As you are aware that Delhi IDST branch has expertise in the area of Night vision, Electro optical Devices, optical Devices and components, Instrumentation, Material Science, Semiconductor devices, TECs, Microwave components and materials, EMI/EMC radiation hazard studies, Explosive detection techniques, stabilization techniques, Applied Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, Fire Science and Engineering, communication and antenna design, NBCD protection and detection, NBC hazard studies, Electronics reliability engineering, cancer biology, radiation biology, cell biology, avalanche studies and forecast, structure, radiological safety, Biotechnology, Nuclear disaster management, computer science & Information Technology, HR & Project Management, Characterization of high explosive materials, Fragmentation studies of warhead, ballistic evaluation of various protective systems, camouflage & detection studies test&Evalution,fire & Explosive Safety Eetc.
Institute of Defence Scientists and Technologists
c/o Solid State Physics Laboratory,
Lucknow Road, Timarpur
Delhi - 110 054
CFEES Campus
Brig. S K Majumdar Road,
Delhi - 110 054
CFEES Campus,
Brig SK Mazumdar Road,
Timarpur, Delhi- 110054
DLRL Campus,
Hyderabad - 500 005
Institute of Defence Scientists & Technologists
Pune Branch
ARDE Campus
35, DSC Line, Pashan
Pune - 411 021