electronics, circuits, Instrumentation & Fabrication of Microwave Devices
240 Mr D Pandey Scientist 'F' - delhi DRDE Development of NBCD protection, Detection & Decontamination Equipment
241 Dr UD Pandey Scientist 'F' - delhi DIPR Management Organization Behaviour HRD
242 Mr D Singh Scientist 'F' - delhi SAG
243 Dr AS Bains Scientist 'H' (Director) - delhi DEAL SAT Com Software Radio Milli meter waves
245 Mr VK Singh Scientist 'E' - delhi SSPL MCT,IR Material
246 Dr VS Tripathi Scientist 'F' - delhi DMSRDE NBC Protection
247 Dr P Kishan Scientist 'G' - delhi SSPL Material science
248 Dr S Pratap Scientist 'F' - delhi LASTEC Material science
249 MS Rai Col (OSD) - delhi CCE R&D (North) Engineering Maintenance
250 Mr AK Prakash Scientist 'G' - bangalore NPOL Front Electronics, Data Acquisition System Power Electronics and System design, Configuration and Installation of Submarine Sonar, System Testing and Evaluation for realizing better system.
251 SS Shaney Maj Gen - delhi SSPL Radar Management Electronics
252 Mr OP Chopra Scientist 'C' - delhi SAG Training Management
253 Dr (Mrs) S Sabharwal Scientist 'E' - delhi ISSA Modelling Simulation
254 Dr VP Singh Scientist 'F' - bangalore CASSA Modelling Simulation
255 Dr A Kumar Scientist 'F' - delhi DLJ Radiation processing Polymers Membrane Technique
256 Dr RK Jain Scientist 'G' - delhi SSPL Ga As Epitaxial Growth MBE Semiconductor
257 Mr AN Sharma Scientist 'G' - delhi R&DE (Engrs) Design and Development in mechanical and other mechanic of related systems
258 Mr KS Jindal Scientist 'G' (Director) - delhi LASTEC Eng. Combustion High power lasers Heat Transfer Piping Engg. Pilot plant design & Scale up.
259 Mr PC Manglik Scientist 'F' (DOM) - delhi DRDO HQ Material-Management Information- Science
260 Dr SN Upadhyay Scientist 'F' - delhi INMAS Chemical Dosimetry Chemical Radioprotection
262 Mr BK Pathak Scientist 'F' - delhi DTRL Soil Terrain, Evaluation , Remote Sensing & GIS
263 Dr AM Jana Scientist 'F' - delhi DRDE Virology, Microbiology High containment facility
266 Mr K Kondala Rao Scientist 'G' - delhi NSTL
267 Dr RS Chauhan Scientist 'F' - delhi DRDE Electron Microscope Photo degradable Polymers
268 Mr R Srikantaiah Scientist 'E' - hyderabad DLRL Design and dev of vehicle mounted systems for Air force, Navy and Army vehicles.
269 Mr KSN Raju Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DLRL System design, prototyping and field evaluation
271 Dr KV Ranga Rao Scientist 'F' - hyderabad RCI EW and Communication Intelligence; Radar Electronics, Seeker and RF simulation; DOA Estimation Algorithms
274 Mr Ram Pal Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Electronics and communications
275 Maj Gen Sahoo, AVSM Maj Gen - hyderabad ITR Bridge layer tank, Structural design for u/w communication systems and Range validation.
276 Mr PK Biswas Scientist 'G' - hyderabad ASL
277 Mr Y Gyaneswar Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DRDL Dev & production of propulsion system and mechanical hardware for missiles like missile launcher & ground controls.
278 Dr KB Srinivasa Chary Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Communication ECM, Instrumentation, jammers and SS power amplifiers.
279 Mr SK Agarwal Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DLRL Dev of microreceivers and system integration
281 Mr DN Sarkar Scientist 'E' - hyderabad DRDO HQ Documentation and liaison.
284 Mr K Vishnuvardhana Rao Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL RADAR development, counter measures, technology transfer and QC.
285 Mr AD Manohar Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DMRL Investment technology, wax patterns and ceramics engg.
286 Dr VSC Bose Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DRDL
290 Mr BS Rawat Scientist 'E' - hyderabad DRDO HQ Instrumentation system for Firing ranges
291 Mr P Pal Scientist 'F' 07/05/2024 hyderabad DLRL Electronic counter measures, ECM and Jamming systems.
292 Mr V Krishna Mohan Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DRDL Project management, Technical evaluation, Reviews and Monitoring the progress of projects under IGMDP.
293 Dr VVVNS Ramakrishna Rao Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DMRL Extractive metallurgy, ESR, Rare earth metals, Hydrogen storage.
295 Mr Muradia Deepak DGM - hyderabad GAETEC Micro-electronics and clean room technology.
296 Dr HS Yadav Scientist 'G' 01/04/2004 pune HEMRL a) Shock Waves & Detonics- Explosion Dynamics, b) Terminal Ballistics, c) Explosive Reactive Armour
298 Mr PG Shrotri Scientist 'G' 05/04/2004 pune HEMRL a) Rocket Propellants & Polymers
301 Mr VK Ramakrishnan Scientist 'D' 12/05/2004 pune ARDE a) Production, inspection, quality Control of Armament related projects, b) Naval Sub- marine Project, c) Air Defence and other Artillery gun Systems
302 Maj Gen (Retd) SS Sharma, KC, VSM Maj Gen 18/05/2004 pune SASE / R&DE (Engrs) a) Combat Bridges, b) Habitat for Siachin Glacier & Antarctica, c) Avalanche Forcast, Control & Modelling
303 Mr NP Barhate Scientist 'C' 24/05/2004 pune ARDE a) Computer Science and related technologies, b) Project management, Conferences, Workshops & Seminars
305 Mr SS Balakrishnan Scientist 'D' 28/05/2004 pune ARDE a) Internal & External Ballistics of Gun Projectiles & Rockets, b) Software Development, c) Statistical analysis of research topics
307 Brig (Retd) RC Pathak Brig 24/06/2004 pune ITM / R&DE (Engrs) a) R & D Project Management, b) Geotechnical & Cold Region Engg, c) HRM, d)Structural Engg, Geomorphology, Glaciology & other geological studies
309 Dr JP Agarwal Scientist 'G' 27/08/2004 pune DRDO HQ a) Explosives & Propellants, b) Pyrotechnics & Polymers, c) Applied Chemistry for Defence Applications
311 Mr BS Mohan Scientist 'G' 11/09/2004 pune VRDE a) Design & development of Bridge laying Vehicles, b) Infantry Combat Vehicles, c) Automobiles
315 Air Cmde Raghubir Singh (Retd) Air Cmde 20/10/2004 pune ARDE a) Solid Propellant rockets, b) Air Craft weapons, c) Teaching in Engg. College, d) Handled Air Armament Projects
316 Brig (Retd) RG Wastrad Brig 31/10/2004 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Cold Region Engineering, b) NBC shelters, c) Medical Aid Complex, d) Field defences, e) Habitat for Antarctic Station
317 Mr KR Sivan Scientist 'E' 22/02/2005 pune R&DE (Engr)
318 Dr PC Deb Scientist 'H' 25/02/2005 pune NMRL a) Research projects in chemistry and polymer science and technology, b) Ex Director of Naval Materials Research Laboratory (NMRL), Ambernath
319 Mr P Ramachandran Scientist 'E' 11/03/2005 pune ARDE a) Expertise in the field of Missile warheads, b) Established design and production of TRISHUL and AKASH Missile warhead, c) Dev of Cargo ammunition, d) Damage criteria of aircrafts
321 Mr AN Srivatsa Scientist 'E' - bangalore DFRL Food Processing & Packaging, Development of Ready to Eat Foods Stores Ration & Technology Transfer, Development of Water, Packed & Processed as US Army Stores Air forces Specification for used By IAF Pilots, Development of Self Heating Systems, Developed
322 Dr TS Prahlad Director - bangalore NAL / ADA / ISRO R & D and Technology development, Participation in several Aerospace Project, Technology & project Management Launch Vehicle Projects, HANASA, & SARAS Civil Aircraft.
323 Dr B Vishwanath Scientist 'F' - bangalore ADE Development of Polymer composite Armoured, Design & Development of Nose Cone, Testing & Evaluation of Polymer Composite Products, Design & Development and Testing.
325 Dr Ram Kishore Mishra Scientist 'F' - bangalore ADE Stabilized Electro- Optical Payload for UAV, Electro Optical System Design.
326 Mr Philip De Costa Scientist 'G' - bangalore GTRE Responsible for fabrication of Kaveri & Kabini engines, Managing resources of 569 Officers & Staff , Setting up of special equipment like Electron beam welding facilities vacuum heat treatment facility/EDM facilities etc, Identified & development local v
328 Dr TSS Rao Scientist 'E' - bangalore DFRL Expertise in Food Technology, Packaging
329 Mr GK Krishna Prasad Scientist 'E' - bangalore ADE Prototype Production and Engineering, Transfer of Technology, Technical Documentation, Environmental testing, Development of Electronic Sub system for PTA, FALCON.
331 Dr D Vijaya Rao Scientist 'F' - bangalore DFRL Food product development, Technology Selection & Application, HACCP Protocols, Meet Quality, Micro diagnostics, Students/Staff Training, Organizing services- Lab Industry meets, Technology Programmes.
332 Mr MS Rama Avadhani Scientist 'E' - bangalore ADE Tools Design- Components tooling, Array Rigs & Fixtures, ICY Medias, Inspection gauges, Assembly Procedures, Design & Development of Assembling tools & Part tools for PTA/LAKSHYA Production.
333 Mr PS Ramanujam Scientist 'F' - bangalore GTRE Design & Development of Annular Combustors, Design & Development of Fuel Injectors, Design Development, Installation, commissioning of test rig for testing combustor and also its Sub- System like Atomizer, Swirled etc, Testing of pressure jet & air blast
334 Mr GSK Rao Scientist 'G' - bangalore LRDE Radar & Communication System R/W, Phased Array Antenna, Mechanical Engineering in Radar System, Microwave components like Antenna, Computer Aided manufacturing, CAD, Computer application like PD, PLM, General Administration of large Organization
336 Dr Karthikeyan Chittayil Scientist 'E' - bangalore NPOL Underwater Acoustics, Swenson Array Design & Analysis, AI & Neural Network, Optimization method, Signal Processing Simulator.
337 Dr Rugmini Sankaran Director - bangalore DFRL Food Science Technology, Defence in Food Research Laboratory.
339 Mr P Sundaramoorthy Scientist 'E' - bangalore LRDE Sound Ranging System, TOTE and TV Monitor type displays, INDRA Class of Radars, Video Extractor for Flycatcher Radar, Airborne Surveillance Platform BFSR-SR, System Management, testing & integration for this Radar was carried out, including prototype deve
340 Mr CK Keshavan Scientist 'F' - bangalore ADE Mechanical Design Development and Performance evaluation of 3 axis provision, Rotary table for online Simulation of Aircraft attitudes, Control Surface linkages, Tube plane, Nosecone, Tail for unmanned Aircraft.
341 Mrs C Janakamma Scientist 'F' - bangalore GTRE Aerodynamic design and Analysis of Axial compressor, Performance evaluation of comprador from Engine testing, Participated in Kaveri Engine Operability test, Program Co-ordination in Project work with NACL.
343 Mr TV Lakshminarayana Setty Scientist 'F' - bangalore ADE Impact Attenuation system for UAVs, FEM Analysis of Composite structures, Approval of Auto- CAD Production Standard Drawing, Design of Control system drive, Mechanism for UAVs, NISHANT UAVs, Recovery system Development, Design & Analysis of Composite Stru
346 Mr L Bhakta prasad Scientist 'F' - bangalore RCMA Expertise in area of design evaluation and certification of Military aircraft and aircraft system, Landing gear system including brakes and anti-skid system, Hydraulics and Flight Control system, Aircraft system and total aircraft, unmanned aircraft asses
347 Mr P Sampath Kumar Scientist 'E' - bangalore GTRE Instrumentation, Design, Fabricant, Install & Commissioning of Control Panels, Value Control, Electro Pneumatic Control, Gas Analysis of Combustor Exhaust, Industrial Safety, Fired Electrical Safety, Safety Audit, Engineering & Supervisor of Workshop
348 Mr GK Sadanandan Scientist 'F' - bangalore NPOL Sonar receiver & system design, System configuration development, Evaluation, Project Management etc.
349 Mr AN Narasimhan Scientist 'D' - bangalore ADE Officer in charge of Machine shop of ADE, Manufactured variety of components for all the Project of ADE.
350 Dr A Bhaduri Scientist 'F' - delhi SSPL Quality Management System Environment
351 Mr VS Vangani Scientist 'F' - delhi DLJ Mechanical Engg Production Engg, water Desalination Purchase, Management & General Administration
354 Mr SC Jethi Scientist 'G' (Director) - delhi RAC Simulations, War-Games & Modelling
355 K Chand Scientist 'E' - delhi SSPL Quality Management, System Environment System
357 Dr DRK Rao Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DMRL Instrumentation, Electronic maintenance, Calibration of sensors and instruments.
358 Mr M Maria Soosai Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DRDL Heat Treatment, Pattern Design & Making,Electroplating, Corrosion Protection, Project Management,
359 Mr AS Narayana Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DRDL Plasma wind tunnel technology, Environmental testing of High temp materials, Dev of High Altitude Test facilities.
360 Mr GG Saha Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DMRL Metal forming technology, Isothermal forging and Materials testing.
361 Mr M Damodar Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DRDL Methods & Tool Engg., Production Engg, welding & NDT
362 Mr KSR Murthy Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DRDL Missile instrumentation, C41 and range systems, Telemetry systems.
363 Mr K Narasimha Rao Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DMRL Forging and Rolling, Liquid metal forging, OFE copper, Warhead liners.
364 Dr VN Lal Scientist 'G' - hyderabad RCI Programme Planning, Budget Finance, M M G A D, Prithvi, Dhanush.
365 Mr NS Harischandra Rao Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DLRL
366 Mrs PV Lakshmi Scientist 'E' - hyderabad DRDL Flight instrumentation, Design, development and testing of telemetry, command and transponder systems.
367 Mr S Muniratnam Scientist 'F' - hyderabad NSTL Inspection of wheeled vehicles, mould dies and Al castings
369 Mrs P Kamala Kumari Scientist 'E' - hyderabad DRDL
371 Mr VK Sahare Scientist 'E' 31/05/2005 pune ARDE a) Dev of Aircraft Rocket, b) Development of Pinaka Rockets, c) Design and development of small and medium caliber rockets, d) ToT documentation for Pinaka Rocket System
372 Dr KV Prabhakaran Scientist 'E' 12/07/2005 pune ARDE
373 Mr SP Mane Scientist 'D' 12/07/2005 pune HEMRL a) Processing of large size case bonded composite propellant motors for various missile applications, b) Development of Rocket propellants with CDB and composites
374 Mr Kishan Singh Scientist 'D' 07/08/2005 pune R&DE (Engr)
375 Maj Gen (Retd) Kamala Singh Maj Gen 07/08/2005 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Structural design, b) Cold Region Engineering, c) Dev of Ground support system for AGNI Missile, d) Raised mobile system complete for Sidhi missile
378 Prof GS Mani Scientist 'G' 02/11/2005 pune IAT a) Computer software (Mathematical modeling), b) Electronics, c) Two DRDO patents, d) Published 40 technical papers.
379 Mr SR Rajan Scientist 'F' 11/11/2005 pune AFMC a) Public Health Chemistry, b) Water potability, treatment and storage, c) Training in NBC warfare
380 Mr K Vijaya Kumar Scientist 'F' - bangalore NPOL Design & Development in Sonar design & Signal Processing, Evaluation and Conducting the user trials, Development Sonar Signal Simulator for testing, Calibrating & Evaluating at the system level, Airworthiness certification procedure for airborne mission c
381 Mr Suresh Kumar Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE Design & Development of Airborne Display, Airborne Computer including Avionics Integration.
382 Mr K C Sharma Scientist 'F' - bangalore GTRE Design of Test facilities & Structural Integration Test on Kaveri Engine components, Structural Integrity test on Aircraft parts and Aero Engine parts.
383 Mr G Narasimhan Scientist 'F' - bangalore CVRDE Design & Development of Armoured Fighting vehicle, Mechanical system, FEM Analysis of Tank.
384 Mr MD Aravamudhan Scientist 'H' (Director) - bangalore ADE Aerodynamics, Aircraft design USV system, Technical & Administrative Management & Many Aircraft Design Project of HAL.
385 Dr BK Subhas Scientist 'G' - bangalore GTRE Design & Analysis Manufacturing of Aero gas Turbines, Total Assembly System Integration, Project & Technology Management, Design of Turbo pump & thrust chamber for Rocket motor and subsequently worked on design of Radial Turbo- machinery for small Gas Tur
387 Mr S Bimal Khedkar Scientist 'G' - bangalore DARE Electronic Warfare, Defensive Avionics for Fighter Aircraft, Thermal Management, Packaging, Design of Processors for Air borne ECM Systems
388 Mr R Arumugam Scientist 'E' - bangalore ADE Design & Development of Servo controlled Hydraulic system for the motion base platform and artificial feel unit, Unmanned Aircraft- Design & Analysis of Airframe, LCA- Design & Critical thermal/Digital Flight Control Computer, Modelling and Analysis of o
389 Mr SJ Sathya Keerthy Scientist 'E' - bangalore GTRE Quality Control, Quality Assurance & Quality systems, As applicable to Aero engines/ Gas Turbine engine, Specialized in Q & C Blade Manufacture for Kaveri Engine & Establishing Quality System like ISO, Standard R & D Establishment.
391 Mr Perduman Singh Scientist 'F' - bangalore ADE Lead team in the design & Development at Airframe and Mechanical Engineering System.
394 Dr S Lakshminarayanan Scientist 'G' - hyderabad RCI Missile batteries, electrochemistry, electroplating.
395 Mr NV Kadam Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DRDL Control systems for launch vehicles & missiles, missile analysis studies, simulation studies, post flight analysis.
396 Mr G Sahay Scientist 'C' - delhi JCB Development, production and training in Cryptography
399 Dr VK Jain Scientist 'G' - delhi SSPL Silicon & MEMS Devices
400 Mr D Lal Scientist 'F' - delhi DMSRDE Microwave & Radar
401 Dr Kota Harinarayana Prgm.Dir, ADA - bangalore ADA Aircraft Design, Project Manager MDO, System Engineering.
402 Mr BT Krishnan Scientist 'E' - bangalore LRDE Design of Mechanical hardware for Electronic Equipment / Equipment mounting in an electronic enclosure, Roof top model of MMR housing Tx, Rx, Antenna, Power supply etc, Multimode Radar- Assembling and phased control modules and its related activities in
403 Mr B Venugopala Setty Scientist 'D' - bangalore GTRE Hydraulics and Mechanical System Design and Testing for Aero Gas Turbines (Kaveri, GTX) Kaveri Engine Testing K1 to K9, Rig testing of Integrated Nozzle Actuation System (INAS) and calibration of Convergent Divergent (CD) Nozzle, KABINI Engine Testing GTX
404 Mr K Shreedhara Bhat Scientist 'F' - bangalore LRDE Worked in Design of Digital Subsystem for Radar. Many type of Aircraft like Gas Plasma, Display for Radar application, System Integration of Rajendra Phased array Radar,
405 Mr US Pandit Scientist 'E' 02/07/2006 pune HEMRL a) Development and production of incendiary materials like liquid , gelled, solids and target adhered solid incendiaries., b) Chemical analysis and QA tests for incendiary materials, c) Filling techniques of incendiary materials in different ammunitions/
407 Dr K Ramachandra Scientist 'H' (Director) - bangalore GTRE Jet Engine Design, Technical Administration & Management
408 Mr K Paulose Mathew Scientist 'F' - bangalore CVRDE Design & build of Armoured Fighting Vehicles (AFVs) and Subsystem /Military hardware, Bridge Layer Tanks (BLTs), Armoured Recovery and Repair Vehicles (ARRVs), Integration of Special Equipment such as Mine Breaching system, Engineer Equipment and Artiller
409 Mr AV Ramakrishnan Scientist 'E' - bangalore LRDE Radar Display System, Digital circuits in general and Microprocessor and Micro controller -based Circuits in particular, system integration, BITE system for Radar, Assembly Language Program development.
410 Mr A Kasinath Scientist 'F' - bangalore GTRE Methods Engineering - Process design and tooling, Development of Manufacturing method for Aero Gas Turbine Engine Components.
411 Mr V Arunachalam Scientist 'E' - bangalore CVRDE Empowering of Combat Vehicles (Vijayanta), Development of Indigenous air cooled diesel engine for AFV application, Up rating of 736 HP Diesel engine to 1000 HP engine, Creation of single cylinder engine & test facility for R & D, Development of Project o
412 Mr S Balasubramanian Scientist 'F' - bangalore ADE Design & Development of Mechanical Systems, PTA-Brake Pad Test Rig-Design & Testing, Falcon Air Bag impact attenuation System LRUs for Avionics and Flight Control System, Actuators for Control Surface Actuators, Antenna System-Vehicle mounted.
413 Mr TM Aelias Scientist 'E' - bangalore CVRDE Design & Development of Mechanical system for High power Diesel Engine, Configuration of AFV engine subsystem for restricted hull compartment envelope, Development of Machining and assembly processes for major engine components, Prototype manufacture and
414 Maj Gen (Retd) SB Akali Maj Gen - delhi DRDO HQ Electronics Reliability Engineering
416 Dr S Das Gupta Scientist 'E' - delhi DRDE Texicology,& High Attitude Physiology
418 Mr K Nageswara Rao Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DLRL COMINT Systems, Communication EW
419 Mr Ramamani S Sundaram Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Electronic warfare, Technology management and HRD.
421 Mr C Datta Scientist 'D' - bangalore CVRDE Developed multi tools, fixtures & Special coolant mixture for machining of fins on IC Engine cylinder of MBT Arjun, And also experience in Hydraulics, Pneumatics and also production of RC Components.
422 Mr Y Mohan Rao Scientist 'F' - bangalore LRDE Involved in the design, development & Testing of various types of prime focus feeds for ' Parabolic reflector with a special emphasis on circular corrugated waveguide feeds and corrugated conical horns', Tapers in rectangular waveguide, Electronics & Rad
423 Mr NR Jeyaraman Scientist 'C' - bangalore CVRDE Designed State of Art New Engine Test House & Utility Services to test, Design & Installation of Test House facilities for Engine, Transmission & Suspension used in Combat vehicles,
424 Mr SN Nagaraja Rao Scientist 'E' - bangalore ADE Aircraft Structural Design & Drafting, Generation of Drawings, Manufacturing with Workshop & Assembly Agencies, Transfer of Technology, Mechanical Packing of Electronic Equipment for Aircraft, Knowledge of Mechanical Integration of External stores on Airc
425 Mr K Sanjiva Pillai Scientist 'F' - bangalore CVRDE Design & Development of system & Subsystem for Half Tracked vehicle, And also Project Leader.
426 Mr R Prabhagaran Scientist 'F' - bangalore GTRE Test Rig fabrication of GTRE, OI/C Workshop of GTRE, OI/C Maintenance, GP Head, MT, Industrial Safety & Part of Administration.
427 Mr RS Subba Rao Scientist 'D' - bangalore ADE Ground Equipment Development for Aircraft Simulator for Ajeet & Kiran, R & D Simulation Facility at ADE, Development of Mimi RPV Falcon, Management of Materials & Finance.
428 Mr GP Agrawal Scientist 'G' - bangalore DEBEL Development of Underwater Weapons, Setting up of NSTL Workshop, Programmes & Project at DEBEL , Proactive Clothing & Equipments for Services, Project Management Course, R & D Management Development Programme with the theme, Training Programme on Technolog
429 Mr T Sambaiah Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DRDL Precision engineering and fabrication of missile components.
431 Mr BVGKVB Varaprasada Rao Scientist 'F' - hyderabad NSTL Transducers, Sonar transponders and U/W acoustics.
432 Mr BR Gandhi Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Opto- electronics, ESM, Ferrite isolators, wave guides to adapters.
433 Mr Mahendra Kumar Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DMRL Powder metallurgy, Gas/water atomisation, Cold/hot iso-static pressing.
434 Dr TS Sitaraman Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DMRL Titanium sponge manufacturing and technology transfer for production at Kerala Minerals and Metals Ltd.
435 Mr KP Rangari Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DLRL Satellite communications, Antenna alignment.
437 Mr PC Gope Scientist 'F' - hyderabad ITR Power system and network for Ranges, Monitoring of power systems during firing trials.
439 Mrs V Lalitha Kumari Scientist 'D' - hyderabad DMRL Chemical analysis of materials.
440 Mr Rajendra Kumar Syal Scientist 'G' 27/07/2006 pune DLJ a) Design and development, scaling up of process on pilot plants scale., b) Development of Combustle Cartridge Case (CC, c)scalip up and introduction of CCC ammunition in T-72 &MBT tank ammunition, c) Transfer of technology of CCC and CCC ammunition to pr
442 Mr NK Chopra Scientist 'F' 31/07/2006 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Design & Development of Engineer Equipments for the Army
443 Brig (Retd) VD Prabhu,VSM Brig 31/07/2006 pune ARDE a) Design & development of MBT Arjun Gun Ammunition system, b) Project Management of multi disciplinary projects of national importance, c) Consultancy in the field of Tank weapon, d) Examiner & paper setter in University of Pune for ME (Mech) Weapon & Ta
444 Mr PS Deshpande Scientist 'F' 08/07/2006 pune VRDE a) Project Management, b) Vehicle Suspension, c) Terra mechanisms, d) Vibration and Shock dynamics, e) Trailor and Tractor technology, f) Specialist Vehicle bodies
446 Mr G Nagender Rao Scientist - hyderabad DLRL RADAR EW and Communication EW.
447 Mr BS Bansal Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DMRL Body armour, special steels, welding and workshop.
448 Mr VVS Naidu Scientist 'E' - hyderabad DRDL Qualification of pressure vessels for rocket motors and fuel tanks.
450 Dr SS Murthy Scientist 'G' (Director) - hyderabad DESIDOC Library management and Information systems.
451 Air Cmde P Banerjee, VSM Scientist 'F' - hyderabad ITR Aircraft servicing & maintenance, Inspn of guided weapons, dev of test range, safety mgmt.
452 Dr HC Goel Scientist 'G' - delhi INMAS Cancer Biology Radiation Biology cell Biology
453 RC Malhotra Scientist 'F' - delhi DRDE CW Agents, 50 Papers,11 Patents
454 Dr. SN Dube Scientist 'F' - delhi DRL Tejpu75 Antidote against Chemical warfare Machine design
456 Mr TD Wadhwa Scientist 'D' - delhi SSPL Photo Mask Fabrication
457 Mr SS Prasad Director - delhi ISSA System Analysis modelling simulation Image processing information systems
458 Mr R Pal Scientist 'F' - delhi DEAL VLF commn (under water commn for submarine)
460 Mr Ajai Kumar Director - delhi DRDO HQ Aeronautics management of projects
461 Mr Janarthana Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE Embedded System Development, CREW Station Technology, Flight Control Computer, DSP Voice Recognition System, Realization LCA-FCS, Digital Signal Processing
462 Mr K Kailaspathi Scientist 'G' - bangalore CVRDE Design & Development of Mechanical Assays , Design of Mechanical System
463 Brig (Retd) B Chandra Shekar, VSM Brig - bangalore ISSA Engaged in Electronic development in DEAL & CAIR, Software development for Project SHATRANT & Project SANGRAM, Setting up of AI & Rakoties Lab at Bangalore, Development of A1 Software modules.
464 Mr V Ravindran Scientist 'F' - bangalore RCMA Airworthiness Certification of Electrical and Avionics System and Integration, Military Helicopters, Automatic Flight Control System, Automatic Flight Control System.
465 Mrs Malathi Limaye Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE UAV System, Data Links, Design in Microwave and Antenna.
467 Air Vice Marshal (Retd) R Krishnan Director - bangalore ITM Unmanned & Manned Aircraft systems, Aero- Structures (Design, Life Estimation, Fatigue & Testing) Aviation Medicine (Engineering Aspects).
468 Mr K Varghese John Scientist 'F' - bangalore NPOL Design of Mechanical Engineering system , Devices, Manufacturing Technology, Tools design.
469 Mr SE Narayana Raju Scientist 'E' - bangalore GTRE Gas Turbine Research Establishment, Ministry of Defence, Design & Development of Gas Turbine Engine, Working in a Combustion module.
472 Mr JV Subba Rao Gupta Scientist 'F' - bangalore LRDE Radar Signal Processing , Radar system Engineering, Project Management, Technical l Co-ordination, Performance Improvement to Fire Control Radar.
473 Mr A Antony Thomas Scientist 'F' - bangalore ADE Flight Simulation & Aero Data Generation.
474 Mr Jaderudraiah Scientist 'E' - bangalore ADE Electrical Integration of UAV, Cable loom design & Fabrication for UAVs, Ground power control console, Engine remote control console, Booster firing system.
475 Wg Cdr (Retd) SS Yegnaswami Scientist 'F' - bangalore CABS Experience as an Air Force Engineer, Techno Managerial Experience, Aircraft Strip overhaul/Integration of various system/subsystem after overhaul, using Automatic Test Equipment (ATE).
476 Mr M Sethuraman Scientist 'E' - bangalore LRDE Design and Development of analog voice scramblers, Digital encrypt for Voice, data & Fax, Cryptographic Algorithm development & SAG Clearance, Software & Hardware development on Network Security, Technical training to Industry participants & Consultancy.
477 Mr DK Das Scientist 'E' 01/09/2006 pune HEMRL a) Design & fabrication of Special purpose mechines, b) Propellant & explosives machining
478 Mr AV Tuljapurkar Scientist 'D' 19/08/2006 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Design & Development of Engineer equipments for Army
479 Mr VS Shinde Scientist 'D' 01/09/2006 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Design & Development of Engineer equipment for Army
480 Mr JL Raj Scientist 'D' 01/09/2006 pune VRDE a) Design & development of electrical sub- systems / controls of military vehicles, b) Drawings for electrical systems & controls, c) Testing and maintenance of electrical systems of Vehicles
481 Mr SK Chaturvedi Scientist 'F' 09/10/2006 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Project Management, b) Quality Control, c) Test & evaluation of mechanical systems, d) Design & Development of electronic systems, e) Documentation
482 Mr VV Makhija Scientist 'D' 17/10/2006 pune ARDE a) Design & Development of Air Armaments and Power cartridges, b) R & D Management, c) Documentation
483 Mr Mohinder Singh Scientist 'D' 15/12/2006 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Performance evaluation of electrical / electronic and mechanical equipments, b) High altitude testing of engines and DG sets, c) Strain guage testing of structures, d) Radiographic testing
484 Mr K Raghunatha Rao Scientist 'E' 15/01/2007 pune ARDE a) Flash X-Ray, b) Ultra High Speed Photography, c) High Energy Capacitor Banks
486 Mr T Ganesh Singh Scientist 'B' 15/01/2007 pune ARDE a) PZT materials, b) Alumina substitutes, c) PIEZO-CERAMIC / Pure CERAMIC materials
489 Prof Om Parkash Scientist 'E' 31/01/2017 pune IAT a) Teaching, b) Recognised Guide of Pune University for research programmes, c) Missile Power supplies, d) Aircraft Electronics, e) Control Engineering
490 Mr TK Ghosh Scientist 'E' 31/01/2007 pune ARDE a) Design & development of ammunition (Army & Naval), b) Underwater mines, c) Submersible Signal Cartridges
491 KSS Iyer Scientist 'F' 28/08/2007 pune CME a) Application of Mathematical Modeling, b) Operations Research, c) War gamming, d) Computational Fluid Dynamics
493 Ratan Singh Cmde 05/01/2007 pune ARDE a) Project Mangement, b) Proof of ammunition, c) Design & development of Naval and Air Armaments
494 Dr CG Kumbhar Scientist 'E' 20/02/2007 pune IAT a) Teaching, b) Guidance to research students, c) Conducting of CEP Courses, d) Visiting faculty, e) Polymer Corrosion, Composites
496 Mr Durga Charan Pradan Scientist 'F' - hyderabad ITR Physical metallurgy, DS of superalloys, ballistics and trials.
497 Mr K Sreenivasan Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DRDL Structural testing of missile systems, Fabrication and QC.
498 Mr E Pullaiah Scientist 'D' - hyderabad DMRL Materials testing, NDT, investment casting and inspection of metallic parts.
499 Mr JN Mohanty Scientist 'E' - hyderabad DRDL Programming and Schedule analysis, Monitoring, Resource planning, Technical documentation for missile systems.
500 Mr P Laxman Rao Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Software, System testing and validation.
501 Brig (Retd) SB Ghorpade Brig 03/04/2007 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Quality Control, b) Project Mangement, c) Defence Committee of MCCIA
502 Col (Retd) SK Sinha Col 28/03/2007 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Project Mangement, b) Snow & Avalanche study, c) Combat Engineering
503 Mr R Jayaraman Iyer Scientist 'E' - hyderabad RCI Database software development, HRD and management information system.
504 Mr JA Sachdev Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DLRL VVIP security systems, Jammers, RF and ESM systems, Electronic warfare.
505 Mr J Siva Kumar Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DLRL Dev of MW components, IFF and ECM systems, Phase shifters and Jammers.
507 Dr CP Achuthan Scientist 'D' 09/05/2007 pune HEMRL a) Research & development High Energy to Materials, b) Fuel Air Explosives
508 Mr S Mukerjee Scientist 'F' 15/05/2007 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Mine warfare equipments, b) Snow & Avalanche Study equipments, c) Project Mangement
509 Mr NM Hariprasad Scientist 'F' 14/06/2007 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Design & Development of water purification equipments, b) High pressure pneumatic equipments, c) Pressure Vessels, d) Heating systems
510 Mr B Srinivasa Rao Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DRDO HQ MW parts for IFF projects, Management for SAMYUKTA.
511 Dr A Bhagavathi Rao Scientist - hyderabad DLRL Electronic warfare, semiconductors, signal processing, Radar tracking
512 Mr S Chellappa Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DMRL Instrumentation, calibration, electronics and communication maintenance
514 Mr K Sitarama Rao Scientist 'D' - hyderabad DMRL Titanium sponge extraction and manufacturing.
516 Mr Bhosle Vishwanath Scientist 'E' - hyderabad NSTL Instrumentation & controls for u/w weapon systems
517 Mr BS Sastry Scientist 'G' - hyderabad CVRDE Materials testing, NDT, investment casting and inspection of metallic parts.
518 Dr SS Rao Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DMRL Ballistics, Firing range mgmt. Human resource mgmt.
519 Mrs B Subhadra Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DLRL EW systems and Integral communication for jammers and fuses.
520 Mr KV Ramana Sai Scientist 'G' - hyderabad RCI Embedded systems, Fire control and VLSI
521 Mr AK Mondal Scientist 'G' 06/07/2007 pune HEMRL a) Solid Rocket Propellants, b) Explosives in general, c) Projects Management
522 Mr D Sarkar Scientist 'E' 24/08/2007 pune ARDE a) Range Table compilation, b) Proof of ammunition, c) R& D Management
523 Dr V P Haridasan Scientist 'F' - bangalore CVRDE Mechanical Hardware for Defence Electronics, Missile carrier vehicles for NAG (NAMICA), Running gear and suspension (MBT Arjun), Defence Electronics Research Laboratory, Terminal Ballistic Research Laboratory.
524 Air Cmde (Retd) SC Gupta Air Cmdr Retd - bangalore RCMA Aero dynamics, Flight controls
525 Mr M Theerthagiri Scientist 'G' - bangalore CAIR Design & Development of Air Defence Command and Control system, Development of C4I for Battalion & Below Level System, Standards Based Large Software Development & Documentation, Structured & Object Oriented Methodology, CASE tools & UML Notation based Re
526 Mr SR Chandrasekaran Scientist 'G' - bangalore GTRE Project Management , PERT/CPM, System Design, Mechanical System Design, Product Design and Development , Pneumatic and Servo Hydraulic system, Valves, Electro- Mechanical system, Manufacture, Tools Design.
527 Mr T Unnikrishnan Scientist 'F' - bangalore NPOL Setting up of PXE, Balas ore, Measurement & Study of Internal & External Ballistic Parameters of Weapons, Analysis of Self -noise & Machinery vibration of Ship and Submarines, Design & Development of online vibration Monitoring system for Gas Turbine.
528 Lt Gen (Retd) Dr VJ Sundaram Director - bangalore DRDL / RCI Micro & Bio - System, Interfacing Engineering, Biology Project Management.
529 Mr DK Chanana Scientist 'F' - bangalore ADE Design Aerodynamics, Aircraft Performance, Wind Tunnel, Design & Testing.
530 Mr TS Raghavan Scientist 'G' - bangalore CAIR Secure Digital Communication for the Services.
531 Mr B Ramesh Baliga Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE Flight Test Instrumentation, & High Speed Photography, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles system, Action for Setting up of AERO & UAV Test Range with Exclusive Airspace for DRDO, Projects FALCON (Nishant UAV) & Aeronautical Test Range.
532 Mr Mangipudi Subrahmanya Sarma Scientist 'C' - bangalore NSTL Research and Development work in the Core Electrical Engg area (Electrical Machine Design and System cables design) defence of R & D project in NSTL, Visakhapatnum, And Maintenance and Fault repairs in Electrical system of all India Radio.
533 Dr KA Jacob Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE Structural Engineering, Composite Materials, Air frame Design, Random Design, Experimental mechanics and Smart Structures, All design and Development of NISHANT.
534 AM Narayanan Scientist 'F' - bangalore CVRDE Improvement of Tank Vijay anta Patrol Car, Modernization of Vijay anta, Design & Development of mm SP gun, Development of MBT Arjun, Core strength in the system integration, Trial evaluation preparation of trial directive, Conduct of trails, Compilation o
535 Dr MG Joseph Scientist 'F' - bangalore NPOL Physical Oceanography (Costal Oceanography, Air-Sea Interaction Thermo line , Studies, Mixed Layer Dynamics, Satellite Oceanography), Management Committee of NPOL.
536 Mr E Papaiah Scientist - hyderabad DLRL ECM for TEMPEST and Environment engineering
537 Mr N Swamy Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DMRL CAD/CAM and CNC machining for dies and fixtures, die design and workshop mgmt.
538 Mr KP Gandhi Scientist 'F' - hyderabad NSTL Design & dev of light weight torpedo, pressure test chambers and launching facilities.
539 Mr TK Chandra Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DRDL Design & dev of aero-dynamics/propulsion & ground test facilities.
541 RK Dua Scientist 'D' - delhi DESIDOC Library organisation &documentation panning organization of exhibition in India, diploma in health education advance Russian diploma
542 Dr Anand Prakash Scientist 'F' - delhi PEACE Design & development of 105 project ERP design, 75/24Rocked 122 DRTC related training recruitment and HRD related issue
544 Dr KS Manja Scientist 'G' - bangalore DOP Micro Biological Studies on epidemiological investigation, Research & Development Management, Current methods of production of Staphylococcal enter toxin & their detection.
547 Mr AK Jain Maj Gen - delhi DRDO HQ Advance Weapon Technology Course, export Marketing
549 Mr DK Parashar Scientist 'F' - delhi SASE Avalanche, central Structures and project planning
550 Mr DN Sethi Scientist 'F' - delhi SASE Avalanche central structures and project planning
551 Mr HK Kulshrestha Scientist 'D' - delhi DRDE Tech. coordination Budget, Finance F.E. management Technology transfer
552 Mr HR Suneja Scientist 'E' - delhi TBRL Shock testing cavity collapse Shock attenuation in metals and in water ,Jet studies shock wave studies
553 Mr G Chand Scientist 'D' - delhi TBRL High voltage discharge missiles and Air craft application
554 Mr VB Ware Scientist 'F' 28/09/2007 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Project Management, b) R & D Management, c) Quality Management System, d) Patent Law & Documentation
555 Mr CM Kulkarni Scientist 'F' 28/09/2007 pune ARDE a) Design & development Air Armaments Power, Cartridges Canopy Severance System etc, b) Project Management, c) Environmental testing of Air Armament
556 Mr SP Shaha Scientist 'E' 05/10/2007 pune R&DE (Engr) a)    Design of conventional / Non conventional structures, b) FEM analysis, c) Design/development of Engineers equipments
557 Mr RB Sale Scientist 'D' 15/10/2007 pune ARDE a) Design and Development of Naval armaments, ECM Rockets, b) Proof of Naval Armaments
558 Mr SH Vaidya Scientist 'F' 16/11/2007 pune ARDE a) Project Management, b) Design of Weapon System, c) Production of Armament System, d) Study & analysis of Armament System
559 Mr Uday Nanal Scientist 'D' 27/11/2007 pune RCMA a) Testing & evaluation of electronic systems, b) Formulation of Test Schedules for environmental & endurance conditions for electronic systems, c) Design auditing for military airworthiness certification of airborne systems
560 Mrs Ruby Talukdar Scientist 'G' - bangalore SSB Personality Assessment, Research Mythology, DRDO Project, Teaching, Training Section.
561 Mr MC Aggarwal Scientist 'F' - bangalore CAIR Communication & Networking, Tactical Area Communication, Motile Communication system (CDMA,GSM,TETRA) Ad loc network.
562 Mr PS Ramamoorthy Scientist 'C' - bangalore GTRE Test Rigs & LRUs: preparation of specification and tender, documents Resource finding, Preparation of all documents for purchase , test Plan preparation, Conducting test , test report preparation and Documentation, Drawing & Manufacturing.
563 Mr JK Sharma Scientist 'G' - bangalore CEMILAC Flight control system, Design and Development including Digital Fly By Wire system and Airworthiness Certification of Aircraft, Engine & System.
564 PK Kalia Scientist 'G' - bangalore GTRE Design & Development of Aero Gas Turbine Engine and Turbo Machinery, Kaveri Engine for LCA, Small Turbo Engine (STFE), Design, Development & Testing of STFE for UAVs - Project NIRBHAY of ADE.
565 Mr VN Dabade Scientist 'F' - bangalore LRDE Design, Development & Evaluation of Antennas for various Ground based, Ship based & Air Borne Radar, Mechanically Fast Scanning Antenna, Doubly Curved, Reflector Based Antenna, Dual Frequency Tracking Antenna
566 Mr R Venkatesh Babu Scientist 'E' - bangalore ISSA Training Simulators & Radar performance analysis, Top Secret projects W,R.T Radar to performance analysis -Reported to EW HQr, IV & V activities for Various Projects.
567 Mr Tilak Raj Dutt Scientist 'D' - bangalore ADE Project Management , Co-ordination and logistic support in a UAV Project, Technical Co-ordination and interaction with vendors, Certification and Quality Assurance agency, Reliability Studies.
568 Mr S Sadasivan Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE Structural Dynamics, Mechanical Vibration, Acoustics, Passive Acoustics Technologies, Digital Signal Processing.
570 Mr GV Dinaker Rao Scientist 'E' - bangalore LRDE / CAIR Design of Embedded Hardware around different families of processor, Development of Data based Communication, Infrastructure for command and Control, Development of Real time application software.
571 Mr VN Narasimhan Scientist 'D' - bangalore CVRDE Development, testing and integration of DC & AC power supply for GCS Servo control unit and sensors, Maintenance, Fault diagnosis and servicing of electronic assembly of GCS, Commissioning ,testing , Performance evaluation of MBT Arjun proto type and production.
572 Mr SR Bera Scientist 'F' - hyderabad ITR Range safety, Ti sponge making, IC engines testing.
573 Mr G Subhash Babu Scientist 'D' - hyderabad NSTL Dev and evaluation of propulsion motors and Control systems for torpedoes.
574 Prof G Kumaraswamy Rao Scientist 'H' (Director) - hyderabad DLRL Servo systems for ESM antennas, DF processors, Subsystems for RADAR and Launchers.
576 Mr Vijay Mittal Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Design, dev and integration of EW & RADAR systems.
577 Mrs Radhika Pasumarthi Scientist 'E' - bangalore DARE Electronic Warfare - Communication EW and Air-borne EW, Embedded software, Flight Trial experience, Automatic test Equipment, System sub system Software Design, Development ,Testing, IV & V, Integration, Evaluation.
578 Mrs VG Jaishree Scientist 'F' - bangalore LRDE Designed & Developed the Real time computer system, Radar Controller, Contriver, Trackers & Multi-Sensor, Data Fusion System, Involved in the interface definitions of Radar and the command and control centre of AD weapon system.
579 Mr NS Prabhu Scientist 'F' - bangalore GTRE Preparing engine and rig layouts, stress analysis, materials estimation, producibility studies and interface checks, Working out and optimizing the cold components dimensions from hot flow path, Mechanical design and Drawing of compressor parts.
580 DP Attrey Scientist 'F' - delhi DIPAS Food Scientist, Lead assessor ISO-9000
582 V Gopal Scientist 'G' - delhi SSPL IR devices, Focal plane array semiconductor physics
584 Mr AK Kapoor Scientist 'H' (Director) - delhi CFEES Project management system Design Solid Rocket propulsion Armament
585 Mr Suresh S Markale Scientist 'D' 07/03/2007 pune HEMRL a) Technical Co-ordination
586 Mr Arun R Vaidya Scientist 'F' 14/03/2008 pune ARDE a) Computer System Engineering and Instrumentation, b) Digital Electronics, c) PINACA Fire Control and Command Post
587 Mr PR Badadare Scientist 'C' 10/04/2008 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Type testing of engineer equipment, b) Design of Climatic Test Chambers
588 Mr HJ Gandhi Scientist 'E' 23/04/2008 pune HEMRL a) Design & development of propellants for rockets & missiles, b) Design & development of ignition system for solid rocket propulsion system
590 Mr Srinivas Kache Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DRDL System engineering and integration for AGNI sub-systems, G-FAST experience.
591 Mr S Koteswara Rao Scientist 'D' - hyderabad NSTL Electronics and instrumentation
592 Mr PN Gadhikar Scientist 'G' 30/04/2006 pune ARDE a) Project Management, b) Design of High Explosive System, c) Design of Armaments
594 Mr S Seshadri Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DRDL Aerospace/missile systems, design, Fabrication, Metal joining, QC and QA.
595 Mr GP Seshasai Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Telemetry, ECM, System integration and testing of EW and RADARS
596 PB Deshpande, VSM Maj Gen 22/05/2008 pune ITR a) Quality Control Electronic Systems, b) Project Management, c) Technical / Administrative Management
597 Mr MD Sahu Scientist 'F' 05/06/2008 pune ARDE a) Metallurgy, b) NDT training, c) Quality Control evaluation
600 Mr RR Mahajan Scientist 'D' 27/06/2008 pune HEMRL a)    Research & development of High Energy Materials, b)    Process Development, c)    Project feasibility studies, d)    Quality control & analysis
601 Maj Gen (Retd) PK Govila Maj Gen 09/07/2008 pune PXE a) R & D Management, b) Project Management, c) Design & Development of ammunition, d) Proof of weapons & ammunition
603 RK Srivastava Scientist 'F' - delhi DESIDOC / SSPL Information science and technology Knowledge management Design and E library digital electronic journal
606 Mr LN Dash Scientist 'D' - hyderabad DMRL Mag materials, air/vacuum melting of superalloys & steels.
607 Mr AK Checker Scientist 'G' (Director) - hyderabad ITR
608 Mr O Subrahmanyam Scientist 'F' - hyderabad NSTL Instrumentation & controls for deep mobile targets and advanced torpedoes.
609 Mr P Veerabhadra Swamy Scientist 'E' - hyderabad NSTL Dev of micro-controller based instrumentation for under water systems.
610 Dr ML Bhatia Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DMRL Investment casting of superalloys, intermetallics, Ds turbine blades
611 Dr AM Srirama Murthy Scientist 'G' (Director) - hyderabad DMRL Directionally solidified turbine blades, Investment casting of superalloys.
612 Mr T Siva Rama Krishna Sastry Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DMRL Electronics and electrical maintenance, Magnetic materials and Vacuum technology.
613 Dr RK Bagai Scientist 'G' - delhi SSPL Material Science Crystal growth Physics
616 Dr SK Kapoor Scientist 'F' - delhi CFEES Explosive Environment
617 Dr AL Dawar Scientist 'G' - delhi LASTEC Laser technology
618 Dr KN Chopra Scientist 'G' - delhi LASTEC Thin film laser system opto electronics holo graphy
619 Mr ML Modi Scientist 'F' - delhi LASTEC Laser technology, Electro optics
620 Dr ES Bhagiradha Rao Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DMRL Powder metallurgy, design of cold & hot isostatic presses.
621 Mr A Sriraman Scientist 'G' - bangalore ASL Design of composites and metallic parts for missiles and aircrafts.
622 Mr VK Ramachandra Rao Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DRDL Fabrication of Rocket motors & Missile assemblies, their integration and testing
623 Mr KC Arora Scientist 'E' 21/10/2008 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Industrial Hydraulics & controls, b) Project management, c) Industrial Automation, d) Product Design
625 Mr AV Balasankaran Scientist 'F' - bangalore GTRE Configuration Design and Engineering of Shafts, Rotor Supports, Bearings and Sealing system for Aero Gas Turbine Engine, Development of kaveri engine for Marine application and engineering of power turbine, Configuration design of small gas turbine engine
626 Mr K Santhosh Kumar Scientist 'F' - bangalore GTRE Production- Management of Aero Gas Turbine Components through External resources and Components, Member of Interview and Selection Panels, GTX Engine Projects, Kaveri marine Engine Project.
627 Mr N Vaidyanathan Scientist 'F' - bangalore GTRE Manufacturing of Gas Turbine Engine Components, Planning and Control for elimination of bottlenecks in manufacturing, Specialization in Heat Treatment of Nickel Base Super Alloys and Titanium Alloys, Maintenance of machine Tools.
628 C Ramanatha Scientist 'F' - bangalore GTRE Fabrication of Aero Engine Components, Specialized in welding, Fabrication of Kaveri Components assembling.
629 Mr Ramaswamy Scientist 'C' - bangalore LRDE Process planning and Execution, Fabrication of Mechanical Hardware required for Electronic Equipment, Assembling, Fitment and erection of equipments, Drilling of PCB's by programming and drilling as CNC Machines Knowledge on Plastic processing and Civil w
630 Mr BS Balaji Scientist 'E' - bangalore GTRE Manufacturing of Gas Turbine, Engine Components and development of coating Technology for Kaveri Engine Programme & Responsible for the development of coating technology on engine components
631 Mr S Karthikeyan Scientist 'G' - bangalore LRDE Design, Development and Evaluation of Radar system and Communication system Environmental & EMI/EMC testing & Quality Assurance, Human Resources Development, Project planning & Management.
632 Mr MM Bhat Scientist 'E' - bangalore GTRE Aircraft performance estimation, Airframe equine project studies with reference to require with Existing System.
633 Mr RR Arjunagi Scientist 'D' - bangalore GTRE Digital and Hybrid Simulation of Gas Turbine Engine, Computer Aided Manufacturing, Engine performance estimation and Analysis, Vendor Development.
634 Mr N Ramakrishna Pillai Scientist 'D' - bangalore LRDE Production Planning and Control, Inspection and Quality Control of Mechanical, Hardware items, Design and Fabrication of Chemical Components.
635 Mr GR Rewankar Scientist 'F' - bangalore LRDE Design & Development of Low noise, Low Power microwave subsystem like Exciters and Receivers for different Radar system & Radar frequency bands. Measurement of Antennas, Design & Development of Lightweight, Compact receiver subsystem for airborne platform
636 Chhaya K Rajput Scientist 'E' - bangalore ADE Material Technology Laboratory, worked on advance Computer Controlled closed loop materials test system, Contributed toward characterization of materials like GFRP, CFRP, Hybrid laminates, varieties of foams, and sandwich structures, Data generated is ext
637 Mr Joseph Mathew Scientist 'F' - bangalore LRDE Design and development of Deflection Amplifiers for CRT display, Design and development of High Voltage Power Supplies for CRT display, digital memory unit using magnetic core memory, Defence application, Light Weight Field artillery Radar, Materials mana
638 Mr G Satyanarayana Rao Scientist 'E' - hyderabad NSTL Underwater weapons and pressure vessels, maintenance of workshop eqpt.
639 Mr P Balayogi Scientist 'F' - hyderabad NSTL FRP composites for marine structures, design of pressure hulls & other ship parts.
640 Mr BVN Murty Scientist 'E' - hyderabad NSTL Electronic instrumentation for underwater weapons.
641 Mr A Madan Scientist 'E' - hyderabad RCI Composite power supplies, UPS and Safety engineering.
642 Mr DD Singh Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Design & dev of COMINT, Comm EW, RF(VHF/UHF), Analog and digital hardware, Digital signal processing.
643 Mr K Mohan Kishore Scientist 'E' - hyderabad DLRL Design, Development, Installation, Field trials of Radar & Communication Sub-systems & Systems, ISO 9000 related activities & Project Management
645 Mr UP Thakur Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DMDE Quality control, Mechanical Engineering and propulsion systems.
646 Mr S Neelakantan Scientist 'G' - bangalore CEMILAC Airworthiness Certification of Military Aircraft, Helicopters and Airborne system including Mechanical, Hydra tic, Avionic & EN system, Good Knowledge of Qualification testing Weapon Installation seal.
647 Mr MA Sunder Singh Scientist 'F' - bangalore LRDE Fabrication of mechanical hardware, Antennae and Structures for Radar System, Precision machining/Precision Microwave assembly, Dip Brazing technology, Civil work and management of Large size MT comprising of Civil, Military pattern and Radar mounted vehi
648 Mr RP Ramalingam Scientist 'H' - bangalore DARE Sound Ranging Computer for Mortar Location, Indra Radar, Phased Array Antenna, Airborne Electronic Warfare, LCA Mission Computer, Digital Engine Control Unit (KADECU), Vertical Programme.
649 Dr MR Santha Devi Scientist 'F' - bangalore NPOL Human Resource Development coordinator, Technical Information Resource Centre, Research Projects.
650 Mr MN Bhat Scientist 'F' - bangalore GTRE Gas Turbine Combustor testing and development, Testing and development of Combustion system for G.T engine (Kaveri), Setting up of infrastructures for testing of annular combustor and its development activities.
651 Mr MV Patil Scientist 'E' - bangalore GTRE Aircraft in overhead and testing of Aeronautics in Test Beds, DRDO out of setting up of GTX test bed and testing of GTX engine and Transonic machinery of Aero engine at GTRE.
652 Mr Mahadevappa Scientist 'D' - bangalore GTRE Design, Drawing, Fabrication, Installation testing and Maintenance of Aero Gas Turbine Engine, Fuel Control system test Rigs etc, Setting up of test Rigs.
653 Dr MD Raj Narayan Scientist 'G' - bangalore MTRDC Was assets Director in DRL Hyderabad and later became Deputy Director. Took over as director as MTRDC from 1985.
654 Mr CV Sundar Raju Scientist 'F' - bangalore GTRE Aerodynamic design 7 test Performance evaluation of axial flow compressors and inter connecting ducts for Aero engine application, Design and Signal Stage transonic Compressor to Integrate with Sub sonic Stages.
656 Mr KP Achutha Kumar Scientist 'F' - bangalore CAIR Communication (LRDE), Communication & Networking (CAIR), Automatic electronic Switch, Automatic electronic Switch MK-II, Packet switch Overlay for AREN, integrated Switching system (ISS), Data Concentrator (DC), Command information and Decision Support Sy
657 Mr MA Naidu Scientist 'C' - bangalore CABS Evaluation of system, Integration Communication Control system, Study and Analysis of Radar Singer, Definition of Software and Hardware integration control development.
658 Mr Gopikanta Saha Scientist 'F' - bangalore ADE FRP: Fabrication and Quality Control, Vendor development, maintenance, Improvement of Quality Management system, Training and Guiding personal leading, Project management (NISHANT).
659 Mr M Balakrishnan Scientist 'E' - bangalore ADE Design, Development and testing of Airborne and Avionics, Electronics Hardware Subsystem for Flight Control applications and test facilities for UAVs and generation test procedure,
660 Mr P Selvaraj Scientist 'E' - bangalore ADE Detailed Design CAD tools and latest Software, Lead a team of detailed designers for Airframe and Mechanical system, Standardization of Drawing (Member of JSG).
662 Mr CS Ramachandran Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DMRL Production of Titanium sponge by Magnesothamic reduction process and its technology transfer to KMML, Vacuum arc melting for Ti..
663 Mr K Krishnamurthy Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DLRL Ground control centre, Design Development, Realistic communications, software quality assurance.
664 Mr JAR Krishna Moorty Scientist 'H' (Director) - hyderabad IRDE DRDO Projects in the elctro-optical field encompassing day sights, thermal imagers, laser range finders & designators, control engineering etc
665 Mr Abhijit Dutta Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DMRL Metal forming deformation
666 Dr AR Reddy Scientist 'G' (Director) - hyderabad DLJ Radiation applications, Radiation dosimeter and Safety from radiation hazards.
667 Mr T Mohan Reddy Scientist 'F' - hyderabad ASL Design Processing Assembly Static Testing of Solid Rocket Motors
668 Mr S Balasubramaniam Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DMRL Powder metallurgy, Iso-static pressing, project management, planning & management.
669 Mr RB Rajendra Prasad Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Electronic warfare, Design & Development
670 Mr TK Jagan Mohan Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DLRL
671 Mr MS Raju Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DRDL Characterisation of various materials & chemicals, quality control of liquid propellants and dev of hydrocarbon fuels used in missile systems
674 Mr VK Aggarwal Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DRDL Design & dev of Airframe, FEM analysis of airframe and Heat transfer
676 Mr D Murali Mohan Rao Scientist 'G' - hyderabad CVRDE Integration, R&QA,ISO 9001, Documentation
677 Mr K.A Ramakrishna Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE Embedded Flight Control System, Software development System, Unmanned Air vehicles, Development for Flight Simulators, R&D Simulator Development, Ajeet/Kiran Training Simulators for Indian Air force.
678 Mr M Mathurakani Scientist 'G' - bangalore NPOL Signal Processing system, Embedded system, Distributed Computing system, Design and Development for Multi Microprocessor hardware and Software system .
679 Mr D Babu Scientist 'F' - bangalore NPOL Design development of system Hardware and testing in the field of RF and Sonar Technologies, Testing and evaluation of Subsystem and system, Designed RF Transmitter and Receivers.
680 Mr T Krishnamurthy Scientist 'E' - bangalore GTRE Burner Exhaust system in Orphan 703 engine, GTX-37 twine sport engine, Kaveri programming at GTRE, Bangalore.
681 Dr VB Pillai Scientist 'E' - bangalore NPOL Sonar specific Rubber technology, Under Water seals, Materials for marine applications in NPOL
682 AN Srikantaiah Scientist 'F' - bangalore LRDE Signal processing Radar system integration, Radar Field Evaluation, Light weight field Artillery, Radar multi target field Artillery (Mu FAR) Rotating Phased array radar (VAJRA), Rajendra Radar for Akash Weapon System, Weapon locating radar (WLR)
683 Brig (Retd) MN Kadapatti Brig. - bangalore LRDE Staff & Secretarial Processes, Project Management, Strategic Planning and Policies and Procedures, Reforms in Project Administration Procedures, Software Engineering Processes, Software quality Assurance Processes, IPR Process Management.
684 Mr MN Jagdish Kumar Scientist 'E' - bangalore ADE Composite Technology Centre of Aeronautical Development Establishment, FRP composite materials and products for aircraft application, Broadband sandwich radomes for fighter aircraft , Development of composite moulding tools and Special Liquid moulding pro
685 Mr HS Prakash Scientist 'F' - bangalore LRDE Mechanical Engineering Design for Hardware for Radars development by LRDE, Active Interaction with DRDO Labs M/SBEL, ECIL etc for development and involved in Trails for Bahery Level Radar, Weapon Locating Radar (WLR) and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR).
686 Dr K Viswanathan Scientist 'G' - bangalore PEACE Applied Mathematics, Solid/Fluid Mechanics, Wave prorogation & Scattering applications in Acoustics, Electro Magnetic Elastic Bodies, and Contributed to RCS studies of LCA, Surface Wave Reflection of Transmission in Solids.
687 Mr BG Keshava Murthy Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADA Military Engine Certification, Life extension, Development in Aircraft Simulators, Unmanned vehicles, Starting System of Main engine, LCA Programme at ADE.
688 DR Sagar Scientist 'F' - delhi SSPL Ferrites, Photolithography Electro ceramics
689 Dr CM Dhawan Scientist 'G' - delhi DRDO HQ Material management , Mechanical Engg.
690 Dr Anil Kumar Scientist 'G' (Director) - delhi LASTEC LASER Technology
692 Subhash Chandra Rastogi Scientist 'F' - delhi CFEES Micro processor based fire Suppression system for armoured vehicles, ISO 9001 Lead Auditor
693 Dr SK Lomash Scientist 'G' - delhi SSPL Semiconductor devices CCT,MCT,FPA, MEMS Bolometer
694 ND Sharma AVM - delhi DRDO HQ Creation of system concept, Broad design layout, Technical administration
695 Dr AK Ghosh Scientist 'F' - delhi BRD-Air Force Rubber technology
696 Mr Surendra Kumar Scientist 'H' OS (Director) - hyderabad ARDE Missiles technology and armaments
697 Mr SM Nirgude Scientist 'G' 16/04/2009 pune ARDE a) Design & Development of Naval Armaments, b) Underwater Trials of of Naval Weapon System
699 Mr KP Joshi Scientist 'E' 06/07/2009 pune ARDE a) Design & Development of Kinetic Energy Projectiles, b) Ballistics, c) Design & Development of Tank Ammunition
700 Dr TD Sharma Scientist 'G' 27/07/2009 pune TBRL a) Research & Development of High Explosives, b) Project Management, c) Productionisation High Energy Materials
701 Mr PG Vaidya Scientist 'D' 11/08/2009 pune ARDE a) Metal Testing & Chemical Analysis, b) Spectroscopy, c) Deisgn of Development of special Machines & Fixtures.
702 Dr BP Joshi Scientist 'F' 11/09/2009 pune ARDE a) Armament Electronics, b) Design & Development of Fuzes, c) Mechatronics
703 Mr GC Popli Scientist 'F' 24/09/2009 pune RCMA a) Design Evaluation of Aircraft Systems, b) Project Management, c) Airworthiness Certification of indigenous Aircraft System
704 Mr A Basu Scientist 'E' 01/05/2010 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Research Projects, b) Quality Assurance, c) Project Management, d) Design Realisation, Evaluation, Validation & Technical Documentation.
706 Mr Dhara Singh Scientist 'E' - delhi SAG Management
707 Mr GC Bhola Scientist 'E' - delhi INMAS Radiological Safety
708 Mr Kuruvilla Zachariah Scientist 'E' - delhi DFRL Microbiology, Immunology, Immunochemistry, Biotechnology
709 Mr DS Khati Scientist 'D' - delhi DIBR Biotechnology, Animal House, Tissue culture, Bio-diesel
710 Dr PS Rawat Scientist 'D' - delhi DIBIR Bio-diesel, Organic chemistry, High Altitude problem
711 Mr PS Srivastava Director Gde I - delhi DGQA Quality assurance for weapon equipment Light weight bn 0 structure, Quality policy for defence store
712 Mr AK Bansal Scientist 'E' - delhi RAC ISO, Record Management HRD
713 Brig SN Dikshit, VSM Brig - hyderabad DMRL Design,Devlopment, Testing,Production of Passive armor,Reactive armor, Composite armor, Ceramic armor, Ballistic Testing of armor systems as per USSR/USA/UK standards,Ballistic Range Planning, Designing,Specifications of the test facilities & lay-out
714 Dr CL Dhamejani Scientist G DIRECTOR 11/02/2010 pune VRDE Design,Development and Testing of Automobile and UAV Engines.
715 MM Shete Scientist 'E' 30/12/2008 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Design & Development of Engineer equipments
716 Mr SK Misra Scientist 'D' 18/12/2008 pune VRDE a) System design , b) System analysis, c) Software development
717 Mr GSLN Rao Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DRDL Electrical power and electronic system integration.
718 Mr GC Adhikari Scientist 'F' 02/09/2009 pune ARDE a) Metrology and Quality Assurance of Vehicles and Armament Systems., b) Safety Engineering
719 Mr M Manoharan Scientist 'E' - bangalore GTRE Experienced in the field of Sheet Metal and Welding in the Manufacture of Gas Turbine Engine, Contributed in the design of Figs, Fixtures, Cutting Tools in the manufacturing of Kaveri Engine.
720 Mr B Bojjanna Scientist 'F' - bangalore CEMILAC Indigenization of materials, Forgings, Rolled Rings, Brake pads and Non-metallic materials, Certification Methodologies, Materials substance, Airworthier Certification, Product development, Quality control, HR & Knowledge Experience.
721 Mrs S Uma Scientist 'F' - bangalore LRDE Radar system and Radar Display, Embedded system development, Software Configuration management, ASIC design, Design of MMI, Ground based Surveillance Radar ROHINI, System Integration, Transfer of Technology to Production Agency, Avionics Sub system of LCA
722 Mr Abdul Hameed Scientist 'F' - bangalore ADE Flight control Avionics Software Engineering, A/C system requirement Engineering, System Engineering, Aircraft system for UAVs & Manned aircraft system test ring development internal TRS only
723 Mr CR Raghunath Scientist 'G' - bangalore LRDE The Major contribution are Microelectronics and Printed circuits Division, Fabrication of multiplayer PCBs & MICs, Radar Project of LRDE, Novel fabrication techniques, Micro strip array antennas for Radar Project.
724 Mr Kuruvilla Zachariah Scientist 'E' - bangalore DFRL Different Sources and Quality of Potable Water and Edible Food in Assam, NEFA and adjoining Areas, Simple Water Treatment Process Kit for the Removal of Iron from Water and any Oily Substances present in Water, Studies on the Common Derma to mycoses in N
725 Mr S Sudhakar Reddy Scientist 'F' - bangalore GTRE Blade manufacturing centre, Engine Integration Team for OAT, FTB, Core Engines, Ground test engines, engine manager for K7 Kaveri engine, Manufacturing Technology of Gas Turbine engine.
726 Dr JH Jagannath Scientist 'F' - bangalore DEBEL Electro Chemical-Corrosion Surface Protective Coating, Polymer Chemistry & Technology, Food Chemistry-Edible Coating & Breathable Films, Biotechnology- Antimicrobial coating, Haemostatic Polymer & Medical Textile.
727 Mr S Joseph Souriraj Scientist 'G' - bangalore LRDE Radar Signal Processing, Radar System Engineering, Project Management, Technical Co-ordination, Quality Management System as per ISO Standards.
728 Dr K Soundararajan Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE Avionics System Integration, Integrated Verification and Validation of Avionics system with Subsystems, Avionics System Simulation & Optimization, Control System Engineering, linear Active Networks development of High Bride operational system.
729 Mr BM Ponnappa Dy.Dir. of L&I - bangalore DRDO HQ Intelligence satellite and Cable Television, Information Security & Technology Satellite Communication, Modern Radar Technology warfare, Speech Technology/Speech Secrecy Cryptography Digital Communication Spread Spectrum Techniques EMI/EMC/EMP, Computer a
730 Mr T Venkatakrishnaiah Scientist 'G' - bangalore GTRE Aerothermodynamics Design and Analysis of Turbo Machines, CFD in Internal Flows.
731 Mr Umesh Madhav Date Scientist 'C' - bangalore LRDE Design & Development of Radar Data Processing System & Participated in Vajra & LRNG Projects, Lead many Phone development programs involving all engineering areas like product conceptualization, Industrial design, Mechanical design, Electrical design, Sof
732 Mr K Radha Krishnan Scientist 'G' - bangalore GTRE Design and Development of Armament System, Inspection and Quality Assurance of aero engines, Design, Development, Manufacture, Assembly and Testing of axial Flow Compressor, Development of test rigs for Compressor testing at G.T.R.E.
733 Mr R Viswanadha Sarma Scientist 'D' - bangalore ADE In the Areas of Flight control, Related Project of UAVs, Flight Simulator of Ajeet & Kiran Aircraft, Involved in Software & Hardware aspects, Control loop Simulation of Hydraulic actuate etc, Associated with Flight control system of unmanned aircraft & de
734 Mr R Raghunathan Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE Design & Development of Aero Mechanical System, Missile Target, Television Visual system, Tempest Propane, Development, Production & TOT of LAKSHYA system, LRU development for LCA, Externally carried aircraft store development for TEMPEST.
735 Mr Ravindra Kumar Chouhan Scientist 'E' 17/02/2010 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Development of Life Support Systems, b) Development of composite filtration System for NBC collective Protection shelter., c) Development of Modular under ground mobile and protection EMI/EMC and utility shelters
736 Mr S Balasubramanian Scientist 'G' - hyderabad NSTL Machine design, dev of mech systems for u/w weapons/torpedoes.
738 Dr (Mrs) R Gulati Scientist 'G' - delhi SSPL Semi Conductor Devices, GaAs devices
739 Dr RC Sawhney Scientist 'G' (Director) - delhi DRDO HQ High Altitude Herbal Medicine, Endocrinology, Stress
740 Mr Mahesh Chandra Scientist 'E' - delhi CFEES To Look after Library Activities, Faculty Member of Officer`s Course (Fire Service Management) To provide feed back in Judicial Matters and Discharged Quasi Judicial Functions in various Departmental enquiries

Member of BAR Council Delhi

Member of (Central Administrative Tribunal) Association (Principal Bench DELHI)

Member of Maintenance Tribunal DELHI

Under Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizen Act 2007 up to 65 Years
741 Mr PK Bhatnagar Scientist 'G' - delhi DLJ Nuclear Disaster Management, Radiological Safety, Management
742 S Kumar Scientist 'D' - delhi DRDO HQ Management of technical collaborative activities
744 Dr MB Deshmukh Scientist 'G' 14/05/2010 pune NMRL a) Electrochemistry  Fuel Cells, PAFC, PEMFC, b) Corrosion, Corrosion Prevention, c) Material Selection Engg., d) Physical Metallurgy
745 Mr M Ramamurthy Scientist 'G' 26/05/2010 pune ARDE a?)? ?E?l?e?c?t?r?o?c?h?e?m?i?s?t?r?y? ? ?F?u?e?l? ?C?e?l?l?s?,? ?P?A?F?C?,? ?P?E?M?F?C?,? ?b?)? ?C?o?r?r?o?s?i?o?n?,? ?C?o?r?r?o?s?i?o?n? ?P?r?e?v?e?n?t?i?o?n?,? ?c?)? ?M?a?t?e?r?i?a?l? ?S?e?l?e?c?t?i?o?n? ?E?n?g?g?.?,? ?d?)? ?P?h?y?s?i?c?a?l? ?M?e?t?a?l?l?u?r?g?y?
746 Mr BR Gandhe Scientist 'G' 27/05/2010 pune HEMRL a) Experience in Analytical / Physical / Explosive Chemistry in General., b) Special Experience Optimisation / Charactarisation of Gun / Rocket Propellants Quality Control / Quality Management
747 Mr K Lakshmi Kanthan Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADA Turnkey Projects, Test set up & Facilities, Hydraulic System, Manufacturing development & Production.
748 Dr Shyam Kishore Srivastava Scientist 'G' - bangalore NPOL Towed Transmitter Body (TTB) prototype development at NPOL, Critical Design Review (CDR) Document, Setting to Work, Arm Flooding Mechanism, Preliminary Design Document, Hydrodynamic Drag Computation, Compilation of Critical Design Review, Project Define D
749 Dr TS Balasubramanian Scientist 'G' - bangalore CVRDE Integration of Production tanks of MBT Arjun from Sl.No 6-53, Initiated a new division namely R&QA, Confirmatory trials on MBT, Engaged in process planning, Production Control of Missile sub- system, Manufacture of Liquid propulsion engine, Airframe compo
750 Mr A Krishnan Scientist 'E' - bangalore LRDE Chemical process development, Quality Assurance Inspection, Gold Plating Aluminium Microwave integrated circuit packages, Ni-Cd battery development and pilot plant production.
751 Mr V Gopala Krishnan Scientist 'G' - bangalore LRDE Quality Assurance (Electronics), Environmental testing as per JSS/MIL specs, Co-ordination of QTP/ATP/SOFT/ESS testing of the development system, Provision of Environmental test facilities.
752 Cmde (Retd) Chitranjan Das Scientist 'G' - bangalore DEBEL Construction of Nuclear Sub Marines, Development of Sub Marines Escape Seatrain, Development of Telemedicine System for India Navy.
753 Dr KG Narayanan DS - bangalore ADE Microwave, Avionics, Aromatics, UAVs, LAKSHYA.NISHANT, EW, LCA,A/C upgrades.
754 Mr RC Reddenna Scientist - hyderabad DMRL Powder metallurgy and steel armour.
755 Mr Bijoy Sarma Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DMRL Powder metallurgy, injection moulding & armour piercing penetrators.
756 Mr KK Radhakrishnan Scientist 'F' 06/11/2010 pune HEMRL a) Chemical Engineer, worked in the field of Solid Rocket Propellant processing., b) Development of infra strructure for processing kargo engineering Core.
760 Mr KC Jacob Scientist 'D' 27/07/2010 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Expert in Design, Realisation, Testing of Hydraulic System.
761 Mr Anoop Kumar Sahay Scientist - hyderabad DRDL QA for aerospace and electronic subsystems
762 Dr RC Mathur Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Electronic warfare, RADARS and project management for SAMYUKTA.
763 Mr A Sai Reddy Scientist 'G' - hyderabad RCI Integration of missile systems and measurement of missile mass properties.
764 Dr J Subrahmanyam Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DMRL Powder metallurgy, ceramics and composites.
765 Mr A Lurdharaj Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE Aerodynamic design of high speed & low speed UAVs and external stores, Wind tunnel data analysis of several models, Flight performance evaluation at various flight conditions, Design & Development of indigenous propellers for rotary and Piston engine appl
766 Mr K Seshasayan Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE FCS for UAV, Flight Control Sensors for LCA, System Engineering for LCA-FCS, Quality system , Project Management, Material Management, Integration.
767 Mr BS Veda Prakash Emeritus Scientist - bangalore CEMILAC Chairman of the Task Team set up by SA to RM for prepared REP for Alternate Power plant for Tejas (LCA), Aviation Turbine Fuel produced, Natural Gas Condensate by ONGC, Joint in Kaveri Venture Programme, Route of Clearance of GE F404 IN20 Engine LCA.
768 Mr MS Sundar Scientist 'G' - bangalore GTRE Computer Network: Setting up of Data Centre, Designing of Linux Clusters for High Performance Compute ring, Design and Development of Hardware for Product Life Cycle Management (PLM) for Kaveri Engine Programme.
769 Mr MR Kesheorey Scientist 'G' - bangalore CAIR Digital Signal Processing, Digital Communication, Secure Communication, Image/Speech Processing ,Artificial Intelligence & Neural Network, Geographical Information system, Network Management system, Human Resource Management, technology Management.
770 Mr TS Pranesha Murthy Scientist 'F' - bangalore LRDE Production Planning & Control, Programming for CNC Machines, machining of Precision Components, Fabrication of Structures, Inspection of Components, Plant Layout & Installation of Machinery, Shifting of machinery, Maintenance of up gradation Machinery & E
771 Mr KBS Nakra Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE Development of Liquid propulsion Engine, Missile assembly and integration, Design & Development of composite structures for Missile Programming, Formulation, Monitoring and Review of Projects in Aeronautics (AR & DB), Quality Management & Excellence Model
772 Dr P Raghothama Rao Scientist 'G' - bangalore RCMA Development - Testing, Characterization, Evaluation and Certification of aircraft materials for Structural applications Covering casting, Forging, Exterminator, Super plastic Forming and Power Metallurgy Processing Conversant with BS, Air, Din and BIS Spe
773 Dr K Neelakantan Scientist 'G' (Director) - hyderabad ANU Parallel processing, Design of VLSI, analog and digital systems.
774 Mr B Vittal Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Integrated EW systems, ESM and ECM systems.
777 Mr P Rajeswara Rao Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DRDL CNC technology, CAD/CAM systems and Human Resource management.
778 Mr RM Dhodia Scientist 'E' 12/06/2010 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Development of fabrication. Inspection, Testing of Aluminium Bridges, Missile, Launcher, Management & Technical Co-ordination for Projects., b) Maintenance of Missile Launcher System.
779 Prof (Dr) Muralidhar Rao Patkar Scientist 'F' 03/12/2010 pune DIAT a) Training & Core Competencies towards futuristic Developments.
780 Dr RN Sarwade Scientist 'G' 28/12/2010 pune SASE a) Modelling & Simulation of fluid flow with T, P & Velocity.
782 Mr R Raghavendra Rao Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Worked for several development projects and programmes on Communication EW at various capacity. Lastly I was APgD for Programme DIVYA DRISHTI
783 Mr K Manjunath Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DLRL Design & Development of Electronic warfare system for Air force. Qualification test & evaluation with environmental tests and test setup.
784 Mr SP Datta Scientist 'E' - bangalore ADE Experience in Avionic system testing and system integration, UVAs system integration at Base and at Range for Clearance to launch, In addition, Experience in Techno -Managerial issues of Project and Programmes.
785 Mr K Nandakumar Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE Electronic Circuit Design, Design Development and Operation Air Borne & Ground, Flight Test Telemetry, System Integration, Preparation of Draft system requirement Document Project Management.
786 Dr BR Sridhar Scientist 'E' - bangalore GTRE Metallurgical Characterization and Analysis, Metallographic, Defect Investigation, Failure Analysis, Chemical Analysis of Aero Engine Materials, Method of Processes for Heat treatment and shot preening of Engine Components.
787 Mr K Venkataraju Scientist 'G' - bangalore GTRE Instrumentation Data Acquisition and Digital Control, Design and development of Multi Channel Data Acquisition and Monitoring system Design of Comprehensive Instrumentation system for Integration of Gas with Flying Test Bed.
788 Mr S Narayanaswamy Scientist 'F' - bangalore CEMILAC Military Specification and Certification Methodologies of Air craft Aero Gas Turbine Piston Engine, Air Craft accident Investigation, Type Approvals.
789 Mr AR Deveraj Scientist 'F' - bangalore ADE Radar Signal Processing Analog and Digital, Electronics Subsystem for Flight Simulator, Software for Pilot less, Air Vehicle Computer Graphics Software for LCA Simulator, Certification of Air Borne Sensors for LCA.
790 Mr R Regunathan Scientist 'F' - bangalore CAIR Mobile Cellular Communication, Packet Data Communication, Technical Co-ordination Project Management, Design and Development Signal Conditioners and Audio Processors.
792 Mr MBSV Prasad Scientist 'F' - hyderabad NSTL Underwater Electronics and Communications for Sonars and Torpedoes.
793 Mr SK Chopra Scientist 'G' - hyderabad RCI Thermal, silver, zinc and lithium ion batteries for missiles
794 Mr SS Kulkarni Scientist 'F' 04/05/2011 pune ARDE a) Expertise in Armament Technology
795 Mr HR Khadilkar Scientist 'F' 06/02/2011 pune R&DE (Engr) a) Material Management, b) Purchase Management, c) Portable Bridges & Track ways Detense using Aluminium Alloy.
796 Mr SC Shrimali Sc G - bangalore CEMILAC/ADA System Safety Engineering, Airworthiness Certification, Maintainability, Quality Assurance, Polity Assurance, Reliability.
797 Mr Jai Mohan Nil - bangalore Nil Computational Fluid Dynamic codes development for spacecraft application, Wing Testing, Flights Requirement Generation, LCA Configuration design through CFD, Co-ordination & monitoring of sponsored project, MCA Project guidance, General & Project Manageme
798 Mr R Ramakrishnan Nil - bangalore Nil Design of Avionics Subsystems & system Integration and Flight Trials of Unmanned Aircraft, Design and Development of Power supply system, Design of Cable Harness.
799 Air Cmde (Retd) VB Goley Air Cmde - bangalore Nil Avionic Integration, Air craft Integration and Flight Evaluation, Missal and Leaser warning system.
800 Mr P Kurian Varghese Nil - bangalore Nil High power in Microwave Pulsed Transmitter, Radars Signal Processing, Phase Control, Procter and Monitoring, Displaced Transmitter and High Performance TWT Amplifier
801 Mr PR Munidev Nil - bangalore Nil Quality Assurance/Quality Control, Airframe Assembling and Machine Integration.
802 Mr D Raghu Ram Nil - bangalore Nil Chief Designing Engg, Hydro Pneumatic suspension design.
804 Mr MK Patra Scientist 'G' - hyderabad ASL Design of composite structures and Radomes.
805 Dr T Balakrishna Bhat Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DMRL Composite armour, steel armour
807 Mr B Lalmohan Scientist 'G' - delhi SA to CNS Computer Science, Information System, Sonar System
808 Dr BP Gupta Scientist 'F' - delhi DLJ Soil Sciences, Food Science, Sand Stabilisation
810 Mr P Kumar Scientist 'E' Jt. Director - delhi JCB Cryptology
811 Mr KK Malik Scientist 'F' - delhi TBRL Evaluation of Armaments, RT facility
812 Mr Adarsh Kumar Scientist 'F' - delhi SSPL MEMS, Solar cell, Metallization Technology, Tech Management
813 Mr SC Wadhwa Scientist 'C' - delhi CFEES Fire Fighting Appliances
814 Dr DK Kaushik Scientist 'F' - delhi CFEES Information handling and services
815 Mr SC Saxena Scientist 'E' - delhi DESIDOC Library Science, Information Technology, Documentation
816 SS Lahiri Scientist 'F' - delhi INMAS Biotechnology microbiology Radiation biology Animal veterinary science
818 Dr MB Dutt Scientist 'G' - delhi SSPL Semi conductor material devices silicon on insulator characterization
819 Dr Harsh Scientist 'G' - delhi SSPL Nano Science tech, Semi conductor devices and clean room tech
822 Dr Suresh G Kulkarni Scientist 'F' 20/09/2011 pune DIAT a) High Energy Materials b) Hypergolic liquid bipropellants c) Hydro carbon based liquid fuels for ramjet / scramjet application d) Energetic Polymer as fuel
823 Mr AK Reddy Scientist 'G' - hyderabad Naval Vibration analysis of Naval and Industrial machines.
824 Mr N Nanjunda Rao Nil - bangalore Nil Design of Pressure vassals, Design development and testing of Lubrication system, Secondary air system, Rotor support system and Gearbox, Development of Plasma Spray porting, Filter assembling etc kaveri Engine, Rotor support Internal flows group, Tejas i
825 Gp Capt (Retd) D Venkateswarlu Gp Capt - bangalore Nil Rader, Navigation system and Electronic Warfare systems. Design, Development and Induction of Machine Critical Avionics system in the Air Forces, System requirement conceptualization, High level system design, Integration of the system with IN/GPS,FCR, Ai
826 Mr Harish Chandra Nil - bangalore Nil Electro Hydraulics Servo Actuators, Test Rigs, Development of six DOF & three DOF Martian platforms, Aeronautics ,Control System, Actuators Hydraulics Electro-Hydro-Servo system.
827 Air Marshal (Retd) P Rajkumar Air Marshal - bangalore Nil Flight testing of Aircraft, Airborne systems and weapons.
828 Mr S Gopala Rao Nil - bangalore Nil Design & development of telecomm and link and related LRUs, Integration and operation of ground control and tracking station for UAVs, operation and installation of the tracking station for UAVs, Planning, Installing and Management of Data and Voice Commu
829 Cmde (Retd) YVS Murthy Cmde - bangalore Nil Maintenance of Aero engine and Aircraft, Design of UAV Fuel system ,Integration of engine to Air vehicle of UAV's, Military and Civil aircraft, Operation ,testing ,evaluation and maintenance of all type of engines for UAV's, Obtaining type certification f
830 Dr AM Nageswara Yogi Scientist 'F' - bangalore ADE Stress analysis of Aero engine parts, Modelling and Simulation, Aeronautics and Weapon System Analysis Software development, Modelling and Simulation Software development, Technical Management, Management of Library, Guiding Research Student on Software
831 Mr S Oulaganathan Nil - bangalore Nil Design and Development of Voice & Data Switching Equipment, Ethernet LAN, Integrated Switching System, Develop 60 channel ADPCM Transponder Development of Digital Cross Connect System, Switching Platform for Access Network.
832 Mr CU Hari Scientist G - bangalore DRDO HQ Airframe Design, Composite Structures Design, UAV System, System Engineering Administer, Techno Commercial Contract Negotiation, Budgeting ,Schedule Management, Human Resources Management Infrastructure Development, Handling Legal Issues Associated with A
833 Mr N Ramanathan Nil - bangalore Nil Embedded System for Radar Electronics and Communication System: Development of Beam Steering Controller and Associated Tools for Phases Array Radar, Development of Display Processor for LCA Multiplication Display
834 Mr Siva Raju Dadi Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Embedded software, Power electronics and Servo control systems.
835 Mr PK Nanawaty Scientist 'D' 03/12/2011 pune ARDE a) Design of Ordnance Barrel recoil system b) Experimental firings
836 Mr Mahesh Nawathe Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Embedded systems and environmental qualification.
837 Mr VK Nayyar Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DRDL Quality assurance of missile systems and Inspection methodology.
838 Mr K Barua Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Integrated EW systems, ESM and ECM systems.
839 Dr Amarjit Singh Scientist 'G' 01/02/2012 pune HEMRL a) Technical Journals , Seminars, Patents
840 Mr SK Ray Scientist 'H' (Director) - hyderabad RCI Design & dev of avionic systems, autopilot systems, controls, simulation software, MEMS based pressure sensors & fibre optics gyro based navigation systems etc for missiles.
841 Mr V Thirpathiah Scientist 'F' - hyderabad RCMA Verification of design & approved avionics sub-systems, qualification approval, technical specs and test schedules.
842 Mr Sri M Adinarayana Rao Scientist 'D' - hyderabad NSTL EMI/EMC tests on torpedoes, decoys & other underwater weapon systems.
843 Mr P Chattopadhyay Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DRDL Design & testing of missile sub-systems like video amplifier, precision radio telemeter and magnetron based modulator.
844 Dr P Srinivasa Murthy Scientist 'F' - bangalore ADE CFD Analysis of Store Separation; CFD Analysis of munitions ,Computation of Hinge Moment Derivatives; CFD Analysis of Fixed wing and Flapping wing MAV configurations, Estimation of Air loads.
845 Mr G Sreenivasa Murthy Nil - bangalore Nil Electro Optic System Opt mechanical System Electro Mechanical System of Actuators: Precision Stabilized Gimballed Assembly Head ,Mechanical Engineering Division Project Management , System Engineering.
846 Mr PR Venugopal Nil - bangalore Nil System Safety Reliability Maintainability Quality Assurance Airworthiness Certification :Maintenance Planning Generation of Services Schedules Optimization of Spare parts Ground Support Equipments Defect Investigation Configuration in Control Management.
847 Mr Viswanth Vakade Nil - bangalore Nil EMI/EMC Environmental Testing Electrical Maintenance :Expert in EMD/EMC Drawing up of Test Plan for EMI/EMC for System Sub System Finalization of Test Requirements Interaction with Airworthier Authorities.
848 Dr AS Krishna Prasad Nil - bangalore Nil Project Management Transfer of Technology Service Induction: Development of NBC Respirator, Hood Mask Leak Tester & Manual Research Development of Pilot Protective Equipment & flying clothing Helmet, Oxygen Mask, Life Jacket, Gloves, Air curl Survival je
849 AVM (Retd) Pramod Prallad Katarki Nil - bangalore Nil Project Management, System Engg, Software Development IV&V, Machine Avionics Integration on Rig Radar Data Processor of AEW-TDP( Aero based). Dual Frequency GPS Receiver. Anti Jamming Technologies . Pseudo liter Receiver and carrier phase measurement rece
850 Mr A Surendra Rao Scientist 'F' - hyderabad NSTL
851 Mr KT Kulkarni Scientist 'E' 07/02/2012 pune ARDE a)Design & Dev. of MBT Arjun b) Dev. of Prithvi Missile
852 Mr K Abraham Scientist 'E' 02/07/2012 pune ARDE a) Quality Control. b) Material Management. c) Development of Cluster Weapon, FAE. d) OFAB 100-120 bombs.
853 Mr RN Bhattacherjee Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DRDL
856 Mr G Natarajan Nil - bangalore Nil Design & Development for Electronic System for defence, And responsible for the development of UAV Telecomm and, Telemetry, Ground control station, Electro-optic payload, UAV integration system and integration activities, Technology Management & Project M
857 Mr M Chelvaraj Nil - bangalore Nil Production & Quality Assurance, Production & Planning Control, Mechanical & Electrical Maintenance, Metallic Surface treatment.
858 Mrs SV Subbamma Nil - bangalore Nil Development of Electronic Circuit, Testing & finalization of the Circuit, Packing them into PCBs, Testing of individual PCBs and LRUs, Evaluation of Sub- system, Documentation & Transfer of Technology to Production Agency, Planning & Project Management (D
859 Mr KB Venkataraman Nil - bangalore Nil Design & Development of Transponder unit for Project Missile Target, QPSK modem for secure data communication, Airborne L band / S band RF receiver for Pilot less Target Aircraft, Radar Warning Receiver, Project manager for development of aircraft install
860 Mr IK Kaul Scientist 'G' (Director) - hyderabad DRDL
861 Mr KKK Sanyasi Raju Scientist 'F' - hyderabad NSTL
862 Prof BL Somani Scientist 'G' 18/05/2012 pune AFMC a) Developed Diagnostic Kit b) Working on anti malignancy potential of DL-glyceraldehyde and 2-deoxy-D-gluose c) Teaching experience
865 Dr S Prakash Scientist 'G' - delhi DRDE ENTOMOLOGY, MMG AND R&D MNGT
866 Dr BD Parashar Scientist 'F' - delhi DRDE ENTOMOLOGY, MMG AND R&D MNGT
871 Mr RB Singh Scientist 'H' - delhi CEPTAM HRD, PROJ MNGT
872 Dr A Murali Varaprasad Scientist 'F' - hyderabad RCI Micro Electro Mechanical systems (MEMS), Piezoelectro Materials, RFMEMS, GYROS, Accelerometers
874 Mr YKD Prasad Scientist - hyderabad DLRL Library Science, Documentation, Digital Libraries, Library Databases, Library Network Information
875 Mr DN Joshi Scientist 'F' 22/08/2012 pune ARDE Design & Development of fuzes for Armament system
876 Mr NS Naidu Scientist 'F' - hyderabad NSTL Design & Development of Underwater transducer both Projectors and receivers using peizo electric materials
877 Mr S Subramanyam Scientist 'D' 18/08/2012 pune ARDE a) Development of Arrow Rocket b) Development of fixuture for silver painting of both sides PZT Cartridges
878 Dr Sushil Kumar Sinha SSO - bangalore DRDL Software Development, Missile System Simulation, Missile Guidance System. Software Quality Management & Software Verification & Validation ISO Certificate
879 Mr M Kannian Scientist 'F' - bangalore ADE Flight Simulators with special emphasis on Window Visuals, Cockpit Systems, Hardware and Software design of Cockpit Systems.
880 Mr KV Srinivasan Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE Flight Control System, System Engg., UAV System guidance & Control system Design for Aerospace Vehicles.
881 Mr ML Kumaraswamy Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE System integration and evaluation of UAV's, Flight trails, TOT and Induction activities of LAKSHYA UAV, Development and production of Flight control Actuators for UAVs, Quality and Airworthiness activities for UAVs, Iron bird test facility for MIG 21 Autopilot, Flight simulation Activities.
882 Mr G Chandraprakash Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE Manufacture including composite tooling and assembly fixture, Project Management and study of special processes.
883 Mr A Gangadhara Scientist 'F' - bangalore ADE Design and Development of Metallic / Composite airframe for UAV, Aircraft structural analysis.
884 Mr G Devananda Scientist 'G' - bangalore GTRE Quality assurance, Prototype Fabrication of Aero-Engine components.
885 Dr BS Sundersheshu Scientist 'F' - bangalore DEBEL Semiconductor Physics & Technology, Techno managerial and Bio Medical Instrumentation.
886 S Sankaran Scientist 'G' - bangalore DRDO HQ Composite Materials & Processes Experience in material Design, Processes for Aero applications & material Characterisations. Research Management Experience & IPR Filing & Maintenance.
887 Mr R Sivam Scientist 'E' - bangalore ARDE Design & development field testing of electronics hardware, software andcontrol systems for unmanned aerial vehicle and land based vehicles.
888 Mr R Sairam Scientist 'D' - bangalore LRDE Design & Development of Mechanical Hardware for Electronic Sub-system.
889 Mr B Bhaskar Rao Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Design & Development of Electronic Circuits & subsystem for electro Mechanical deruos Techno Managrial activities Program Management ISO9001 QMS, Reliability and Quality analysis EMI-EMC
890 Mr S Balakrishnan Scientist 'G' (Director) - hyderabad DLRL EW System design, EW Signal Processing, EW stimulators
892 SD Prasad Scientist 'F' - hyderabad GAETEC Thin film deposition, Production Manager HR activities
893 AL Moorthy Scientist 'G' (Director) - hyderabad DESIDOC Documentation technical reports stimulization, Publications R&D management, Standardization of the process
895 Mr MS Kasinathan Scientist 'E' - bangalore CVRDE Design & development of Arjun MBT chassis related subsystems for Arjun Main Battle Tank (MBT) prototype vehicles and Production vehicles. Design and developments of Arjun MBT Structures viz. Skirt plate, Fenders, track guards, Self entrenching equipment, etc.
896 Mr SS Kothari Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE Flight simulation, tank simulation, ground vehicle simulation, aircraft hydraulic actuators, hydraulic test rigs, indigenisation of hydraulic actuators.
897 Wg Cdr (Retd) BB Misra, VSM Scientist 'F' - bangalore ADA Fighter Pilot, Flight Test Pilot, Flight Test, Control Laws, Weapon Algorithms, Weapon Integration, Human Interface, Software Testing, Non-real Time Testing & Simulation.
898 Dr AP Haran Scientist 'F' - bangalore GTRE Engine Overhaul Line (R29 Engine), After Burner Test Facility, Kaveri Engine after Burner Design / Testing.
899 Gp Capt (Retd) Gopalan Gp Capt - bangalore ADE Simulator, Missile Target, Avionics.
900 Mr KS Muralidhara Scientist 'E' - bangalore LRDE Servo System, Telecom Media Gateway, ATCA, Redundancy, Access Router MPC Processors, Radar Engg.
901 Mr B Dakshina Murthy Scientist 'E' - bangalore DARE Vacume Pump Design, Design & Drafting of Arjun Tank Turret & Suspension of Turret Wheels, UAV Structural Design, EW System Design.
902 Mr G Raghavaiah Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Communication ESM SYSTEMS DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Digital Receiver Derection finding system EW Software
903 Dr SK Gupta Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Design & Development of software for EW applications and development of EW test range
905 Mr JC Sharma Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DRDL Design development manufacturing integration fligt trials and monafinal assignments
906 Mr S Vijaya Kumar Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DLRL Design and development of Electronic warfare systems for the Armed forces
907 Mr SS Mishra Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DRDL Design of Control actuation system, Project Management (R&D)
908 Mr TK Venkateswaran Scientist 'F' - bangalore LRDE Software Development for Multi Target Field Arty Radar & Evaluation, Concept Development & Evaluation of Rotating Electronic, Scanning Radar, 3-D Central Acquisition Radar Development.
909 Mr G Sivasankaran Scientist 'H' - bangalore ADE Design of Flight Control System (FCS) sensors and actuator for missile and UAV’s, Project Management of NISHANT UAV and Programme Management of Rustom II UAV.
910 Mr VS Mahalingam Director - bangalore CAIR Design & Developed communication & Secrecy System, Spearheaded Development of Command Control System in services.
911 Mr S Ramanathan Scientist 'F' - bangalore CABS Development of: Bheema 1000 Bomb Loading Trolley Assembly Rig for Integrating LCA Nose Cone on Avro for inflight Radar Trails, FAR 25 compliance door for Hawker Beechcraft, Integration Test Rig for Pilatus Avionics System, Testers for Weapon Control System Software Integration Testing for Jaguar, Gyro Test Bench for A/c & Missiles, Integration Test Bench for Testing Avionics Products.
912 Mr Joseph Nicholas Babu Rao Scientist 'D' - bangalore DEBEL Improvement in Rehydration characteristics of Dehydrated vegetables using additives (DFR-138), Studies on the use of solar energy for making quick cooking dehydrated foods, (DFR-166)Studies on the improvement of quality of dehydrated legumes for the preparation of convenience foods [DFR-248(4)]
913 Dr NK Jain Nil, Director - delhi Nil, D L Jodhpur
914 Prof BB Das Commodore Dir - delhi DNRD
915 Mr TD Mitra ScF - delhi SAG
916 Mr M Arif Scientist 'E' - delhi DIBER
917 Mr J Prasad Scientist 'G' - delhi SAG
918 Dr GC Mohanta Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DRDL Production Engg and Management, Human Resources Managemnt, Material & Safety
919 Mr G Poshetti Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DLRL Production / Manufacturing
920 Mr HV Srinivasa Rao Scientist 'G' Director - bangalore ISSA Techno Managerial Leadership in Modelling, Simulators & Systems studies & Analysis in Areas: Radar & EW Systems, Mission planning & operational Analysis, Wargames, Future warfare,Built R&D teams for Advanced Research in Network Centric Warfare (NCW).
921 Maj Gen (Retd) Braj Bhushan Jha Maj Gen - bangalore DISB Provided effective single window interface between DRDO & the services to enhance synergy thro faster exchange of info-at DISB.Project Management of Highly complex Military System by Leading Team of Scientists & Engineers for Development of Software for Armed Forces, -CAIR & LRDE, Monitoring & Managing Army’s Tactical Communications NW related to R&D projects – PMO Plan AREN, Fielding & Operationalization of nine complex communication nodes of ASCON.
922 Mr S Srinivasan Scientist 'F' - bangalore NPOL Fabrication, production and assembly of sonar structures for Frigates, Submarine and Aircraft.
923 Mr VR Gnaneshwar Scientist 'E' - bangalore GTRE Quality Control & Integration activities, Fabrication of Mechanical Components for Aeronautics & General Engg.
924 Mrs Kirtikar Namrata Scientist 'E' 29/11/2012 pune ARDE a)Electronic Fuzes and Control Systems
925 VP Pande Scientist 'G' - delhi Dir DMS DRDO HQ
927 Dr VR Biswas Scientist 'G' - delhi DRDO HQ
928 Mr B Srinivasa Rao Scientist 'D' - hyderabad DMRL
930 Mr H Govindarajan Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DRDL Missile Aero Dynamic, design wind tunnel testing, facilities development design methods
931 Mr TN Yadgiri Rao Scientist 'H' - hyderabad DLRL Radar EW Systems development, System Engg. system integration Testing & evaluation and field trials
932 Mr M Shambulingaiah Scientist 'G' - bangalore GTRE Design, Development, Testing & Fabrication of Engine in let ducts like Kaveri.
933 Mr M.S Badrinarayan Scientist 'D' - bangalore ADF Electro optics, Payloads Missile Systems, Rocket launchers, LCA Avionics, GPS Integration.
934 Dr Dipankar Banerjee PROFESSOR - bangalore DRDO
935 Air Cmdr KV Rao Air Cmdr Retd 02/07/2013 pune IAT, Air HQs Consultant, Director of Armament & Safety Equipment at Air HQ
936 Prof Jayant Vasudeo Ghate Scientist 'G' 07/03/2013 pune AFMC Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Drug Dependence, Poisions, Clinical trials
937 Mr Virender Dev Grover Scientist 'F' - delhi DRDO HQS Co-ordinated and liased with various technical clarifications and aid for speedy disposal of matters relating to Naval Clusters/ADE
938 Dr SK Vasudeva DIRECTOR - delhi DRDO Armaments including Multimode Grenades Vacuum Casting Plant
939 Mr RK Pandey GP Capt - delhi DIPR, DIPAS DIPR for Assessorsto be posted at SSBs, AFSBs, NSBs & Coast Guard Board.
940 Mr A Ashok Kumar Scientist 'F' - delhi DEAL
941 Dr Inderjit Scientist 'D' - delhi TBRL Statistical Analysis, Project Management and Evaluation Mathemetical and Simulation Modelling, Reliability Engineering
942 Mr V Manoharan Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE Design and Development of frontend Signal conditioning Elcronics, Energy Efficient Power Amplifiers of all kinds Sonars
943 Mr A Dhurkadas Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE Digital Signal Processing, Digital Hardware design, Sonar System design, System Engineering process
944 Dr O Vijayakumar Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE Under water Acoustics, Non Acoustic Technique for Ocean Survallence
946 Mr V Raja Raja Varma Scientist 'F' - bangalore ADE Consultancy in Mechanical Engineering Pro
947 Dr P Madhusoodanan Scientist 'F' - bangalore ADE Ocean Circulation and Water Characteristics and Modelling Studies
948 Mr PT George Scientist 'F' - bangalore ADE Mines, Son buoys
949 Mr Philip C. George Scientist 'E' - bangalore ADE Sonar System Design, Sonar Signal Processing
950 Mr TP Raveendran Scientist 'E' - bangalore ADE Design Development of Front end Elecrical for Sonar Systems
951 Mr AO Varghese Scientist 'E' - bangalore ADE Development of Labarotory scale chemical process
952 C Koshy Joseph Scientist 'D' - bangalore ADE Computer Networks, Project Development of Software, E-commerce Applications
953 Prof P Rama Rao DIRECTOR DMRL - hyderabad DRDO HQS Material Science
954 Mrs V Sobha Shankar Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DEAL/DRDO Embedded Processor Design and Development using system a chip FPGAS, Read time Operating system
955 MV Ramanaiah Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DLRL Programme Management Finance Management, System Integation, Evaluation and field Trials
956 Mr K R Sundaram Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Design Development of EW systems, DF Systes for EW Applications
957 Dr RG Baligidad Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DMRL Primary (AIM & VIM) and secondary (ESR, EBM & VAR) melting & refining processes for special steels, Ni-based super-alloys, intermetallics, reactive metals and factory metals, Structure property correlation in specials steels, intermetallics and high temparature materials based on refactory metals. Establishment of secondary remelting facilities.
959 Dr TK Chakraborthy Scientist 'B' 07/10/2013 pune HEMRL Design and Developing of modelling systems, Quality control and Quality Assurence
960 Mr S Madivaanan Scientist 'G' - bangalore NSTL Automatic Target Tracker, Battlefield Management System, MGCB, ATSGE
961 Mr VV Rama Sarma Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DEAL High Power Elecronics, EMI-EMC EMP simulates missile Guidence Receives in Keyboards
962 Mr P Prakash Chand Scientist 'G' - delhi DLRL , DEAL
963 Mohan Lal Scientist 'E' - delhi DEAL
964 Dr Uday Chand Ray Scientist 'G' - delhi SSPL Microware & MM-wave Devices, Microwave Circuits & Subsystems, Solar cells & Bipolar devices
965 Dr CVK Prasada Rao Scientist 'G' - bangalore NPOL ASW Oceanographic Research, SONAR systems, R&D Management Ocean Sciences, Oceangraphic Projects, First Towed array Sonar-VASUKI, ISRO-NPOL joint Ocean Projects, NPOL Research Vessel(MARS)-INS Sagardhwani, Collaborative Projects, Corporate Management
966 PG George Cmde (Retd) - bangalore DEBEL Nuclear Submarine and environment protection, Design, indigenous development and manufacture of equipment for ATV project, Conduct of Harbour Acceptance Trials and Sea Acceptance Trials of the engineering systems of Nuclear Submarine
967 Mr N Vinay Sagar Scientist 'E' - hyderabad DLRL
968 Mr Ravidra V. Joshi Scientist 'C' - bangalore DARE
969 Mr TK Banu Scientist 'E' - bangalore CVRDE Design Development of GBAR Boxes for TANKS, Buses & Aircrafts
970 Mr R Mathaiyan Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE GCS development for UAV, instrumentation planning and execution
971 Mr K Ramesh Scientist 'G' - bangalore DRDO Communication & Networking, Command Robotics
972 Mr PS Krishnan Distinguished Scientist - bangalore DRDL
973 Dr VK Saraswat Secretary, Dept of Defence R&D - hyderabad DRDL Propulsion; Missile Systems, Defence Technology Management & Development
974 A Saiju Cmde (Retd) - bangalore NSTL Naval Architecture, Hydro Dynamics, EFD/CFD, Propulsor development
975 Mr TM Naidu Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADA Aircraft Design, Analysis to Air Dynamics Studies
976 Dr SR Shri Ram Shukla Scientist 'G' - delhi DLRL, SSPL Solid State Device Design and Modelling
977 Dr Vikram Dhar Scientist 'G' - delhi SSPL Infrared materials and Devices, Modeling & Simulation of Devices, Modeling of Joule-Thomson cryocoolers
978 Mr Satish Mohan Scientist 'F' - delhi SSPL Fabrication and Development of GaAs based electronic devices like scottlky barrier diodes, gunn diode, impatt diode, MMIC and optoelectronic devices; Laser diode and solar cells
979 Mr Ronanki Ramana Murthy Scientist 'D' - bangalore NSTL Service Management System, Automatic Configuaration Management, Billing Systems transformation, Inventory Management & Fulfilment, Inventory Management & Order Management, Service Assurence Consolidation Program, Inventory Consolidation Program, OSS Projects Solutions, OV TeMIP Product & Access Module Engineering, Service Assurence & OEMF Programs, NW Management Platforms, O&M Platform Development, Announcement Management System, LPC & Speech secure systems, Monitoring & Management systems
980 Mr N Balaiyah Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DRDL Telemetry, Telecommand, Transponder, Datalink and other on board Elecronics
981 Mr Ashis Roy Chaudhuri Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DMDE Design and development of shock/vibration mounts for naval ship/submarine, Design of raft foundation for shock/vibration/noise isolation for naval ship/submarine, Design and shock/vibration/noise analysis of naval equipment, Finite elements stress analysis of equipment and structure, CFD Analysis, Seismic analysis of mechanical and electrical equipment for qualifications for nuclear power plants.
983 Mr R Rama Rao Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Elecronic Warfare Systems, ESM&ELINT Systems
984 Dr Anjan Dasgupta Scientist 'F' 27/01/2014 pune DESIDOC MOD on Inter Ministrial working group
985 Mr KVVSS Murthy Scientist 'G' - hyderabad NSTL Integrated Naval Stealth Program, Design guidelines /software for development of acoustic and electromagnetic stealth technologies, Using the data bank, generated Indian Naval Standards for Machinery vibration
986 Mr K Sudhakar Scientist 'H' - hyderabad DRDL Sonar Signal Processing, System Design, Project Management
988 Dr Ganga Prasad Rai Scientist 'G' - delhi DRDE Microbiology Division, MMG, Finance
990 Mr K Kusumakar Sukul Scientist 'D' - delhi DSL, DRDO HQ Population of Science and Technology in general and Defence science in particular there is Indian language and Hindi
991 Mr Rajesh Goyal Director - delhi CEPTAM Wargames, Modeling, Simulation, Reliability and HR(Talent Management)
992 Captain (IN)? Anant Vijay Bahl Captain(Indian Navy) 03/06/2014 pune DRDO HQS The interfacing requirement of Electronics, Mechanical & Structural for installetion trials of weapons sensors and other systems
994 Mr Ramesh Kumar Scientist 'E' - delhi LASTEC Material Characterization, Crystal Growth and Material Management
995 Dr Krishna Kumar JHA Scientist 'F' - delhi DEAL EMI/EMC/EMP/ANTENNA/Communacation Technique etc.
996 Dr C Badarinath Scientist 'F' - bangalore GTRE Combustion System development for Kaveri Engine, Kaveri Marine Gas Turbine Engine development, Laghu Shakthi engine development
997 Mr S Gurudev Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE Electronical/computers/Aeronics/FCS, Ground Base & Test Systems Rigs HILS
998 Rahul Basu Scientist 'E' - bangalore GTRE, MOD, DRDO Publication of Scientific and Technical Conference Reports, Journals, etc
999 Dr S Ramaseshan Scientist 'F' - bangalore ADE Aero Dynamics, Flight Mechanics, Aircraft Modification
1000 Mr G Elangovan CC R&D - bangalore DRDO HQS Project Management, Procurement Management, Feight Simulation
1001 Mr Ramesh P Pai Scientist 'F' - bangalore NPOL Design, Development, Implementation and Documentation in MIL 498/IEEE 12207 standards of human machine interface for real time embedded system controller software for Sonar projects. Project Management, Systems Engineering, Quality assurence aspects in Sonar Projects
1002 Mr ML Sundararaj Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE Mechanical Engineering design and Fabrication
1003 Dr PP Krishnapur Scientist 'G' - bangalore DEBEL Bio-medical and Aero medical applications, elctro acoustic and oxygen sensors, personnel profective equipments like integreted helmet and O2 mask for IAS use
1004 Mr CM Venkatesh Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE Design of Aero Mechanical Systems
1005 Mr AK Chakrabarti Scientist 'H' - hyderabad DRDL Propulsion, Control Systems, Project Management
1006 Dr YR Mahajan Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DRDL Nanoscience and Nano Technology, High Temparature Materials, Advanced Ceramics & CMCS, Metal matrix composites, Alluminium and Titanium base alloys
1008 Mr Alok Abani Ghosh Scientist 'G' 27/06/2014 pune ARDE Software Development, Software Engineering, Networking, Computer Hardware, Electromagnetic Propulsion, Armament Instrumentation, Quality Assurence and Audit, Material management, Budget Accounting, Human resource development
1009 Dr SK Chaudhuri Scientist 'H' - hyderabad DRDL Hardware in Loop Simulation, Guidence Control and Navigation Systems, Estimation of KF Technics, Embedded RT Systems
1010 A Balavardhana Rao Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DMRL Meterials Science Databases
1011 Dr Suresh Chandra Sharma Scientist 'G' 17/07/2014 pune NCML Functional & Structural Ceramic and Composites materials, Body & Vehicle Armor, Techno Managerial and Management Activity
1012 Dr Asit Baran Samui Scientist 'G' 17/07/2014 pune NMRL Polymer science and Technology
1013 Mr Bhaskar Chakravarty Maj Gen (Retd) - delhi HQ IDS
1014 Mr Raj Kumar Malaviya Scientist 'G' - delhi ISRO , SAC
1015 Dr Prahlada Scientist - bangalore DRDL Rocket Propulsion, Flight Test Instrumentation, Onboard avionics, Missile guidence for surface to air missiles, Automatic launcher systems, Rader system Integration, Quality Assurence of Aerospace products
1016 Ms Anuradha Ravi Scientist 'F' - bangalore DEBEL Editing, Publications of various books, monographs, journels, articles
1017 Mr CH Samuel Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DRDL Design and development of missile Airframe, Final integration of missile, checkout and 3-D inspection, Project Management, Advance planning for setting up of infrastructure for productionisation of missile
1018 Mr Dhirendra Kumar Scientist 'G' 15/09/2014 pune NMRL Quality control and failure analysis of paint systems, Research, development in marine paints for corrosion protection, Field trails and technology transfer of developed paints
1019 Dr AR Upadhya Director/Scientist 'H' - bangalore ADA Aeronatics
1020 Mr PM Soundar Rajan Director, Outstanding Scientist - bangalore DARE Avionics, Embedded Hardware, Electronic Warfare
1021 Dr Debashis Mukherjee Scientist 'D' - hyderabad DMRL High temparature materials for gas turbines, Nano-structured materials and Functional materials
1022 Dr TT Rajasekharan Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DMRL
1023 Mr V Ramesh Babu Scientist 'D' - bangalore CVRDE Electrical Maintenance of AC & DC Motors, Control Panels, MCC and ACB pannels, Design development of Electrical system
1024 Dr SR Balakrishnan Scientist 'G' - bangalore GTRE Technology Leadership, System Integration for Gas turbine systems, Project Management
1026 Dr Vijay Govind Borkar Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DRDL Microwave systems, Anteenas, Raders, Missile Systems, High power Elecromagnetics
1027 Dr SKS Chauhan Scientist 'C' - delhi DIPAS High Altitude Physiology, Cold Environment Physiology, AMS, Frostbite, VO2 max etc.
1028 Dr Balraj Gupta Director, HQ - delhi ADE, Army Management of R&D System, Financial Management, Television Engg., Computer Organization & Design
1029 Mr MS Seshadri Udupa Scientist 'E' - bangalore GTRE Structural Vibration, Rotor Blade Vibration, Dynamic Pressure Measurement, Design, Development, Fabrication, Testing, Installation operations and Instrumentation systems for measurement of structural vibrate compressor radar systems
1032 Mr Rajat Pal Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL C4I, EW, Range Instrumentation for Missile
1033 Mr GV Nandagopal Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DRDL Methods Engg, Tool Design, Production Engg, QA & QC
1034 Dr A Subhananda Rao Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DRDO HQS Rocket motor, missile systems
1035 Mr Krishnan Sreedhar Scientist 'F' - bangalore ADE Software Development, SDLC standards, Quality etc.
1036 Mr Kanchan Biswas Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE Aircraft Design, Aerospace structure, Aerodynamics, Applied Mechanics, Flight Sciences, Quality & Reliability
1037 Mr VS Chandra Shekar Scientist 'H' - bangalore ADE Flight Simulation Division, UAVs, LCA Simulator, Flight control system
1038 Dr Milind Dattatraya Bagewadi Scientist 'F' 16/02/2015 pune R&DE (Engr) Design and realisation of PLC drive, Conceptualization and development of power supply systems
1039 Mr P Venugopalan Director (Scientist 'H') - hyderabad DRDL Propulson, Missile System Engineering
1040 Mr TK Tusharkanti Raychaudhuri Scientist 'G' - hyderabad TBRL Armament Technology; Explosive Technology; Pyrotechnics; Non-conventional Welding of Metal to Metal as well as ceramic
1041 Dr VC Padaki Director, OS - bangalore DEBEL Expert Advisory Board of DST on Bio-Medical Panel, RAB of CMTI, Expert Advisory of ICMR on Medical devices, Department of Electronics and IT on Medical Technology
1042 Dr VN Jha Scientist 'F' - bangalore DEBEL Specialist in Aerospace Medicine having R&D skills and Design Development of Life support Technologies for Aviators and Aircraft.
1043 Mr K Rama Sharma Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DRDL Manufacturing Technology, General Management
1044 Dr NC Naresh C Birla Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DMRL Advanced Metal Forming, Power Metallurgy, Amorphous materials, Aeronautical component manufacturing, taching etc
1045 Mr P Raghavendra Rao Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Dew Systems, High Power Microwave Systems, Radar, ISO 9000 Management, MM Waves, Pulsed TWTA, Microwaves test, Interaction with national S&T orgns LKG, BARC, SISTER DRDO Labs
1046 Mr SP Dash Director & DS - hyderabad DRDL Missile Avionics, Missile/EW Test Range, Electronic Warfare Systems.
1047 Mr N Viswanathan Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DRDL Aerospace Fabrication, Elecron Beam Welding, alloy pipe lines, made of P1, P2, Inconel pipe lines in ammonia Plant
1048 Dr Rajni Kant Tewari Scientist 'G' - delhi DRDO HQ New Delhi Radiowave Communication, Quality, ISO-9000, ISO-17025, Naval Technology, Forensic Science, scientific writing and editing english and hindi.
1049 Mr Hari Shanker Sharma Scientist 'G' - delhi SSPL Technology development of GaAs/GaN based solid state electronic devices and MMICs
1050 Mr Ashok Kumar Scientist 'G' - delhi SSPL Technology development of SAW and GaAs/ GaN based devices and MMICs
1052 Mr Ravi Gupt Scientist 'G' Director Public Interface - delhi DRDO HQS Materials: Passive Q-Switch: Process for the synthesis of BDN Q-switch dye, a monopoly item of Eastman Kodak, and a critical item for Nd: YAG based laser systems. Technique for fabrication of Solid State Q-Switch sheets based on BDN dye incorporated in polymer matrix. Technology transferred to M/s BE Limited, Bangalore. Transparent Ceramics: Chemical processes for the preparation of Nano crystalline powder for making ‘Transparent Ceramics’, achieving primary particle size of 25 – 30 nm. Processes for compaction of such powders under high pressures followed by vacuum sintering studied. Feasibility of achieving high transparency was indicated. Synthesis of Non Linear Optical Materials: Processes for the synthesis of N-(2-Acetamido-4-Nitrophenyl) Indole (NANI ), 3-Methyl-4-nitro pyridine-N-oxide(POM), 4-Dimethyl amino-3-acetamido nitrobenzene (DAN) and N-(nitro phenyl) – (S) – prolinol (NPP); organic material for non linear optical applications. Process for synthesis of POM (3-Methyl-4-nitro pyridine-N-oxide) patented. Organic Single Crystals: Single crystals of organic materials namely N-(2-Acetamido-4-Nitrophenyl) Indole (NANI), POM (3-Methyl-4-nitro pyridine-N-oxide), DAN (4-Dimethylamino-3-acetamido nitrobenzene) were grown. Second Harmonic Generation (SHG) successfully observed. Metal Mirrors: Process for thick Nickel coatings by electroless technique for fabrication of metal-mirrors for high power lasers. Resins for Advanced Composites: PMR technique for fabrication of Heat Resistant Polyimide Advanced Composites for structural application upto 320°C. Functional Coatings for MMIC: Polyimide resins for GATEC program. Coatings for High Temperature: Polyimide and Polyesterimide resins for service temperatures upto 220°C and 180°C respectively. Processes for Synthesis of Monomers: 4.4’-Diaminodiphenyl-methane (DDM) and p-phenylene-bis (trimellitate anhydride) (PPBTA). Image management strategies, Public Interface, Media Relations: Focused strategies to create desired image of DRDO were dynamically designed and implemented to transform prevailing perception about DRDO among the stakeholders, especially media, from that of a ‘non-performing organization’ to a ‘technology leader’ immensely contributing to nation building. The change in perception is visible especially students, academia, industry and media personnel and has contributed to: • Higher self-esteem among DRDO personnel contributing to a rising “can do it, will do it” attitude. • Greater confidence among users, • Enhanced visibility of DRDO, its activities and achievements among public, especially among youth / students, academia and industry. • Attraction of talent towards DRDO. The trend is reflected in sharp rise in numbers of IIT graduates joining DRDO (number of vacancies becoming the limiting factor) year after year, o Markedly improved relations and repo with media and positive change in their perception about DRDO. o Reduced adverse reporting in media.
1053 Mr Risal Singh Scientist 'F' - delhi SSPL Semiconductor devices, VLSI and IR detectors
1054 Dr Mrs Amita Gupta Scientist 'G' - delhi SSPL MEMS, solar cells, semiconductor devices, sensors
1055 Rajendra Kumar Scientist 'F' - delhi SSPL Implementations in Semiconductors
1056 Mr Saudagar Raghunath Shinde Scientist 'F' 28/08/2015 pune CABS & ARDE Mechanical Structural Design & Development, Mechanical System Design & Development, Mechanical Hardware Design & Development for Electronic Systems, Hydraulic System Design & Development, Ammunition (Rocketry)
1057 Mr P.Narasimha Rao Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DRDL Communications, Electronic Warfare, System Engg, Project Management, Reliability, Quality Assurance, Product research & innovation
1058 Mr TV Prakash Rao Scientist 'G', Director (ADM) % DG-ECS - bangalore LRDE Radar System Engg, high power transmitters for radar and EW, HV power supples & modulaters for TWT transmitters, problem solving, QA & QC, Project Management, System Integration & Evaluation, workshop/seminar organisation
1059 Mr A Devarpiran Scientist 'E' - bangalore CVRDE Significantly contributed in development of Elecrical syatem of Armoured Fighting Vehicles, contributed in measurement and analysis of vehicular parameters in trials, during development of various Elecrical systems for AFVs.
1060 Mr Kapil Deo Scientist 'G' 05/11/2015 pune ARDE Avionics,Missle electronics,fuzer,telemeter inatrumentation
1061 Mr PM Saravanan PM Scientist 'F' - bangalore ADE Airframe design,Detail design structural analysis,structual testing, Project management: finance manament,Procurement managamenr
1062 M Vijaya Kumar Scientist 'G' - bangalore LRDE Low and high power microwaves, paasive and actire phased array radars project management,punchase accounts and stores management evalulation of weapan control radars, worked as project director, diresional head, director
1063 Mr Rajiv Sood CAPTAIN (I.N) - bangalore CEMILAC 1.Served as command aviaiton technical officer at headquarters, Eastern navel command, visakhapatnam2.Development strong verbal and written communication skills, work experience included overall administrative logistics and technical management of aircraft and associated systems viz. engines, engineering,electrical and avionics systems etc.3.Involved in avaition plans and projects including aircraft re-engineering, mid life update of aircraft, avionics upgrades,life extension programms etc, with PSU & DPSU n country and aircraft companies from abroad such as M/S Boeing,M/s Aerosat,M/S ELisa,M/s DSIT,M/s IAI, HAL,BEL ECIL and TAAL. ocould prove very strong teaming and executional skills during these projects.4. Involved in financial aspects of teh above activities and budget management totaling to approx about 50 crores.5. Modification of naval LRMR aircraft with ASW and commnnication systems. conversion of utilty helicopters in para jump and commando role in time bound programmes to meet operational requirements.
1064 AK Chattopadhyay Scientist 'G' - hyderabad RCI 1. Design & Development of control system2. Design & Devlopment of Aerospace machanrim3.Tool desingn &production Drg, product Design
1065 Mr Vinod Kumar Sharma Scientist 'F' - delhi CFEES 02 papers in qty jounral, fire engineer bubhished various reporton fix safety by IFE (india) advize modestts
1066 Dr GS Mukherjee Scientist 'F' - delhi DMSRDE , DESIDOC Composite Materials: Chem. Engg.; Polymer Sci. & Engg.; Fibre, Textile; Armour; Rubber Tech.; Blast protective materials; Nano technology; Reviewer/examiner of thesis, research papers, books for Journals.
1067 Dr Hiralal Yadav Scientist 'F' - delhi CFEES Explosive safety, siting,HCC accident investigation 26 nos reserch paper,three patents, 20 nos tech report.
1068 Mr Chandra Shekar Maheshwari Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DRDL Project mnagement,system engg relibility,quality assuraoece
1069 Mr Shrinivas Shankar Pundale Scientist 'E' 02/02/2016 pune HEMRL NIL
1070 Mr Narayan Chandra Saha Scientist 'G' - bangalore LRDE "Most experience in the field of design& Development of high power microwave take based radar transtniyu using magnetrm, TWT,CFA (L to Kuhand) radar integration,testing,TOT for priduction. Study have been carried put for eatablishing high power microwave (HPM) system suseeptitity & vulnerability assesment and prototype HPM system "
1071 Mr ATM Suriyan Scientist 'F' - bangalore CVRDE "I would like to share my experience which I feel may help the younger generation "
1072 Mr Prodosh Kumar Banerjee Scientist 'F' - bangalore LRDE 1.Involved in the development of transmitter for Airborne Multimode Radar2. Worked as asstt. Project Director ADA for the LCA Programme3.worked in the filed of transmitter development and the electrical power distribution & management system for rajendra radar system of the Akash Sam system details contribution exists in making BLR1/BCC1,BLR2/BCC2&BLR3/BCC3 system and in participation in firing more than 40 Akash missiles
1073 Mr Adalat Ali Scientist 'H' - hyderabad RCI Technology manegement, system intugration and Hydranlic /EMA actuation Systems
1074 Mr MR Radhakrishnan Scientist 'F' - bangalore CVRDE DESIGN of sub assemblies and components partoins to high speific output diesel engines
1075 Mr GK Choudhary Scientist 'F' - bangalore CEMILAC "1.Certification (i) for locating matsidly burried underground upon goometer deep like uranium (ii) Release of serriceability of weapens like ALH, LCH & LUH. 2. To evaluate product life cycle like fleat of A/C & weapon systems 3. Quaily Assurance support"
1076 Mr C Suryanarayana Rao Scienist 'C' - bangalore ADE 1.Design and development of microprocessor(x86)/ microcontroller(x96)/FPGA(altera, Xilinx) based sub-systems HW&FW for 'ONBOARD and Ground Control Station' of remotely piloted vehicles (RPV)2.Customization of HW and FW (Avionoce Syatems) to meet the timing connectivity power, 3. Modularised, Reusable, Real time application SW and system Disgnostic 'BIST'SW development, Desing-Verifications, Post silicon validation,Managerial responsibilities and some of the projects executed and successfully delivered are listed below, Implemantation of ISO 90001:1:2000, MR of the company, Prototype 'high speed high density network security Engine' IP onto FPGA to prove its functionality,Verilog ana VHDL Behavioural Models, Verity 'serial ATA IP in PCI system environment, 'Network SE, interface between network processor and co-processors Viz IPCAM, CIDR & POLICY
1077 Mr M Anil M Barve Scientist 'E' 20/04/2016 pune HEMRL 1.Development of solvent propellant complex for conventional and nitramine based gun propellants. 2. Development of propellant primer combination for 120mm tank gun(received local cash award.3. M-7 propellant for 3.5 " rocket was made with solvent process to acheive uniform distribution of carbon black.4.Modification of Talc-Wax additive liner to reduce erosion of gun barrel.5.Experimental development of single base casting powder fo rthe preparation of cast double base propellant for milan.6.Development of gun propellant for 7.62mm MAG ammunition of T-72 tank toxicity at par with imported 7.62 mm PKL ammunition.7.Feasibility trials undertaken for charge 9 of 155mm Gun propellant by solvent process. 8.Development of RDX based LOVA peopellant.9. Development of globally competitive process technology for an important high explosive HMX (yield 60%)10.Revamping of Netutralization plant used for HMX effluent.11.Feasibility trials carried out for acetic acid free synthesis of HMX.12.Process improvement in boron technology (reduction in process time cycle)13.implementation of ISO 2001 -9000 in the division
1078 Mr R Ramkrishna Patnaik Scientiat 'G' - hyderabad DRDL 1. Design & installation of communication system for higj band data voice & video deployment of ground reveiving stations for telemetry applications. 2. setting up setelite earth station, v-sat station, deployment of under water fiber optic cable. Installation of mw towers and establishmant of communication links.
1079 Dr VSN Rao Tatavarti Scientist 'F' - hyderabad NPOL 1. Areospace and ocean engineering and technoligy, Signal processig, fluid Dynamics,photonics,Image processing, satellite image processing.Biomedecal engineering and Biotechnology.2. Visiting professor at university og georgia. Athens. Georgia. USA (Apr.2015 - July 2015).3.Formerly regional director, National maritime foundation, Vizag chapter(2013-15).4.Visiting professor at U of H-central univ. of hyderabad (2011-to date).5.Formerly served as director ( R&D)at VIT university (2008-2010).6.Currently director, GVP - SIRC & GVP college of Engg. (a) at visakhapatnam (Dec.2010- to date)
1080 Dr GS Agarwal Scientist 'F' - delhi DRDE
1081 Mr Sohan Lal Dhir Scientist 'G' - delhi TBRL Expert in the field test and evaluation of armamant systems by deploying optical and electrical instrumentation techniques, safety management during evaluation of high explosive warhead/bomb/shells trials and material management.
1082 Mr SB Lokhande Scientist 'E' 11/07/2016 pune R&DE (Engr)
1083 Mr Ramnath Pandharinath Waykar Scientist 'F' 18/07/2016 pune VRDE aMMUNITION, tracked vegical technology
1084 Mr K Balasubramanyam Scientist 'F' - bangalore DRDL, Hyderabad. Development and productionisation activities (batch and series production)in respect of two IGMDP projects of DRDO.
1085 Dr Sasirekha GVK Scientist 'E' - bangalore DLRL "1. Deep knowledge of wireless commnication fundamentals and protocols 2. LTE -Advanced 3.WiFi:IEEE 802.11a,b,e,g,n,ac,af 4.IEEE 802.16 5.IEEE 802.22 (WRAN) 6.IEEE 802.15(Bluetooth,Zigbee) 7.ITU-T stds(G.V.I.Q series)"
1086 Dr Vijay Kumar Varma Scientist 'G' - bangalore DLRL Ph.D.Metallurgist,Scientist/Technologist woth more than 3 decades of experience in DRDO in various aspects of Materials Engineering as well as Aeronautical Regulatory Body for Airworthiness Certification of airborne systems and Design/Test House Approvals of Firms/Test Houses, Respectively.
1087 Mr Mizaji Lal Scientist 'F' 05/08/2016 pune HEMRL Applied Mathamatics, Statistics, high level languages computerization of various income tax processes.
1088 Mr K.V.P.Saradhi Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL "1.Design & Development of liquid propellant fuelling system, storage &hadling of liquid propellants. 2.Design & Development of ground system for missiiles like launch paltform 3.Material Management."
1089 Mr N. Singaravelu Scientist 'E' - bangalore Nil Details as per Annexure 'A': Enclosed /Not Enclosed. Designed and developed assembiles, sun assemblies for high specific power air cooled 1500 hp diesel engine for military applications.Designed and developed tooling, Jigs and fixtures for manufacture of diesel engine. Has extensive knowledge on design and evaluation of Air filtration system, Oil and fuel filters. Acquired very good knowledge in diagnostic and problem solving abili of diesel engine and also having excellent knowledge in servicing of diesel engines.
1090 Dr C Durga Malleswar Scientist 'H' - hyderabad NSTL
1091 Shir Devender Scientist 'F' - hyderabad RCI 1. Established the state of art EMI-EMC test facilities to meet the Mil-Std-461B/C/E/F test requirements.2.EMI-EMC perfirmance evaluation of all eletronic sunsystems related to missile complex,DRDO projects and other public and private sector units.3.EMi problem Analusis and EMI hardening to achieve EMC in all electronic packages. hundreda of eletronic pachage were EMI haardened and successfully flight tested.4.Established the atate of art HERO test facility at RCI. Which is the only facility in the country.5.Pablished about twenty two numbers of papers/Publications in national and international conferences.6.Authoree abook on
1092 Mr Gopala Krishna Murty Tallada Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DLRL Microwave out design, development and testing.
1093 Mr M Ramanjaneyulu Scientist 'F' - bangalore Nil Design Developemnt & Evaluation of low power RF exciter and receiver subsystems for radars from L to X Bands. Environmental & EMI/EMC testing. Project planing & Management .Radar system integration, Evaluation & ToT production.
1094 J Chattopadhyay Scientist 'H' - hyderabad SPIC 1.Science /Engineering Discipline: Real time computing, Electronics & communication Engineering2.Field of Specialisation:1.Have specialised in the design and development of highly dependable real-time computing system to perform time critical activities and meet user requirements.2.Integration,testing and realisation of large and complex aeroapace systems with heterogeneous electrical, electronics, commication and computing systems.3.System level vaildation, testing and trouble shooting4.Efficent project planning, mangement and control to realise and deliver complex aerospace systems.5.Currently woeking on managed reliable multilayer secured communication network spread over heterogeneous platform for data, voice and video transfer.
1095 Mr Bhimarao Shankar Gugale Scientist 'G' 07/10/2016 pune ARDE
1096 PK Chaudhury Scientist 'G' - delhi SSPL, Delhi Solid state device physics.
1097 Dr Vikram Kumar Scientist 'H' - delhi Director SSPL Delhi Solid state Material
1099 Mr Mahesh Chandra Arya Scientist 'G' - delhi DRDO HQ Life sciences
1100 Mr C Nachiappan Scientist 'E' - bangalore Nil 1. Testing of AFV mechanical sysyems and sub-systems-engine,Transmission and suspension 2.Indigenization of imporyed items 3.Product development & improvement 4.Knowledge base on AFV cooling system aggregates 5. Preparation & management of drawing and technology documents - Design to ToT stsge 6.ToT implementation
1101 Mr Tara Singh Scientist 'D' 12/05/2016 pune ARDE/DMRL Design, Installation,Eraction and comissioning of Electrical and Electronic Equipment ,machines and controls, Electrical furnaces,Telephone exchanges,infrastructure development, Development of armament stores at various trial sites and instrumentation support.Material management procurement of Materrial of material and sanction process and man mangement .inspection and testing of electrical and electronic stores and armament stores including various climatic testing tests and procedures.Proposed to take up solar energy projects across the country(design,installation,comissoning) and help Govt achieve the targets.
1102 Dr Virendra Kumar Scientist 'F' 16-12-2016 pune Nil The Scientist has developed family of ET fuzes, Timer IC,Inductive data and power transfer technoligy,Turbogenerator based power supply.Fuze,MBRL,Tank,telemetry projects.He has also developed SCB technology based explosive devices, Electronic fuzes. His present reasearch interest are1.Explosive initiation technologies2.Armament electronic fuzes3.Semiconductor Bride Technology
1103 Mr Nanjappa C Scientist 'D' - bangalore DFRL, Mysore Development of various TRE and RTR products and RTS beverages from fruit and vegetables using Technologies such as dehydration, Hurdle, Intermediate moisture, Minimal processing and edible coating technologies to improve the shelflife extension of fresh produce
1104 Mr Om Kumar Singh Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL n
1105 Mr Harbans Lal Scientist 'G' - delhi CFEES Plat, Explsion dynamics
1106 Mr G Rajeshwarrao Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DRDL Integration of Electrical and related sub-systems of Weapon systems and Failure analysis, planned management involving CNC
1107 Dr BK Sehgal Scientist 'G' - delhi SSPL Semiconductor Devices
1108 Dr Bikash Chandra Chakraborty Scientist 'H' /OS 14/06/2017 pune NMRL Energy absorbing elastomeric blends,Polymer-clay nano composites for FRPs, Special acoustic Tiles with inclusion design, Polymer Matrix Composites for ballistic applications, Light weight metal, Life prediction studies
1109 Mr Goutam Kumar Sarkar Scientist 'F' 14/06/2017 pune R&DE (Engr) nill
1111 Mr Sanjay Burman Scientist 'D' - bangalore CAIR Cryptography, Information Security, Network Security, Communication Security(COMSEC), Transmission Security(Comesc), cyber Security, Security Engineering, Information Systems Engineering, Systems Engineering, Tactical Communication and Networking System Engineering, Secure configurable/Software Defined System Engineering, Secure configurable/software Defined System Engineering, Secure configurable/Software Defined systems engineering, Internet and Networking systems engineering, Internet and Networking Systems Engineering, System assurance cerification, Assurable systems engineering
1112 Mr M Aravindakshan Scientist 'G' - bangalore IHQ(MOD) Navy Mechanical Engineering systems of Torpedo (Heavy weight, Lighweight and Airlaunched)
1113 Dr K Seetharama Bhat Scientist 'G' - bangalore MTRDC Worked in MTRDC, Bangalore for 29 yrs and 8 months as research scientist working in the field of microwave tubes, cathodes and high power microwaves. As a Project Director design and development of G band CCTWT for WLR, was taken up with concurrent engineering with BEL Bangalore. Prototypes made achieved full electrical specs and limited environmental specifications. Couple of projects on development of high emission density cathodes were taken up and type B, M and MM cathodes were developed and tested in TWTs and Mgnetrons in production environment. Multi emitter dispenser cathodes were developed successfully and tested in prototype tubes developed at MTRDC. Work was initiated on design and develoment of High power microwave devices like Vircator, reflex triode and Relativistic magnetron and limited success were achieved. Has been responsible in building up of various facilities required for R&D in Microwave tubes and related areas.
1114 Dr Neeta Trivedi Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADE Nill
1115 Dr DC Pande OS/Scientist 'H' - bangalore LRDE nill
1116 Mr M Sivanandham Scientist 'F' - bangalore CVRDE nill
1117 Mr GS Vijaya Kumar Scientist 'F' - bangalore ADE Design, Development, Testing and Maintenance of Test Systems for LCA flight control systems, Embedded systems, RTOS, GUI, Automation, Documentation and Co-Ordination for Certification.
1118 Mr Ashok Kumar Sharma Scientist 'G' - delhi SAG Electronic Evaluation and Clearance of Crypto Products etc.
1119 Mr Tri Bhuwan Pant Scientist 'F' - delhi DARL Hill & High Agriculture including protected cultivation and Hydroponics
1120 Mr Vishal Chandra Scientist 'G' - delhi DIPAS, R&D HQ. Research project and Management
1121 Mr RB Srivastava Scientist 'H' & Director - delhi Dihar, Leh-Ladakh Life Sciences, Food, Health & Energy Security, Natural and Bio-Resources Bio-diesel, Afro-Animal Technologies Herbal Neutracentricals
1122 Mr Arun Kumar Gupta Scientist 'H' - delhi IRDE Physics laser
1123 Mr B Venkatesh Scientist 'C' - bangalore ADE Design and Development of Power supply system, Design of Cable Harness. For UAV’s and Missile Target and also Involved in system integration and subsystem acceptance process. Key Project system handled • Electrical Load Management system • Recovery system • PC Based ATES • Alternator Test Bed
1124 Mr KK Ravindran Scientist 'G' - bangalore AVADI Manfacturing Technology, Technology Transfer, Production
1127 Mr K. Sriniuasa Raju Scientist 'D' - hyderabad DLRL FPGA based signal mocessing, VHDL, SDR, COMINT Array Signal Processing, ESM, ELINT
1128 Mr M. Sankara Narayana Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DMRL Design of Tooling, Provider metallury related in development
1129 Mr M. Prabhakar Scientist 'F' - hyderabad RCI Hills & Validation of S/W & H/W, RF testing, S/W development & Testing, Instrumentation & Testing
1130 Parthajyoti Datta Scientist 'G' - delhi SSPL nill
1132 RV Katare Scientist 'F' 22/12/2017 pune ARDE component/system design, Applied Research & Development, Evaluation & Tooling
1133 Mr Sudhir Gajanan Avachat Scientist 'D' 22/12/2017 pune HEMRL Anti-tank Guided Missile NAG under IGMDP, Surface-to-Air Missile Akash under IGMDP, Composite Propellant for Pilotless Target Aircraft Lakshya, Helicopter Launched ATGM HELINA, R & D Activities, Composite propellant with very high elongation , Papers & Publications
1134 Mr Nazimuddin Hazari Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DMRL Technology Development and Technology Management of Investment Casting,Directional Solidification & Single Crystal Solidification of Gas Turbine Blades & Vanes, Superalloys
1135 Mr S. Karthikeyan Scientist 'G' - bangalore CEMILAC Formulation
1136 Dr V Kala Scientist 'H' - bangalore ADE LCA Control System SW, Development & system development)
1137 Mr P Srikumar Scientist 'H' - bangalore ADE Flight Controls, Flight Dynamics, sstemsngineering systems Analyiss
1138 Mr Amarendra Nath Das Scientist 'G' - hyderabad RCI Data link, Telemetolgy & Ranging etc.
1139 Ved Parkash Goel Scientist 'G' - delhi DG (MED & CoS) Operation Research, Inventory control & management , R & D Administration & Management
1140 Dr Rishi Baboo Sharma Scientist 'G' - delhi DRDO HQ. Research facility of the year Award 2008
1141 Prof. Chandra Prakash Scientist 'G' - delhi SSPL Thermoelectric Materials, electroceramics, HR, Admin, Project Management
1142 Mr Ram Bhusan Aggarwal Scientist 'F' - delhi ISSA Worked in various labs in Software design and development of Software for various Domains
1143 Mr Ram Purshottam Sharma Scientist 'F' - delhi ISSA DBMS, War Gaming, Networking
1144 Mr Devendra Gill Scientist 'D' - delhi CFEES Construction Safety, Industrial Safety, Fire Safety, Audits, Consultancy & Training
1145 Mr PK Bhatnagar Scientist 'G' - delhi ISSA DBMS, Graphics Systems, Artifical Intelligence, Expert Systems
1146 Dr Rajinder Kumar Bhan Scientist 'H' - delhi SSPL CCD Devices, Infrared Sensors, MEMS Tech. CMOS Tech Quantium computing thin film
1147 Mr Manuru Surendra Rao Scientist 'E' - hyderabad NSTL Mechanical Engineering-Design analysis & Vehicle Integration
1148 Shri Purna Darapuneni Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL PMP Communication System for EW, System Evaluation and Field Trials General Management
1149 Dr Desai Bapurao Sarwade Scientist 'G' 07/05/2018 pune HEMRL Synthesis and characterization of HEMs, Development of Gun propellants, Explosives, environmental and fire safety, Management services, planning and coordination, Technical coordination
1150 Dr SS Negi Scientist 'H' & Director - delhi IRDE Design & Developmet of Electro Optical systems ( Night Vision Devices: Thermal Imaging, Image Intensifier) and their Performance Evaluations.
1151 Mr Rajender Kumar Sharma Scientist 'D' - delhi JCB Cyphotography, System Desgining, software Development, Key Management
1152 Dr Srinath S Heragu Scientist 'G' - bangalore ADA Stealth Expert
1153 Dr Dev raj Saroha Scientist 'H' - delhi TBRL Washeads, Blast & Damage, Lethality, Instrumentation, Flash Radiography, Aimaments.
1154 Mrs DT Shakunthala Scientist 'F' - bangalore DEBEL Electronics Devices Development Characterisation ANR system
1155 Dr Merugu Lakshminarayana Scientist 'H' - hyderabad DLRL
1156 Mr N. Seetharamaiah Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL ELINT & ESM Redium System in EW
1157 Mr Arun Puna Narkhede Scientist 'F' 27/08/2018 pune ARDE Design and development of Anti Tank and Anti Personal Mines. 2-Prdocutionisation of Anti Tank Mines. 3- Test and evaluation of Armament stores. Etc.
1158 Dr Mohinder jankiraman Sr. Scientist - bangalore CABS Radar, Wireless Communication
1159 Mr C Thangavelu Scientist 'G' - bangalore GTRE Design, Development, Testing & Evaluations of the Aero Engine Propulsion. Project Managements Task & Reviews etc.
1160 Dr Prahalad N Tengli Scientist 'G' - bangalore DG(Aeronautical Systems) CAD/CAM/CNC/Tool Engg./Management/Rocket Motor Static Testing/Prduction/Consultancy (Composite).
1161 Mr Rajvir Agrawal Scientist 'E' - bangalore ADE Aerodynamics, Flight Mechanics
1162 Mr R Srinivasa Rao Scientist 'H' - bangalore ADA Successful integration of HMDS, Responsible for successful eapon trials of close combat missile firing, (Attached Annexure-"A")etc.
1163 Mr S Varadarajan Scientist 'H' - bangalore LRDE Radar Systems Engineering, Radar Data Processing, Systems Engineering, Real time systems, (Enclosed Annexure-"A")
1164 Dr. Ashok Kumar Kapoor Scientist 'G' - delhi SSPL Material Characterization, Crystal Growth and Material Management, (Enclosed Annexure-
1165 Dr. M.V.S. Suryanarayana Scientist 'G' - delhi DRDE CBRNe Defence Technologies with Special Reference to Chemical Detection, Water Purification etc.
1166 G.S. Sandhu Gp Capt. 21/11/2018 pune TBRL Mechanical enginering, Air armaments, Rocket Technology, Fundamental Physics Research.
1167 Dr. Ramdas Sawlearm Damse Scientist 'F' 21/11/2018 pune HEMRL Chemistry of high energy materials, Development of high energy propellants for future gun applications, propellant as indigenous substitute for various power cartidges for fighter aircrafts, Research work on gun propellants
1168 Mr. M. Ramesh Scientist 'F' - bangalore CVRDE As a team leader was responsible for the activities related Mechanical/ Automotive systems such as Automatic Transmision, Final Drive and Brake system of armoured Fighting vechiles(AFV) design and development and indeginisation of transmission, Brake system final drive, Pumps and filters of AFV
1169 Mr. Pradeep Janakraj Berry Scientist'D' 21/12/2018 pune ARDE Design of Barrel and Armament Systems
1170 Dr. Sunil Kumar Scientist 'G' - delhi CW&E Research and Development in life Sciences
1171 Ms. Sunita Maithani Scientist 'G' - delhi SAG Nil
1172 Mr. P. Raghuram Scientist 'F' - hyderabad NSTL Nil
1174 MS P. PAPAJI Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DLRL EW Receivers- Sub System
1175 Mr. K R Narayana Swamy Scientist 'F' - bangalore LRDE Design and development engineering and Radar system
1176 MS Neeta Rakhra Scientist 'F' - delhi CFEES Group Technology award,AFDSS for AFVs
1177 Mr. S Krishna Prasad Scientist 'E' - hyderabad DLRL Communication
1178 Dr. Arun Kumar Garg Sc "H" Os - delhi SSPL Semi conductor material devices
1179 MS. Neeta Ashok gogia Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Microwave components and super components.
1180 Mr Mrinal Kanti Das Scientist 'G' - hyderabad DLRL Microwave/system, Configuration, Realization, Integrationof Passive Homing Head (PHH) of Missile Systems)
1181 Dr.Nirender Pal Singh Scientist - delhi DIPR, DIPAS Profiling of Leaders for natural securit
1182 Dr. Ashok Kumar Gogia Scientist 'H' - hyderabad DMRL Gas Turbine, matirals,armour Matirals
1183 Mr. S bharath Bhushan Scientist 'E' - hyderabad DLRL Technology Group Award
1184 Dr. P V R RAYuDU Scientist 'E' - hyderabad DLRL SOLID PROPULSION, HRD
1185 MR. A Prakash Scientist 'F' - hyderabad DLRL Radar & Missile Ground Systems
1186 Dr. R Savithri Scientist 'D' - hyderabad DLRL software development
1187 Dr. Ashwagosha Ganju Scientist 'H' - delhi SASE Avalanche Forecasting/Disaster Risk Reduction/Glaciology/Climatology/geomorphology/Modelling
1189 Dr. Budh Prakash Sagar Scientist - hyderabad RCI Project Management Handaling Audit Related Issues/ IFD/ FBE& AS9001
1190 Gp Capt Babu Joseph Gp Capt 29/05/2019 bangalore DARE EW Systems and Missiles,DCN, GIS, SDR
1191 Mr. N S L Ganesh Scientist 'F' 03/06/2019 hyderabad RCI FIBER-Optics,NDT, IIR SEEker (QS) Safety Engineering,
1192 Mr. Sarbjit Singh Scientist 'G' 18/06/2019 delhi TBRL Design and Development and evaluation, Exploder for TAL weapon System, Disposal of ammutron & Explosive,ASTRA Missile warhead
1193 Shmt. P Usha Rani Scientist 'F' 03/07/2019 hyderabad DLRL RF& Microwave, Design and Development of RF frantend
1194 Mr. Sushil Kumar Scientist 'G' 03/07/2019 delhi SSPL IR Technology Semi conductor, sensor Devices opto Electronics, matetial management & administration
1195 Mr. K T Uddayanarayana Scientist 'G' 03/07/2019 bangalore LRDE RTS,SECTEL,Vajra Radar
1196 Dr. N Ramamurthy Scientist 'G' 03/07/2019 bangalore CAIR Senior Networks/ DSP
1197 Mr. P Velayudhan Nair Scientist 'G' 10/07/2019 bangalore NPOL Planning revanjing of Instrumentation and conduct of
1198 Mr. Jwahar Lal Scientist 'F' 19/07/2019 hyderabad DLRL Work in project AKASH , Akash Mishile Programme and other AEW&C system
1199 Mr. T. Venkata Ramana Murthy Scientist 'E' 19/07/2019 hyderabad DLRL Project Management, material management
1200 Dr. Raveesh Kumar Scientist 'G' 13/08/2019 delhi LASTEC Tharmal Management,Heat Excharger,Cryoginic Engineering
1201 Mr. R Venugopal Scientist 'G' 20/08/2019 bangalore CVRDE Design and development of subsystems for Armorned vehicles and aero Space
1202 Mr. A R Balasubramanian Scientist 'F' 20/08/2019 bangalore CVRDE design & development of jigs & fixtures, Gauges, spl. Tools etc
1203 Mr. B Madhusudan Scientist 'F' 20/08/2019 bangalore ADE Mathemetical modellingof aircraft and its systems, development of training.
1205 Mr. Ashok Kumar Scientist 'G' 04/09/2019 delhi HQ Library mulimetia and administration
1206 Dr. R K Sharma D S 27/09/2019 delhi SSPL IR Technology Semi conductor, sensor Devices opto Electronics, matetial management & administration
1207 Mr. Vasant Sampatrao Ghadge Scientist 'G' 03/10/2019 pune ARDE Armament ordnance and recoil system
1208 Mrs Charulata Padmakar Mahajan Scientist 'G' 03/10/2019 pune ARDE Armament , Mines
1209 Dr. Atul Sen Scientist 'G' 14/10/2019 hyderabad DRDL Tachnology management , knowledge mst, innovtion Mst
1210 Mr. Jai Narayan Scientist 'G' 14/10/2019 bangalore ADE Machenical system Design, Project Management
1211 Mr. V Veeraiah Scientist 'G' 14/10/2019 bangalore ADE Design & Development,landing gear Design, Coordination of Programmes 1. Requirements of Quality Management System – ISO 9001:2015 2. Aerospace standard – AS 9100D applicable to Aviation Space and Defence. 3. Knowledge of DSSD (DRDO) Standard for Software Development) 4. Knowledge of Microsoft project plan. 5. Design and Landing Gear.
1212 Dr. H S Rama Rao Scientist 'F' 11/11/2019 hyderabad DRDL Flight test to all renges.
1213 Mr. Subhash Bhagwant Borkar Scientist 'F' 11/11/2019 pune ARDE Armaments, Electrical Engg., Air Armament
1214 Dr. Ashwani kumar Scientist 'G' 15/11/2019 hyderabad DLRL Antena, Antena Systems and RADOMES
1215 Shri S Ashwani Kumar Scientist 'G' 04/12/2019 hyderabad DRDL Planning of mobile comunication,Telemtry7 washead electronic
1216 Mr. Kalivela Venkateswara Rao Scientist 'F' 04/12/2019 hyderabad DRDL Propulsion and production value engg. for Aero systems
1217 Mr. Narendra Babu S N Scientist 'G' 10/12/2019 bangalore GTRE Technical developed & Tot Madeto m/s KMML KERALA
1218 Mr. Sheo Nandan Mistry Scientist 'G' 10/12/2019 bangalore RCMA Air worthiness certification
1219 Mr. Maradana Joga Rao Scientist 'E' 11/12/2019 hyderabad NSTL Design development and testing
1220 Mr. Ramsharan Singh Scientist 'F' 08/01/2020 delhi ISSA System Analysis andreliability evaluation
1221 Dr. Y Ravi Kumar Scientist 'G' 08/01/2020 hyderabad DLRL Electronics,Anenanas, Signal procasting
1222 Shri Sivakumar N Scientist 'G' 08/01/2020 bangalore NPOL Sonar system Design, Under water sensor Electronics etc.
1223 Dr. Raj Pal Singh Scientist 'G' 20/01/2020 delhi CFEES halon alternatives, Fire Protective Clothing, Testing and Quality Assurance
1224 Dr. Rabindra Kumar Sinha Scientist 'G' 20/01/2020 pune HEMRL Armament High Explosive Chemistry, Organic Chemistry
1225 Shivaputra Mallappa Danali Scientist 'G' 27/01/2020 pune HEMRL Quality assurance,Armaments, Pyrotechnics
1226 Chandrakant Suryakant Salutagikat Scientist 'F' 27/01/2020 pune ARDE Design Development and Qualityassurance and Quality audit
1227 Dr. Veluturi Murali Mohan Scientist 'G' 03/02/2020 hyderabad NSTL Manufacturing of missile, hardware Testing System Integration
1228 Mr. Daita Dattatreya Sarma Scientist 'G' 14/02/2020 hyderabad DLRL Electonics raddar system
1230 Mr. N G Vasudevan Scientist 'G' 14/02/2020 hyderabad RCI Avionics navigattion System
1231 Mr. Yuoraj Shriram Dhoke Scientist 'F' 28/02/2020 pune ARDE Armament Ballistics
1232 Dr. Jagdish Prasad Singh Scientist 'G' 28/02/2020 hyderabad CHESS Design of Electro machanical System
1233 Dr. Surinder Kumar Koul Scientist 'G' 11/03/2020 bangalore SSPL MEMS Technology
1234 Mr. M.Selvam Scientist 'F' 11/03/2020 bangalore CVRDE Development of mechanical system, Testing to Aerospace components
1235 Mr. N Venkateswaran Scientist 'E' 11/03/2020 bangalore CVRDE Design & Development, Simulisation
1236 Dr. A Satyanarayana Scientist 'G' 07/04/2020 hyderabad DRDL Aerodynamic Testing of Wind Tunnel Models in HWT and Data annalysing
1237 Dr.V.V.S.Bhaskara Raju Scientist 'G' 07/04/2020 hyderabad NSTL 1.Quality Control of torpedo integration, its leak and geometrical checks like parallelism, concentricity, waviness and failure rectification. 2.Selection of acoustic materials for transducers and their testing, designing cure time during process encapsulation to meet parameters and QAP preparation for mechanical parts of underwater vehicle. Design of Moulds,Polymer products, test and evaluations of Metal and Polymers
1238 Dr. Gantayata Gouda Scientist 'H' 22/05/2020 bangalore CEMILAC Aerospace Engg., propulsion, Aircraft Engg
1239 Mr. S.S.Nagaraj DS & Director 22/05/2020 bangalore LRDE Digital Electronics, Radar systems, Active array Radars
1240 Mr.V.Varadarajan Scientist 'H' 22/05/2020 bangalore DG ECS Electronics, Microwave Ics,PCBs Plating surface finnish,,Project Monitoring and Life Cycle Management
1241 Lt.Gen PJS Pannu LT. General 04/06/2020 hyderabad Indian Army Space & Cyber, Digitisation & AI
1242 Cmdr M Raghunandan Commander 08/06/2020 bangalore Navy/NSTL Mathematical Modelry &Simulation, Control systems
1243 Sri Mr. Mahadeo Sopan Labade Scientist 'E' 17/06/2020 pune HEMRL Computer science, softaware Development and Networking, Provcessing of High Explossive,Evaluations of PBX and HE
1244 Sri Mr.N Prabhakaran Scientist 'G' 17/06/2020 bangalore GTRE Mechanical Eng., Automobile Eng., I.C.Engines, R&D Management
1245 Mr.HS Nagaraj Scientist 'G' 22/06/2020 bangalore ADA Design, Development and Qualifications of LCA subsystems and Components
1246 Dr. Mr.C H Venkatesh Murthy Scientist 'E' 29/06/2020 bangalore ADE Avionics System, Dislays, Flight management System, controls, Avionics Systemdesign, Software data Bus architect cerifications
1247 Mr.P Shanmugam Scientist 'F' 29/06/2020 bangalore CVRDE Mechanical Eng., Design, annalyses and development, automotive System,Test, evaluations and Sytructural analyses
1248 Mr. V.Prabhakaran 08/07/2020 bangalore ADE Aero. Engg, Aircraft Design, Air frame Design, Structures and composites
1249 Mr.K.S.Surya Prakash Scientist 'G' 08/07/2020 bangalore LRDE Mechanical, Machine Design, Mechanical HW for Radar, Concept to realsation
1250 Dr. KPB Moosad Scientist 'G' 14/07/2020 bangalore NPOL Underwater Sensors,,Flexular transducer, Design and Development
1251 Mr.KM Veerabhadra Scientist 'F' 14/07/2020 bangalore LRDE Electronice, Microwave, Radar receiver & Exciters modules,MMICs
1252 Shri Lavalekar Milind Madhusudan Scientist 'E' 16/07/2020 pune HEMRL Chemical Engg, Chemistary
1253 Shri CHITTARANJAN OJHA Scientist 'F' 16/07/2020 hyderabad Integrated Test Range, Chandipur Project and HR ManagementResearch projects
1254 Shri S S Bisht Scientist 'G' 16/07/2020 delhi DEAL Communication LOS/SATCOM,Design & Developments, Datalink Subsystem, baseband
1255 Dr. Choory Gopalakrishna Balaji Director & DS 16/07/2020 hyderabad DLRL, Hyderabad RF & Microwave Systems,Avionics SystemsMissiles & EW
1256 Dr. Shivpal Singh Panwar Scientist 'G' 16/07/2020 hyderabad DRDL, Hyderabad Material ScienceQuality & ReliabilityPolymer Chemistry and Explosives
1257 Dr. V V Satya Prasad Scientist 'H' 16/07/2020 hyderabad DMRL, Hyderabad Materials for Hypersonic VehiclesHigh temperature Materials
1258 Shri Ratan Kumar Patra Scientist 'F' 16/07/2020 hyderabad ITR, Chandipur Computer Science,Mission data Processing,Mission data Analysis
1259 Shri Sirugudi Sai Prasad Scientist 'F' 16/07/2020 hyderabad NSTL, Visakhapatnam Design of Underwater Mechanical systemsProduction of Mechanical Sub systemsnspection and Testing
1260 Shri Mohd Saleem Beg Scientist 'F' 27/07/2020 hyderabad RCI, Hyderabad Hydraulic Control SystemsField MaintenanceIndigenisation of Hydraulic Systems
1261 Dr. Gengan Balu Scientist 'H' 05/08/2020 hyderabad DRDL, Hyderabad Expert for Establishment of Wind Tunnel Facilities at DOAT, DRDL, Aerodynamic Configuration Design Missile Aerodynamics etc.
1262 Shri Ramamurthy Satyanarayanan Scientist 'G' 13/08/2020 hyderabad DRDL Design, Development and Production
1263 Shri A S Madhu Scientist 'G' 14/08/2020 bangalore GTRE Mechanical, Instrumentation of Gas Turbine Engine
1264 Shri Manmohan Singh Scientist 'G' 20/08/2020 delhi SSPL Mechanical Engg, Miniaturized coolers development, Thermal engg., manufacturing managment
1265 Shri Amitava Ghosh Scientist 'G' 26/08/2020 delhi IRDE Optical Instrumentation, Optcal Engineering, Optics Fabrication, IR Optics, Coating and testing
1266 Shri Anil Kumar Scientist 'G' 26/08/2020 delhi IRDE Computer Science, Software Development, Embddid systems, Fire control systems
1267 Shri G.Verra Venkata Rao Scientist 'F' 28/08/2020 bangalore GTRE Mechanical, Structural Integrity testing, Maintenance and upkeeping of structual, integrity test facilities
1268 Dr. S.Kishore Kumar Sc'G' DRDO Fellow 28/08/2020 bangalore GTRE Aero,CFD, Axial Flow, Gas Turbine optimsations
1269 Shri Midde Narsimha Scientist 'F' 01/09/2020 hyderabad DRDL, Hyderabad Computer NetworkingNetwork Security
1270 Smt. M. Santha Scientist 'E' 01/09/2020 hyderabad DLRL, Hyderabad Electronics, VHDL Design
1272 Dr. N Manickam Scientist 'G' 17/09/2020 hyderabad ASL, Hyderabad System Integration, Testing and handling of MissilesGround system design for Multi stage Missiles
1273 Shri P.V.Subrahmanyeswara Rao Scientist 'G' 22/09/2020 hyderabad ASL, Hyderabad Integration and testing of solid Rocket MotorsPropulsion systems testing
1274 Dr. Kandikattu Siva Kumar Scientist 'G' 22/09/2020 hyderabad DMRL, Hyderabad Development of Advanced explosive Reactve ArmourDesign and fabrication of Kanchan Armour panelsExplosive consolidation of powders and composites
1275 Shri V. Ashoka Reddy Scientist 'G' 22/09/2020 hyderabad RCI, Hyderabad Radar seeker testingTarget Simulators
1276 Commander Bharat Prabhat Thatte Commander IN 10/06/2020 pune Naval Dockyard Control system design, Algorithms, Instrumentation
1277 Shri Thati Siva Nageswara Rao Scientist 'D' 28/10/2020 hyderabad NSTL, Visakhapatnam Super Alloy Components
1278 Shri T RATNAMANI Scientist 'G' 11/11/2020 hyderabad Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory Major Research/Technical and management activities were at the Naval Physical and Oceanographic Laboratory, Kochi, DRDO Further experience includes Additional Director at the DECSystems, DRDO HQrs, Professor &Head of R& D at Mahalingam College of Engineering & Technology (two years) and Industry experience around two years Basic experience is in the area Research/Development of Digital signal Processing systems for sonars, communication systems and Radars, that includes Implementation of DSP Algorithms & Design, Development of Embedded Systems Modelling & Simulations OF SYSTEMS, Development OF DSP Algorithms Optimization of Algorithms, etc. Technical Expertise: • System Design, System Development & System Verification • Interfacing & Integration of systems • Software Development &Hardware Development • Digital Signal Processing • Communication Systems • Image Processing • FPGA & SOC based hardware/software development. Having strong expertise with DSP architectures from Analog Devices / TI and other manufacturers, developed and completed various hardware projects, with DSPs- of ADI ADSP-21xx,ADSP-210xx etc. and FPGA & SOCs from Xilinx ,Alter and Actel. The Major Projects associated includes High frequency & Low frequency SONARs, Passive & Active sonar and Intercept sonar. For ships and submarines. Target Classifiers for sonar systems. Multi sensor Coastal surveillance system, Acoustic modem, RF modems (Spread Spectrum), etc. Signal Processing: • Design and implementation of array processing techniques like time domain beam forming, frequency domain beam forming, MVDR etc. • Design and implementation of signal analysis blocks with various DSP techniques like, Filters, FFT, Time Frequency Analysis, Wavelets STFT, WVD. • Detection of targets, estimation of target parameter like range, bearing, PW, PRF etc by Statistical signal processing techniques • Bearing and range estimation, Multi target separation, target classification Noise isolation by various advanced techniques like Kalman filtering, blind source separation, neural networks etc • Design & Development of DSP system for RADARs Communication Systems Design of CDMA and FDMA modems - Building and testing of modems using various communication processing techniques like channel coding, data compression, BER reduction techniques, CDMA and FDMA etc. Image Processing Shape reconstruction of Underwater objects from sonar echoes by using techniques like Time frequency analysis, Acoustic tomography techniques such as Radon transform, back propagation techniques and Fourier reconstruction methods Professional Affiliations: Fellow of IETE , Fellow of IEI, and Life member, ISTE, Life member, ASI Publications: 12
1279 Shri Kurian Isac Scientist 'G' 11/11/2020 bangalore NPOL, Kochi-682021. Design and development of sonar transducers and sonar domes
1280 Shri Rama Mohana Rao Voleti Scientist 'F' 11/11/2020 hyderabad NSTL Design and development of Mechanical Systems, Design and development, of infrared signature suppression (IRSS) systems along with acoustic suppression systems for Naval platforms
1281 Dr. SANIL KUMAR Vidyasagar Kattiparambil Scientist 'G' 11/11/2020 bangalore NPOL (i) Guidance in Oceanographic studies with special focus on ASW Oceanography and (ii) Research ship management as well as formulation of scientific requirements onboard new ASW research ship for the acquisition.
1282 Shri PANDURANGA K R Scientist 'G' 12/11/2020 bangalore Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE), Bangalore Project & Technology Management of Aero Gas Turbine Engines. Indigenous development of Products including Qualification Tests. Establishment of Manufacturing and Test Facility infrastructures, Operation and Maintenance.
1283 Dr. Shrikant Madhukar Pande Scientist 'G' 09/12/2020 pune HEMRL DEVELOPMENT of SOLID PROPELLANT FORMULATIONS and ITS PROCESSING
1284 Shri Viswambharan N K Scientist 'F' 12/12/2020 bangalore N. P. O. L. Kochi expertise in satellite image processing
1285 Shri Ananth Rajagopalan Kaliyur Scientist-F 20/12/2020 hyderabad DRDL New Product Development
1286 Shri Bhagwan Govind Polke Scientist 'F' 17/01/2021 pune HEMRL Analysis of High Energy Material by analytical instruments
1287 Dr. Chitra Thyagarajan Scientist 'D' 12/01/2021 bangalore CEMILAC Bangalore Reliability Analysis at System level and Functional Safety across Aerospace, Automotive and industrial domain
1288 Dr. Thekkekara Mukundan Scientist 'G' 18/01/2021 bangalore NPOL, KOCHI Design and development of High Energy Materials, Design and development of Sonar specific materials, Design and development of electronic materials and sensors, Technology Management, Science communication
1289 Ms. BALA V Scientist 'G' 18/01/2021 bangalore Aeronautical Development Establishment project management
1290 Shri G SIVAGNANAM Scientist 'F' 19/01/2021 bangalore CEMILAC Design Testing Certification (Structures)
1292 Prof. Natarajan Gopalan Scientist 'F' 29/01/2021 bangalore DFRL, Mysore Biology, Cancer Biology, Entomology, Epidemiology, Food Biotechnology, Herbal Plant products
1294 Dr. J P SINGH Sc H/OS 03/02/2021 delhi Dte of DMS
1295 Dr. N.S. Vasan Scientist 'G' 03/02/2021 delhi IRDE, Dehradun High power diode-pumped solid-state lasers, OPO based tunable lasers, Laser range finders, Laser designators for missile guidance etc.
1296 Shri BALACHANDRAN NANTHAGOPAL Scientist 'G' 05/2/2021 bangalore ADE, Bangalore Aerodynamic design and development of UAVs, Missiles and aerial weapons
1297 Shri Gurubasavaraj M Scientist 'G' 05/02/2021 bangalore Aeronautical Development Establishment Static and dynamic structural testing of UAV and aircraft external stores
1298 Air Cmde Air Cmde R N B RAO (Retd) Air Cmde, GD MMG and Coordinator for AEW&C project 11/02/2021 bangalore DARE, DRDO Experience in IAF & DRDO on various types of Aircraft, Avionics and Project Management
1299 Shri Naresh Kumar Scientist 'H' 11/02/2021 pune SASE Structural Engg
1300 Shri Regu Kumar Scientist 'G', Associate Director 17/02/2021 bangalore Defence Avionics Research Establishment Project Management & Technical Coordination, Structural Design, Avionics and Air Weapon Integration
1301 Dr. Shashi Bhushan Singh OS & Director 20/02/2021 pune NMRL Material Science and Management
1302 Dr. R. VENKATTA RAMANAN OS 21/02/2021 hyderabad Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre/Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology Trajectory and Guidance design of Launch vehicle mission, lunar mission and interplanetary missions;
1303 Shri Anil Kumar Chawla Scientist 'G' 25/02/2021 delhi CFEES Fire Science & Engg.
1304 Dr. Selvaraj Ponnumuthu Scientist 'H' 01/03/2021 bangalore ADA Design, Development and Productonization of LCA AF Fighter and Trainer
1305 Shri Vijayakumara Maligappa Annaiyappa Scientist 'F' 02/03/2021 bangalore Defence Avionics Research Establishment
1306 Dr. Sanjay Kumar Singh Scientist 'G' 03/03/2021 bangalore Aeronautical Development Establishment, Bangalore Mathematical modeling for defence problems
1307 Shri Challa sivaramakrishna sarma Scientist -E 05/03/2021 hyderabad NSTL Development of encapsulte materials and processing of rubber products.
1308 Dr. Mrityunjay Pandit Scientist 'F' 19/03/2021 delhi CFEES Waste management, AOP procrss , stabilization/solidification process,, reaction kinetics,extraction process, adsorption process, plasma pyrolysis, demilitarization.
1309 Col AJEET PAL SINGH col 19/03/2021 delhi CFEES *Mobile Ammunition Repair Section. * Materials Management, Jabalpur. * Ammunition Depot (Handled almost entire range of ammunition in the Army including missiles. ) * Fire and Explosives Safety * Army projects concerning ammunition / explosives storage accommodation. *Safety Audits’ of large defence establishments like ordnance * demilitarization of unserviceable ammunition in an environment friendly manner .
1310 Shri V B Patil Scientist 'F' 24/03/2021 bangalore Aeronautical Development Establishment Bangalore Coordination, laisoning, HR and handling/resolving issues with concerned authorities.
1311 Shri HARPAL SINGH PANWAR Scientist 'G' 01/04/2021 delhi Instruments Research & Development Establishment, Dehradun Design , Development, Trial with various platforms Thermal Imaging/ Hyperspectral Imaging systems
1312 Dr. Akhilesh Kumar Mishra Scientist 'F' 02/04/2021 pune R&DE(Engrs) Power Electronics and Drives
1313 Dr. N Srinivasan Scientist 'F' 05/04/2021 bangalore Aeronautical Development Establishment Software development Life Cycle/Software Project Management
1314 Shri V SUDHARSHANA Scientist 'F' 11/04/2021 bangalore GTRE, DRDO Key Area 1: Vibration signature analysis of Gas Turbine Engine. Key Area 2: Vibration testing of aero engine components. Key Area 3: Establishment of Vibration test Facility
1315 Shri Padam Ram Arya Scientist `G' 02/05/2021 pune HEMRL Design and development of pyrotechnic stores and Igniters for Solid Rocket Motors
1316 Shri R RAVEENDRAN Scientist 'F' 29/05/2021 bangalore CVRDE Actively involved during Assembly and Integration of Arjun MBT Mk-1 PPS series tanks & Arjun MBT Mk-1A prototypes , Transfer of Technology to production agency for production of Arjun MBT Mk-1 and actively involved during Development of Arjun MBT Mk-1A and effectively co-ordinated during performance evaluations of Arjun MBT MK-1A during different phases of trials at PFFR/MFFR at Rajasthan
1317 Shri S Bhaskar Scientist 'H' 01/06/2021 hyderabad Advanced Systems Laboratory, Hyderabad Development of Polymeric Composites
1320 Dr. RAKESH KUMAR SHARMA Scientist 'H' 13/06/2021 hyderabad DRDL, HYDERABAD Aerodynamic design and analysis of missile configuration, testing, Hypersonic technology, fluid mechanics
1321 Shri C Govindarajan Scientist 'G' 16/06/2021 bangalore CVRDE, AVADI, Chennai - 600054 Versatile knowledge in design & Development of Armoured Fighting Vehicles (AFVs), Varients, its system & sub-systems and ToT activities such as T-72 varients & Arjun Varients.
1322 Shri Braj Bhushan Singh Scientist 'F' 16/06/2021 delhi IRDE, Dehradun
1323 Dr. KRISHAN CHANDRA BAHUGUNA Scientist 'F' 17/06/2021 delhi IRDE, DEHRADUN Laser Cavity design, OPO design, design and development of Laser Transmitters, Receivers and Parametric Evaluation including set up for laser based infrastructure, Project monitoring and Co-ordination
1324 Shri Uttam Gulabrao Salawade Officiating General Manager 17/06/2021 hyderabad Aircraft Upgrade Research & Design Centre, HAL Ojhar Township, Nasik-422207 Modifications, System Integration and Weapon Integration on Fighter Aircraft.
1325 Shri G.RAVI Scientist 'F' 21/06/2021 bangalore CVRDE, Avadi AFV Manufacturing and its TOT
1326 Dr. S Nagarjuna Scientist 'G' 26/06/2021 hyderabad DMRL, Hyderabad Cu-Ti alloys
1328 Dr. Balasubramanian Periaswami Scientist 'G' 08/07/2021 bangalore NPOL, Kochi
1329 Shri M Sampath Scientist 'F' 09/07/2021 bangalore CVRDE
1330 Shri A PARVATA VARDHAN Scientist 'H' 18/07/2021 hyderabad DRDL, HYDERABAD Missile Propulsion system design and deveopment in addtional expertise in BMD realted propulsion system development
1331 Shri V Maharajan Scientist 'G' 19/07/2021 bangalore Aeronautical Development Establishment Armament and Project Management
1332 Shri SUBBUKUTTI S Scientist 'G' 19/07/2001 bangalore ADE, BENGALURU
1333 Shri CHALLA SANKARA RAO Scientist 'G' 19/07/2021 hyderabad NSTL Instrumentation for hydrodynamic model testing, environmental tests, facility creation & its management, project management and QRS
1334 Dr. N Karuppaiah Scientist 'F' 22/07/2021 pune VRDE Vehicle Dynamics
1335 Prof. Vasantharaj C Scientist 'F' 22/07/2021 bangalore Centre for Airborne Systems, Bangalore Innovation, Skill Development and Product Development in Aerospace and Automotive
1336 Dr. Selvamurthy William DS & CC R&D 22/07/2021 delhi DRDO HQ Human Physiology
1337 Dr. Rajesh Jayamt Mukhedkar Scientist 'F' 29/07/2021 pune ARDE Exterior Ballistics, Trajectory modelling and Simulation, Effect of Atmospheric conditions on Trajectory
1338 Shri S. SUBASH SUBRAMONIAM Scientist 'G' 03/08/2021 bangalore NMRL, Ambernath Electronics System Design, FATS,HATS, SATS and Trial geometry for sonar evaluation
1339 Dr. Achintya Krishna Sarkar Scientist 'G' 07/08/2021 bangalore DRDL Hyderabad Missile Simulation and Modeling
1340 Shri Satwinder Singh Scientist 'G' 12/08/2021 pune ARDE Armament Technology
1341 Shri MUNIKRISHNAIAH.A Scientist 'E' 12/08/2021 bangalore AERONAUTICAL DEVELOPMENT ESTABLISHMENT tool design
1342 Shri SELVARAJ P Scientist/Engineer SG 12/08/2021 bangalore Laboratory for Electro Optics Systems - ISRO Product development
1343 Shri Dershan Lal Sapra Scientist 'F' 13/08/2021 pune MILIT Pune Scientific and Academic work
1345 Shri ATUL AHLUWALIA Scientist 'G' 23/08/2021 delhi SPIC, DRDO Installation Commissioning, Operation and Maintenance of Communication Networks. SAI Site Management
1346 Shri Krishan Gopal Kapoor Scientist 'F' 06/09/2021 delhi Dte. of Quality Reliability and Safety, DRDO HQrs, New Delhi 1.Fire, Explosive, Environmental and Industrial Safety Management 2. Maintenance Management of Chemical Plants
1347 Dr. Devinder Pal Ghai Scientist 'G' 08/09/2021 delhi Laser Science and Technology Centre (LASTEC), Delhi Directed Energy Weapons, Laser Beam Propagation, Laser Beam Characterisation, Adaptive Optics
1348 Dr. Vijaya Singh OS 09/09/2021 hyderabad CEPTAM, DRDO, Delhi Aluminium and Magnesium alloys and castings. Additive manufacturing of metallic components.
1349 Dr. A T Reghunath Scientist 'G' 09/09/2021 delhi LASTEC Development of lasers, Optical systems, Testing of lasers, Testing of optical assemblies.
1350 Shri Mahesh Prabhakar Mulay Scientist 'E' 13/09/2021 pune ARDE Manufacture of PZT4 powder and its device components
1351 Dr. Vikas Kumar DS and Director 13/9/2021 hyderabad DMRL, Hyderabad Mechanical Metallurgy, Fatigue, Fracture & Damage Mechanics, Mechanical Testing, Structure Properties Co-relationships ips,
1352 Dr. Reena Sharma Scientist 'G' 13/09/2021 bangalore Centre for Airborne Systems Project Managment and System Engineering for complex airborne sytem of systems
1353 Shri Anil Scientist 'G' 14/09/2021 bangalore ADE Fabrication and Tool Design of fibre reinforced plastics
1354 Shri Rama Murthy Cherukupalli Scientist 'D' 17/092021 hyderabad DLRL Problem solving from theory and practice.
1355 Dr. YEGIREDDI SATYANARAYANA Scientist 'G' 18/092021 hyderabad Centre for High Energy System and Sciences (CHESS) AI in Science & Engineering applications in detection,classification prediction,System Engineering, Optimal Design etc & Geophysical Exploration offshore and onshore investigations, groundwater, Geoengineering and Search operations
1357 Shri Chirag Padmakant Dewan Scientist 'G' 21/09/2021 delhi SPACE APPLICATIONS CENTRE opto-mechanical design
1358 Shri Nagaraja R Scientist 'E' 21/9/2021 bangalore AERONAUTICAL DEV ESTT UAV POWERSUPPLY DESIGN, Design Test and certification & Project Management
1359 Dr. Raja Sunkara Scientist 'G' 22/09/2021 hyderabad NSTL Design Development of Onboard systems, Instrumentation systems for Torpedos and Autonomous Vehicles.
1360 Shri KUMARASWAMY K G CHIEF DESIGNER 30/09/2021 bangalore RWR&DC, HINDUSTAN AERONAUTICS LIMITED R&M analysis, Military & Civil Certification
1361 Major General BASAVARAJ GURUSIDDAPPA GILGANCHI Major General 30/09/2021 bangalore Army Program/ Project Management; Technical Evaluation & Quality Assurance
1362 Shri RAJASEKHARAN NAIR K V Scientist 'G' 02/10/2021 bangalore NPOL KOCHI R&D of Fuel Cells and Marine Corrosion, HRD & HRM, Laboratory Administration and Counseling
1364 Dr. Gopal Bhushan Scientist 'H' 09/10/2021 delhi JCB/DG(MED & CoS) Technical/R&D Management; Personnel Management, Human Resource & Training; International Defence Cooperation;
1365 Shri Odapalli Hemanth Scientist 'F' 12/10/2021 hyderabad Research Centre Imarat , Hyderabad Real Time Simulation
1366 Shri Prashanta Chakraborty OS 22/10/2021 delhi Laboratory for Electro-Optics Systems(LEOS), ISRO, Bengaluru
1368 Wing Commander A V Joshi Scientist 'F' 23/11/2021 bangalore CEMILAC DRDO Bengaluru 37 yrs
1370 Shri Raju YST Scientist 'H' 02/12/2021 bangalore CVRDE Design and development, performance evaluaiton of Hydraulics & Electric Gun and Turret drive systems for AFVs, Performance of evaluation of Fire Control System for AFVs and Development of Landing gear hydraulic systems for Aircrafts
1371 Shri Navneet Bhushan Scientist 'D' 03/12/2021 bangalore Institute for systems studies and analyses
1372 Dr. Indira Narayanaswamy Scientist 'G' 09/12/2021 bangalore Aeronautical Development Agemcy, Bangalore
1373 Shri Kamesh Goyal Scientist 'G' 10/12/2021 bangalore CEMILAC,DRDO
1374 Shri Anil Kumar Vidyarthi Scientist 'G' 17/12/2021 bangalore Gas Turbine Research Establishment, CV Raman Nagar, Bangalore - 560093 Infrastructure development and Maintenance, Machine tools and equipment maintenance
1375 Shri Anil Kumar Aggarwal Scientist 'G' 28/12/2021 delhi O/o DG MED & CoS CNT, MMIC, MEMS, SOFTWARE, IT, INSTRUMENTATION, EXTRAMURAL FUNDING, DEVICES
1376 Shri Nakharu Prasad Scientist 'F' 29/12/2021 pune ARDE Quality Assurance of Armament Systems
1378 Dr. B Aruljothi Scientist 'G' 05/01/2022 bangalore CVRDE AVADI Development of AUTOMOTIVE SYSTEM, LANDING GEAR SYSTEM and SYSTEM INTEGRATOR
1379 Smt. Purnima Malhotra Scientist 'G' 05/01/2022 delhi LASTEC,Delhi lasers
1380 Shri Manchoor Hari Prasad Scientist 'F' 08/01/2022 bangalore ADE Aircraft structues
1381 Shri Anuj Kumar Goel Scientist 'G' 09/01/2022 bangalore Office of DG(Aero), Bangalore 6-DOF Mathematical Modelling for various Fighter aircraft
1382 Shri V Anjaneya Prasad Scientist 'F' 14/01/2022 hyderabad DRDL Quality Assurance of Missile Systems
1383 Dr. Sunder Amartur Scientist 'C' 21/01/2022 bangalore ADE
1384 Smt. Sandipa Chakraborty Scientist 'F' 23/01/2022 pune R&DE(Engrs) Project conceptualisation, design, development
1385 Shri K J Thomas Scientist 'F' 23/01/2022 pune DG(ACE) Mechanical Engineering Design
1386 Shri Pashupathi A Scientist 'F' 01/02/2022 bangalore CVRDE Design and development of Mechanical systems of Armoured Fighting Tracked Vehicles (Arjun MBT) & its variants (BLT T-72 & Arjun BLT) and its field evaluation / trials
1387 Group Captain Sanjay Kumar Dash Group Captain 09/02/2022 bangalore Aeronautical Development Establishment Trained on Aircraft Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul, Quality Assurance of Aeronautical Systems
1388 Shri PS Nagaraj Scientist 'E' 09/02/2022 bangalore CASDIC (DARE) Verification of Drawings,Design of Qualifiction Test Fixtures, 3D Modeling and 2D Drawings
1389 Dr. Arundhati Bhattacharyya Scientist 'H' 16/02/2022 hyderabad RCI Design of Software
1390 Shri Rajeev Srivastava Sc. F/ Dy. Project Director (Programme Management)-AMCA 09/03/2022 bangalore ADA Bangalore
1391 Shri Balachandran Sashidaran Scientist 'E' 22/03/2022 pune ARDE Closing reports; Technical Reports; Codification;
1392 Shri Rajeshwer Dattatrey Mone Deputy General Manager (Design) 25/03/2022 bangalore AIRCRAFT UPGRADE RESEARCH AND DESIGN CENTRE HINDUSTAN AERONAUTICS LTD NASIK Mechanical Design and Drawing, Russian Materials, Structural Repairs of fighter aircraft
1394 Shri Ugender Reddy Madadi Scientist 'H' 19/04/2022 hyderabad DRDL, Hyderabad Mechanical Engineering
1395 Dr. Ram Ratan Scientist 'G' 24/04/2022 delhi SAG Analysis and Evaluation of Cryptography based Security Products
1396 Dr. Ashok Kumar Scientist 'H' 2/05/2022 delhi Defence Electronics Applications Laboratory Dehradun Experience in systems design and development of Gigabit mm wave/sub-terahertz wireless links Knowledge of mm wave/sub-terahertz devices/components Experience in generation,detection, control and translation Experience in troposcatter communications links Experience in Long range troposcatter communication links
1397 Shri Alok Asoke Mukherjee Scientist 'G' 02/05/2022 pune R&DE(Engrs) Project Management
1399 Dr. M Ramanathan Scientist 'F' 07/05/2022 bangalore CVRDE Manufacturing Processes, Inspection, Fabrication , Assembly, Testing and Trial Evaluation. Project Management activities ,HR, Motor Transport and Management Services.
1400 Lt Col Satyendra Verma lt Col 19/05/2022 bangalore Indian Army My expertise lies in Human body Aviation. My vast experience of flying Microlights, Paragliders, Paramotors, Hot air balloons and large number of freefall and wingsuit jumps has given me an insight into how the human body can be used to fly fully or semi-independent of engine thrust. I have worked on many variations of ideas on how mini jets can be used to augment human body flying into the battlefield and how this can be used to achieve specific operational objectives.
1401 Dr. Kampa Ashirvadam Scientist 'G' 01/06/2022 bangalore GTRE, Bangalore Screech Mitigation
1402 Shri P V Venkatesan Scientist 'E' 01/06/2022 bangalore CVRDE Design & Development of Mechanical Assemblies and Sustenance Management Activities
1403 Shri Arvind Parihar Scientist 'E' 06/06/2022 delhi Defence Lab Jodhpur Design and development of Nuclear Radiation Monitoring systems
1404 Shri Nandula Suryanarayana Scientist 'G' 06/06/2022 hyderabad DRDO Headquarters, New Delhi Project Planning & Management, Team Building & Leadership, Problem solving & Time management
1405 Shri V. Sarveswaran Scientist 'G' 13/06/2022 bangalore Aeronautical Development Estt Project Management
1406 Shri Sambat Mahto Addl General Manager(Design) 14/06/2022 bangalore Hindustan Aeronautics Limited(HAL), Bangalore Design & Development, Integration of Avionics System on A/c
1407 Dr. Devnathan Sukumaran Scientist 'F' 21/06/2022 delhi DRDE Arthropod vector control
1408 Dr. Arvind Kumar Saxena Scientist 'H' 22/06/2022 delhi DMSRDE, Kanpur Molecular Engineering, polymer composites and nano materials
1409 Shri Rishi Pal Singh Scientist 'F' 22/06/2022 delhi SSPL Human Resource Management, Acoustic Sensors, Snow Avalanche, Land Slides and Underwater Communication
1410 Smt. V .Jayashree Shivkumar Scientist 'G', Addl Dir(GCS) 22/06/2022 bangalore CVRDE 1) Creation of Test Facility,Development of test Rigs and performance validation
1411 Shri Rajesh Prabhakar Rao Khapli GENERAL MANAGER 29/06/2022 bangalore AIRCRAFT UPGRADE RESEARCH AND DESIGN CENTER HAL NASHIK Design and Development of Hydraulic and ECS Systems
1412 Shri Kumarsamy Annamalai Scientist 'G' 29/06/2022 bangalore CVRDE, AVADI Design & development of Military Vehicle engines and its associated systems and optimisation
1413 Shri A R Raghunath Scientist 'G' 29/06/2022 bangalore CEMILAC
1414 Dr. Theerthamalai Pakkiri Scientist 'H' 29/06/2022 hyderabad DRDL, Hyderabad Missile design and development
1415 Shri Suresh Kumar S P Out standing Scientist 01/07/2022 bangalore Gas Turbine Research Establishment Complex Product Development, Core competence in high speed accessory gearboxes., Specialist test rigs, Project Management, Proposals
1417 Dr. Krishan Kumar Dahiya Scientist 'F' 04/07/2022 delhi CEPTAM, Delhi Technical Services
1418 Dr. Simon K John Scientist 'G' 09/07/2022 bangalore CEMILAC 1. 10 yrs plus teaching cum training experience for In-services and Ab-initio Aeronautical Engineers and Technicians from IAF , MBA students of Mgt Institute and Visiting Guest faculty for Engineering and Management Institutions.
1419 Dr. Rajendra singh SCIENTIST 'G' 09072022 delhi CFEES, Development of Halon Alternative Fire Suppression Materials, Technical Co-ordination & Human Resources, R&D Management, Organometallic Precursors, Electronic materials, Co-ordination Chemistry, Technical services, Support services, Chemical process development,Inorganic-organic Hybrid Polymers, Project Management Techno managerial and administration, Chemical process development , NABL accreditation, HR development
1420 Shri Kudeti Venkata Ramana Rao Scientist 'F' 14/07/2022 hyderabad RCI, HYDERABAD
1421 Shri Huliraj Rayadurga Vasanthamurthy Chief designer 21/07/2022 bangalore HAL
1422 Shri Himakanta Keshi Scientist 'G' 25/07/2022 hyderabad NSTL Design of torpedoes, submarines, warships and high speed boats
1423 Smt. T S Padma Priya General Manager, SLRDC,HAL,Hyderabad 27/07/2022 hyderabad Hindustan Aeronautics Limited Signal processing, Missile electronics, Sensors for Avionic systems, Transfer of Technology
1424 Dr. Prakash M Koli Scientist 'F' 03/08/2022 pune NMRL Cathodic protection and computer modeling of design ICCP sysetms
1425 Commodore(Retd) Akash Kapur Advisor(Navy)/DG(PC&SI) 03/08/222 delhi DRDO Hqs/DG(PC&SI) Air Independent Propulsion/UW Electronics
1426 Dr. Vijay Purushottam Bansod Scientist 'G' 30/08/2022 pune HEMRL 1. Qualification of Raw materials. 2. Quality Control during processing of Propellants & Explosives. 3. Quality control of Propellants & explosives , Inspection & clearance of Lots at of various production OFs & Trade.
1427 Shri Shaik Alla Bhakshu Scientist 'F' 30/08/2022 hyderabad DMRL Welding and Manufacturing , Quality Assurance
1428 Shri Romesh Kumar Gambhir Scientist 'F 16/09/2022 delhi METCALFE HOUSE DELHI 110054 Evaluated with detail analysis of about 44 crypto products and prepared 35 crypto product reports(secret) and developed various tools and techniques for cryptanalysis. During these period four crypto products compromised and retrieve key sequences by our team in which I was the Team Leader. Served as Head(HR), Head(ECHMS) consecutively for 5 yrs and served about 3 years as Head(Store) in SAG.
1429 Shri Sanjay A Annigeri Scientist 'F' 16/09/2022 delhi HQATVP Consultation towards indigenous development, validation & trials requirements of marine equipment
1430 Shri Suresh Kumar N Scientist 'D' 02/10/2022 bangalore CVRDE Passive & Semi-active Hydro-gas suspension systems
1431 Shri John Britto K S Scientist 'G' 02/10/2022 bangalore Aeronautical Development Agency Hydraulic/Landing Gear/Braking system & LRU development and testing
1432 Dr. Gurusamy Ramaghuru Scientist 'H' /OS 06/10/2022 hyderabad Advanced Systems Laboratory
1433 Dr. Madhu Vemuri Scientist 'H'/OS 12/10/2022 hyderabad DMRL Protective Armour development for protection against various threats and standards for land, aero and naval combat platforms, project formulation, long term perspective planning, project management, administration
1434 Shri Ramesh chandra mohanlal Parmar Scientist 'H' 27/10/2022 delhi Space Applications Centre, ISRO, Ahmedabad Circuitdesign review
1435 Shri Birendra Singh Chauhan Scientist 'G' 03//11/2022 delhi Instruments R&D Establishment (IRDE), Raipur Road, Dehradun 248008 System design, Interfacing, Integration and evaluation : Design, development, system engineering & evaluation of multi-disciplinary Electro-optical Surveillance and Fire Control System for Indian Navy and Army involving image processing, auto video tracking, line of sight stabiliz ation & ballistic computation spearheaded the development of thermal imaging products at IRDE.
1436 Captain (I.N.) Sudeep Sen Captaion ( Submarine Safety) 05/11/2022 delhi DIRECTORATE OF SUBMARINE SAFETY, IHQ MOD(NAVY) Design of Nuclear Radiation Contamination and Surveillance systems.
1437 Shri S Ravi Kumar Senior Manager 12/11/2022 bangalore HAL Selection of metallic and Composite materials, qualification, certification for Aircraft and Helicopter projects
1438 Dr. Adapaka Srinivas Kumar Scientist 'H' 01/12/2022 hyderabad NSTL Batteries & Explosives
1439 Dr. Krishna Kumar Gupta Scientist F 01/12/2022 delhi DMSRDE, PO GT Road, Kanpur-208013, UP Development of High Altitude thermal insulation clothing items, Study and development of Visual, NIR, Radar and thermal protective Camouflage products.
1440 Shri Mangesh Shankar Kulkarni Scientist 'F' 05/12/2022 pune ARDE, Pune Design & Development of Armament systems
1441 Shri KPS Murthy OS & Director 06/12/2022 pune HEMRL Pune Warhead, Fuzes & energetic Systems
1442 Shri GVV Satyanarayana Scientist 'E' 07/12/2022 hyderabad RCI, hyderabad Servo & solenoid Valves, documentation, design & dev of jigs and fixures
1443 Shri PRADEEP MAHULI Scientist 'G', Regional Director (Aircraft) 26/12/2022 bangalore CEMILAC
1444 Ms. Vimala Narayanan Scientist G 20/01/2023 bangalore Gas Turbine Research Establishment Design & development of GT engines components, installation of Gas turbine engines in high altitude and flying test bed
1445 Group Captain HANUMANTAPPA RANGASWAMY RAGHUNATH Project Manager (Airborne Systems) 01/02/2023 bangalore LRDE
1446 Dr. JOTHI S Scientist 'F' 01/02/2023 bangalore CVRDE, AVADI, CHENNAI - 600054 Finite element analysis and multi body dynamic analysis
1447 Shri Deelip Deoram Dhawale Scientist 'F' 01/02/2023 pune VRDE Ahmednagar 1. Design & Dev of mobile
1448 Shri RAMAKRISHNA SUSARLA Scientist 'G' 01/02/2023 pune VRDE
1449 Air Marshal Kuldeep Sharma Air Marshal 09/02/2023 hyderabad Indian Air Force Maintainance, Repair and Overhaul of Aeroengine and air craft
1450 Dr. Niranjan Prasad Scientist 'G' 23/02/2023 hyderabad DLRL Electronic Warfare, Radar ECM, GPS, GAGAN System
1451 Dr. Yashwant Ramchandra Mahajan Scientist 'G' 02/03/2013 pune DMRL/DRDL Advanced Ceramics, Titanium Alloys (Materials for Defense Physical Metallurgy/Aerospace)
1452 Shri Rishipal Singh Pundir Scientist 'H' 06/03/2023 delhi DEAL
1453 Shri A V RAGHUPATHY Scientist 'F' 06/03/2023 bangalore CVRDE AVADI CHENNAI 600054 Fabrication and manufacturing
1454 Shri KOTHANDARAMAN PERUMAL Scientist 'G' 17/3/2023 bangalore COMBAT VEHICLES RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT ESTABLISHMENT AVADI CHENNAI 600054 Aircraft, UAV, system development & testing,TANK T-72, Arjun MBT MK-IA, TOT
1455 Dr. VELIDANDLA VENKATA BHANU PRASAD Scientist 'G' 18/03/2023 hyderabad Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory (DMRL), Hyderabad Hypersonic Materials
1456 Shri T Sudhakar Rao Scientist 'G' 16/04/2023 hyderabad DRDL Hyderabad Rocket Ramjet Propulsion, Structural Analysis, Testing & Qualification of Flight Components
1457 Shri BANDI RAMA KRISHNA REDDY Scientist 'H' 26/04/2023 hyderabad RCI HYDERABAD Radar SEEKERS, Radio proximity Fuses, Radomes, Stealth Systems & Antennas
1458 Dr. Niranjanappa A C Scientist 'H' 15/05/2023 bangalore CABS Bangaluru Aircraft Memtenence & Operations, Flight R&D, Qualification Testing, Certification & Programme Management.
1459 Shri VISHNU CHANDRA JHA Scientist ‘H’/OS & Director, DMS 17/05/2023 hyderabad DRDO HQ A. Production Engineering: Manufacturing Process, Production Planning, Methods, Quality Assurance , Tool Engineering and Integration of Weapon System. B. Project Management.
1460 Dr. Devendra Jha Scientist 'G' 24/05/2023 delhi SAG, Delhi
1461 Shri VIJAYAMOHAN K Scientist 'F' 16/05/2023 bangalore ADE, Bangalore Design and development of systems for application software, Project Management
1462 Dr. Raj Kumar Scientist 'F' 02/06/2023 pune ARDE Armament Design And Measurement
1463 Dr. Ramachandra S Scientist 'G' 02/06/2023 bangalore Gas Turbine Research Establishment
1464 Dr. Rajesh K K Scientist 'G' 02/06/2023 hyderabad DRDL Design, Development and Testing of Solid and Hybrid Rocket Motors.
1465 Shri SUNIL KUMAR SACHDEV Scientist 'E' 11/06/2023 delhi SSPL Miniature Stirling Cryocooler Development, Manufacturing of Miniature components, Testing.
1466 Dr. Tapash Kumar Nandy Scientist 'H' 13/06/2023 hyderabad Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory Applied Materials Research
1467 Shri RAJIV NARANG Scientist 'H' 20/06/2023 delhi CFEES EXPLOSIVE SAFETY
1468 Shri V SUBRAMANIAN Scientist 'G' 28/06/2023 bangalore AERONAUTICAL DEVELOPMENT ESTABLISHMENT Field Operations planning & excecution, Technical requirements capturing, formlation and management, project data capture and management
1469 Shri DASHPATI UPADHYAY DIRECTOR ( equivalent to Sc-E) 01/07/2023 hyderabad SSQAG c/o ASL, DRDO, HYDERABAD Repair and maintenance of IAF aircrafts and their subsysems
1470 Shri Munis Abdul Rehman Shaikh Scientist F 03/07/2023 pune High Energy Materials Research Laboratory, Sutarwadi, Pune 411021 Desin, Development & Evaluation of Gun Propellant. Development of Modular Charge System for Artillery Gun. ToT documentation. AHSP transfer to DGQA..
1471 Dr. AGINAPARRU SAMBASIVA RAO Scientist 'F' 11/07/2023 hyderabad DMRL, DRDO, Hyderabad Failure analysis of different components suffered due to (i) Accidents, (ii) components failed during operations and services and (iii). Foreign object damages (FODs) etc., for Indian Armed Forces, Ordinance Factories, Defence PSUs and DRDO sister laboratories.
1472 Shri D V RAMANA RAO Scientist 'F' 11/07/2023 hyderabad DLRL Project activities management, e-resource management, digitisation and database development.
1473 Dr. RANJAN KUMAR MISHRA Scientist 'G' 11/07/2023 bangalore CEMILAC Gas Turbine Engine component design, testing and qualification
1474 Shri Gummadi Veera Siva Brahmendra Kumar Scientist 'G' 20/07/2023 hyderabad Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory 1. Indigenous technology development of Titanium sponge, 2. Transfer of Technology of production of Titanium Sponge, 3. Design, Development, Installation & Commissioning of Process Instrumentation & Control System for Titanium Sponge Production Technology on industrial scale.
1475 Col (R) Bontha Venkataratna Bhavani Prasad Scientist 'G' 31/07/2023 hyderabad DLRL System Integrations, Field evaluation of EW System, Intracom System for EW Networking.
1477 Dr. Manmohan Singh Scientist ‘H’ & OS , Ex Director VRDE 01/082023 pune VRDE Ahmednagar Specialists vehicle & Trailer Development, Bullet proof Canopies & Vehicle Armour Protection9 More details given in Key Areas
1478 Dr. Kurada Veera Bhoga Vasantha Rayudu Scientist 'G' 010823 hyderabad Research Centre Imarat(RCI)/DRDO,MoD,Vignyanakancha PO,Hyderabad-500069 Reliability Analysis of Missile Systems(Avionic SystemsLRU/Missile level)
1479 Shri KVSS Vidya Sankar Scientist 'D' 08/09/2023 hyderabad NSTL Project Management, Project expenditue and Technical cordination
1480 Dr. Khem Chand Wadhwa OS / Scientist 'H' 15/09/2023 delhi CFEES, Delhi Fire Advisory, Consultancy, Audit, Review and Fire Safety Training. In addition, R & D in the field of Fire Safety .
1481 Dr. MADHU BALA Director and Scientist 'G' 03/10/2023 delhi DIBER, DRDO (2017-2022), INMAS, DRDO (1988-2017) Biological Radioprotection, radiation oncology, drug development, pathogen detection, biofuel, bioenergy
1482 Shri Koneri Raju Service Rank, Manager 01/11/2023 hyderabad BDL, Hyderabad studying component and sub-assyl drugs receiving from other divisions, arraning the tools and fixtures for the manufacturing of components and sub assemblies and main Integration of missile ny using Auto CAD.
1483 Smt. Pratibha Yadav Scientist 'G' 15/11/2023 delhi Scientific Analysis Group (SAG) cryptanalysis of Crypto algorithms, Cryptosystems and crypts
1484 Prof. Narahari Datta G Scientist 'G' 23/11/2023 bangalore ISRO / ISTRAC Aero Space and Propulsion, Antenna system
1485 Shri Rajeev Kumar Jain MANAGER (DESIGN) 02/12/2023 bangalore HAL BENGALURU Designing of Avionics Systems and System Integration and Testing
1486 Shri B V Anandarao Patnaik OS 02/12/2023 bangalore Gas Turbine Research Establishment Predictive Health Management (Diagnostics and Prognostics) of Gas Turbine Engines, Life Extension Studies
1487 Dr. ALOK JAIN Scientist 'G' 02/12/2023 delhi SSPL/CEPTAM
1488 Shri RAJESH KUMAR TANWAR Scientist 'G' 02/12/2023 delhi CFEES, DRDO, Delhi Explosive Safety
1489 Dr. Vinod Kumar Gandotra Scientist 'G' 02/01/2024 delhi Solid State Physics Laboratory Growth and Characterization of Bulk & Epitaxial Semi Conductor infrared materials, purification of materials
1490 Dr. R Raman Scientist 'G' 03/01/2024 delhi SSPL Delhi Optical Characterization
1491 Shri NSV Rama Raju Service Rank (Addl.Gen. Manager) 04/01/2024 hyderabad Bharat Dynamics Limited (BDL) Indigenous Torpedo/Missile Project execution from absorption of Technology to delivery to customer inculding TOT, Technical Documentation activity.
1492 Shri Ram Narayana Vootoori Dy General Manager 05/01/2024 hyderabad Bharat Dynamics Limited Quality and Reliability
1493 Dr. Mukesh Kumar Jain Scientist 'G' 29/01/24 delhi CFEES,Delhi Fire advisory, Trainer, Investigator and Disaster Management
1494 Dr. Ashok Govind Nagarkar Scientist 'F' 02/02/24 pune HEMRL HE composition preparation
1495 Shri SRIHARI REDDIPALLI Scientist 'G' 06/02/2024 hyderabad NSTL Management services, thermal propulsion systems, shock& vibration studies
1497 Shri RAJESH KUMAR Scientist 'G' 09/02/2024 delhi RCMA (CEMILAC), DRDO Kanpur Military Airworthiness Certification of Transport category Aircraft & Airborne Stores/System
1498 Dr. RAJINDER KAUR SOKHI Scientist 'G' 14/02/2024 delhi Defence institute of psychological research Organizational behavior , research , training and development.
1499 Shri Narasimha Murty N Scientist 'G' 19/02/2024 hyderabad RCI Hyderabad Seeker Stabilisation and Tracking System
1500 Dr. Rakesh Ramesh Sanghavi Scientist 'G' 22/03/2024 pune HEMRL Processing, assembly and evaluation of gun propellants
1501 Dr. ROY JOHNSON Scientist 'G' 03/04/2024 hyderabad ARCI Advanced Ceramic Mateirals, its processing and shaping, development of transparent ceramics materials technology and development.
1502 Ms. SUDHA GUPTA Scientist 'G' 24/04/2024 delhi SSPL Infrared Detectors
1503 Dr. NAGA SATYA SRI RAMA KRISHNA PRASAD NALLI Scientist 'H' 01/05/2024 bangalore AERONAUTICAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY (ADA) Avionic Sensors & Systems
1504 Shri D L SIDDALINGAIAH Scientist 'F' 06/05/2024 bangalore DRDL Hyderabad Systems DEsign verification and Validation
1505 Shri V Subramanyam Scientist 'E' 07/05/2024 bangalore Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) Lean Agile and Scaled Agile Frameworks
1506 Shri KV Jagadish Scientist 'D' 07/05/2024 bangalore Aeronautical Development Establishment, Bangalore 560075
1507 Shri D R Balaji Scientist 'E' 09/05/2024 bangalore Aeronautical Development Establishment
1508 Shri T MOHANA RAO Scientist 'H' 13/05/2024 bangalore CEMILAC Design and Development of Aero Gas Turbines
1509 Shri Umesha K P Scientist 'G' 03/06/2024 bangalore Office of DG (ECS), LRDE Campus, Bengaluru Execution of Quality and Reliability processes, standards in Defence R&D Projects. Verification and validation of Airworthy software and complex electronic Hardware and Systems. Experienced in certification, FRACAS and enforcement of relevant standards and process Audit in Defence R&D projects
1510 Shri GURASIDDAPPA SHIVAPPA GUNNAPURE Scientist 'F' 08/06/2024 pune ARMAMENT RESEARCH & DEVOLPMENT ESTABLISHMENT PASHAN, PUNE-21 Design and Development Propulsion System
1511 Shri Pakki Venkata Satya Ganesh Kumar OS/Scientist H 11/06/2024 hyderabad NSTL Design of Mechanical systems with emphasis on Noise and Vibration Analysis with focus on Acoustic stealth signature management and control
1512 Dr. AJITH KUMAR K Outstanding scientist, Director NPOL 12/06/2024 bangalore Naval Physical & Oceanographic Laboratory, DRDO, Kochi Project leadership from Concept to Induction of complex defence system - Project Director of Maareech Advanced Torpedo Defence System
1513 Shri VENKATESH A SR DEPUTY GENERAL MANAGER 16/06/2024 bangalore BHARAT ELECTRONICS LTD Development of Radar modules,System Integration,Testing and conducting Trials
1514 Smt. MEENAKSHI SRIVASTAVA Scientist 'G' 05/07/2024 delhi SSPL DELHI Crystal Growth of advanced Semiconducting Materials and their product development
1515 Shri HARI N Scientist 'G' 07/07/2024 bangalore NPOL, KOCHI
1516 Dr. Chaganti RVS Nagesh Scientist 'G' 08/07/2014 hyderabad Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory Kanchanbagh Hyderabad Extractive metallurgy, development of metal production technologies, heat transfer
1517 Dr. Ginuga Jagan Reddy Scientist 'G' 18/07/2024 hyderabad DMRL- Hyderabad Development of Powder Metallurgy (PM) Products.
1518 Shri Miryala Buchi Banu Scientist 'G' 24/07/2024 hyderabad Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory, Hyderabad Project Management, Purchase Management
1519 Shri Rajashekar Somasundaram Scientist 'F' 04/08/2024 bangalore AERONAUTICAL DEVELOPMENT ESTABLISHMENT BANGALORE Lead level expertise in Layout studies, generation and vetting of 2D engineering drawings, 3D modeling and Tolerance selections. Expertise in Prototype Realization, Performance Evaluation & Validation.
1521 Maj Gen Mahesh Kumar Hada Maj Gen 13/08/2024 delhi Director Vigilance and Security DRDO HQ, New Delhi Education Expert, for establishing Universities, Institutions, Micro & Macro level
1522 Smt. Nidhi Sood Scientist 'G' 03/09/2024 delhi Terminal Ballistics Research Laboratory, Chandigarh EMI-EMC Testing
1523 Dr. AMIT BHATTACHARJEE Scientist 'H' 03/092024 hyderabad Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory (DMRL), Hyderabad Industrial scale development of titanium alloys for aeroengine and aircraft applications
1524 Dr. B.V.N. CHARYULU Scientist 'H' 05/09/2024 hyderabad DRDL Scramjet Proulsion, Hypersonics, Liquid rocket engines, Solid & Liquid ramjet engines, Development of Test Facilities for Liquid Propulsion Engines and Hypersonics
1526 Shri Chandrashekhar Padmakar Kulkarni Scientist 'G' 14/09/2024 delhi Solid State Physics Laboratory Delhi Design and Development of Semiconductor Devices, Cyber Security
1527 Shri KAPIL KUMAR JAIN Scientist 'G' 15/09/2024 delhi SOLID STATE PHYSICS LABORATORY Design and Development of Microwave/MEMS Components/Devices
1528 Smt. NEELAM VERMA Scientist 'G' 15/09/2024 delhi SAG, Delhi Cryptographic and Crypt Analytical Techniques, Patterns Recognition Techniques, Secure Communication
1531 Shri Lakhi Ram Chauhan Scientist 'F' 19/09/2024 delhi IRDE Chemical conversion coatings, Corrosion, Fuel cell, Chemical analysis
1532 Dr. Renuka Saxena Scientist 'F' 25/09/24 delhi Solid State Physics Lab Design and Development of Semiconductor Devices/Components
1533 Smt. Veena Makhija Scientist 'G' 26/09/2024 delhi SSPL, Delhi Knowledge Management
1534 Dr. Rakesh Kumar Tyagi Scientist 'G' 27/09/2024 delhi LASTEC, Delhi High Power Lasers and Allied Areas
1536 Shri Srinivas Kadiyala Scientist 'H' 30/09/2024 hyderabad DRDL, Hyderabad
1537 Shri SELVARAJ K Scientist 'G' 18/10/2024 bangalore Aeronautical Development Establishment High Lift Wing Design Technology
1538 Shri BAJRANG LAL SHARMA Scientist 'G' 18/10/24 delhi SSPL Delhi
1539 Shri Nand Kishore Aguru Scientist 'G' 04/11/2024 hyderabad Centre For Fire Explosive and Environmental Safety. Handling of ammuntion , Explosive Safety Audit, Accident Investigation
1540 Shri Ravindra Kumar Jain Scientist 'H' 16/11/24 delhi SSPL, Delhi Design and Development of Laser Systems, Preparation of project documents like DPR, System Design, interfacing doc, safety doc etc. I also have good experience of project planning and execution.
1542 Shri Milind Sadashiorao Bokade Scientist 'G' 13/12/2024 pune ARDE Pune Ammunition design and development ,static tests, dynamic trial ,Analysis
1543 Dr. LALIT KIUMAR Scientist 'H', Director 10/01/2025 hyderabad MTRDC, Bengaluru VacuumTechnology
1545 Shri A RAMA CHANDRA MURTHY Scientist 'F' 24/01/2025 hyderabad DLRL Establish & Management of IT activities and Cyber Security